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Everything posted by B773ER

  1. Pete, thanks for the info. I will try the steps you have outlined. If you want a good idea of what others are saying about this issue, please see the following thread at the avsim forums beginning around post #12. http://forum.avsim.net/topic/342347-climb-performance-problems/page__view__findpost__p__2047928 Some of the posts dont pertain but a lot do. If you would be so gracious to read through that thread in full I believe you will come away with a better understanding of the problems some of us are having. Regards, Eric
  2. Pete, It is the older serial port. I have a serial port to usb adapter to get it to work on my computer as it does not have a serial port. Yes, this throttle not going below 42% is only with the ngx. All other aircraft I can go to idle thrust, 42% N1 is not idle thrust on the ngx. Couple other users reported this in the pmdg forum as well with the PFC throttles. Do you think I would get better results mapping everything through fsuipc? According to pmdg mapping all your stuff through fsuipc will cause multiple control issues with the plane. I could try out though. Is there some instructions on how to map say the throttle ranges, toe brakes, etc.. through fsuipc our better yet, anyone have the pfc throttle console mapped through fsuipc and care to share their ini file? Thanks Eric
  3. Pete, Good day. I have the PFC throttle quadrant and jetliner yoke. For some reason the throttles will not go below around 42% after spending the auto throttle. As well I cannot get the gear or spoiler handle to work. I have used the PFC stuff since 2003 so I know how to set it up. This is the first time I have ever run into issues. My throttle axis is calibrated correctly as is everything else within the PFC UI. I have a few of the yoke buttons mapped through fsuipc and thats it. As well, there are people over in the pmdg ngx forum saying that you will not be able to run the ngx unless your hardware communicates directly with fsx. I am pretty sure the PFC stuff does not. There is a thread over there with PFC throttles in the title were other users are having the same issue. I am at my wits end as I am certainly not giving up my hardware for this plane. Do you have any suggestions? Should I try this LINDA software? Does it work with the PFC throttle console and yoke?
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