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Emile B.

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  1. I did investigate as you suggested and yes you were spot-on : on my flightsim rig there was a rule to allow P3D through the ESET firewall, but not one for FSUIPC7. Added that and problem solved. Many thanks indeed ! Cheers, Emile.
  2. Thanks John, files attached. I can confirm that my PMDG B738 was loaded and ready-to-fly at the gate before I ran WideClient.exe. FSUIPC7.log WideClient.ini WideClient.log WideServer.log
  3. On my Windows 11 flightsim rig I run P3Dv4.5 with FSUIPC v6.2.1, with WideFS enabled. On my Windows 10 client PC I run WideClient v7.16, which connects to P3D instantly. I recently added MSFS2020 (current v1.37.19.0) on my W11 rig with FSUIPC v7.4.17, with WideFS enabled. But on my W10 client PC, WideClient v7.16 (run from a different folder to the one I use with P3D) is NOT connecting to the sim but stays "waiting for a connection". I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Can anyone help ? Here is the contents of the respective WideClient.ini and WideClient.log files : In the WideClient folder on the client PC used for P3D, WideClient.ini content is : ; PLEASE SEE WideFS documentation for parameter details ; ===================================================== [Config] Port=8002 Window=-5,302,886,589 Visible=Yes ButtonScanInterval=20 ClassInstance=0 NetworkTiming=5,1 MailslotTiming=1000,1000 PollInterval=2000 Port2=9002 ReconnectMinutes=0 ResponseTime=18 ApplicationDelay=0 TCPcoalesce=No WaitForNewData=500 MaxSendQ=100 OnMaxSendQ=Log NewSendScanTime=50 Priority=3,1,2 ServerName=FLIGHTDECK Protocol=TCP ; ----------------------------------------------- [User] Log=Errors+ ; =============================================== [Sounds] Path=D:\WideClient\Sound\ Device1=Primary Sound Driver Device2=LG IPS FULLHD (Intel(R) Display Audio) And the contents of WideClient.log is : ********* WideClient Log [version 7.16] Class=FS98MAIN ********* Date (dmy): 21/09/24, Time 15:43:04.433: Client name is FLIGHTDECK2 187 LUA: "D:\WideClient\Initial.LUA": not found 187 Attempting to connect now 203 Trying TCP/IP host "FLIGHTDECK" port 8002 ... 203 ... Okay, IP Address = 203 Connection made okay! 421 Connection closed by server! 421 Attempting to connect now 421 Connection made okay! 91921 New Client Application: "Pilot2ATC_2021" (Id=14204) 157812 ****** End of session performance summary ****** 157812 Total time connected = 157 seconds 157812 Reception maximum: 30 frames/sec, 1059 bytes/sec 157812 Reception average whilst connected: 29 frames/sec, 715 bytes/sec 157812 Transmission maximum: 2 frames/sec, 412 bytes/sec 157812 Transmission average whilst connected: 0 frames/sec, 31 bytes/sec 157812 Max receive buffer = 767, Max send depth = 2, Send frames lost = 0 157812 **************** Individual client application activity **************** 157812 Client 14204 requests: 234 (Ave 1/sec), Data: 348884 bytes (2222/sec), Average 1490 bytes/Process 157812 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 3, Alloc 4920 Freed 4920 Refused 0) ********* In the WideFS7 folder on the client PC used for MSFS2020, WideClient.ini content is : ; PLEASE SEE WideFS documentation for parameter details ; ===================================================== [Config] Port=8002 Window=542,296,886,589 Visible=Yes ButtonScanInterval=20 ClassInstance=0 NetworkTiming=5,1 MailslotTiming=1000,1000 PollInterval=2000 Port2=9002 ReconnectMinutes=0 ResponseTime=18 ApplicationDelay=0 TCPcoalesce=No WaitForNewData=500 MaxSendQ=100 OnMaxSendQ=Log NewSendScanTime=50 Priority=3,1,2 ServerName=FLIGHTDECK Protocol=TCP ; ----------------------------------------------- [User] Log=Errors+ ; =============================================== [Sounds] Path=D:\WideFS7\Sound\ Device1=Primary Sound Driver Device2=Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio) And the contents of WideClient.log is : ********* WideClient Log [version 7.16] Class=FS98MAIN ********* Date (dmy): 21/09/24, Time 16:07:27.866: Client name is FLIGHTDECK2 172 LUA: "D:\WideFS7\Initial.LUA": not found 188 Attempting to connect now 188 Trying TCP/IP host "FLIGHTDECK" port 8002 ... 188 ... Okay, IP Address = 2578 ****** End of session performance summary ****** 2578 Total time connected = 0 seconds 2578 Reception maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec 2578 Transmission maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec 2578 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0, Send frames lost = 0 2578 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 0, Alloc 0 Freed 0 Refused 0) *********
  4. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I recently installed LINDA and now find that it loads automatically when I load P3DV4.5. I use FSUIPC for button actions and prefer to load LINDA manually only if I need it. How do I stop it from loading automatically ? Running FSUIPC6 6.109 on Windows 11 PC. Thanks in advance for any help. DISREGARD, sorry : found it (renamed ipcReady.lua). My bad 😊
  5. Yes, that worked a treat ! Many thanks indeed ! Regards, Emile.
  6. Hi Pete & John, A Lua plug-in I set up for the A2A C172 contains the following function : function C172_Door_Open_If_Closed() local doors doors = ipc.readUB(0x3367) if logic.And(doors,1) == 0 -- pilot door closed and ipc.readUB(0x0366) == 1 -- aircraft on ground then ipc.setbitsUB(0x3367, 1) end -- doors = ipc.ask("Which door?\n1=Pilot\n2=Pax\n3=Both") -- 1 = pilot, 2 = passenger, 3 = both -- if doors = 1 or doors = 2 or doors = 3 then -- check input is valid -- if ipc.readUB(0x0366) == 1 -- aircraft on ground -- then -- ipc.setbitsUB(0x3367, doors) -- end -- end end event.flag(54, "C172_Door_Open_If_Closed") The active section works fine. But I thought it would be handy to be able to select which door to open without having to edit the Lua script. So I replaced the active section below the "local doors" line with the section marked as Remarks above. Unfortunately no window to enter the door selection appears. Debug did not show a syntax error so it must be my logic (or more likely, the lack of it). Perhaps I cannot use a string as a mask to set a bit in offset 3367 and if so, how can I fix that ? Can you help put me on the right track ? Using FSUIPC 6.0.12 (registered) with P3DV4.5 HF3. Thanks for any hints. Regards, Emile.
  7. I just ran into the same issue - great to find a solution with a single search - thanks !
  8. Yayyy ! I edited the DASH8.MCRO file : changed the mouse click code for the Baro_STD action from 3 into 2 and PRESTO, that's done it ! THANK YOU SO MUCH ! As I use mouse macros a bit for the Dash-8 (and there is no middle button on the mouse I use), knowing this may come in handy for other functions as well - learnt something again 👍 Cheers, Emile.
  9. Thanks for your quick reply. I have since updated to V6.0.8 before doing anything else. I have since also assigned the BAROMETRIC_STD_PRESSURE control to a spare button on my programmable button box. I can confirm that this control does work with the default P3D AC11 Commander 114. In the Dash-8, a knob adjusting the barometer setting is operated by left or right clicking nearer the perimeter of the knob, and the barometer is set to STD pressure by left or right clicking in the centre of the knob. Done with the mouse, this works fine. I captured those three mouse clicks in a mouse macro. When assigned to a rotary switch, the captured mouse clicks to increase or decrease the barometer setting work fine, which is one good thing. However when looking at the macro file (attached), the mouse click in the centre looks to have produced the same command as the left click that decreases the barometer setting. Sure enough : when assigned to a button or key press, the so-called centre click produces a decrease in barometer setting instead. I have even zoomed in on the panel as far as I could to try & increase the accuracy of the mouse click on the centre of the knob, but to no avail. When I assigned the KOHLSMAN_INC and KOHLSMAN_DEC controls to the rotary switch via a Lua plug-in, again no luck. Hope you can make some sense out of this ! The FSUIPC6.ini and log files are attached, as is the DASH8.MCRO file. Thanks a lot, Emile. FSUIPC6.log DASH8.MCRO FSUIPC6.ini
  10. I have assigned a number of controls to key presses using the drop-down box in FSUIPC V6-0-3, for the Majestic Q400 Dash-8, in P3DV4.5 HF3. One of those - the BAROMETRIC_STD_PRESSURE control (66846) - does not work : when the command is executed with a barometric pressure other than 1013, the barometer does not change to 1013, which is what I would have expected. I must have done something wrong, but what ? All other controls assigned through drop-down box selection are working fine. Any help much appreciated.
  11. Thanks a lot, Thomas ! Regards, Emile.
  12. Thanks a lot, John ! Regards, Emile.
  13. Is it possible to refresh a lua plug-in without having to reload the aircraft that uses it ? I am editing a lua plug-in that I wrote for the PMDG NGX to use it with the PMDG NGXu. Testing modifications currently requires me to restart P3DV4.5 as PMDG aircraft can't be loaded over the top of one another, which is rather time-consuming. Sorry if this has already been asked, but I did search the forum to begin with, to no avail. Any help much appreciated. Thanks, Emile Bax.
  14. Hi Peter, I have just established that the two Lvar writes do indeed work when I put them in a function and call that via a flag event. So I will put an ipc.sleep in front of the two lines to delay their execution and see if they still work when inside the auto loaded lua plug-in but not inside a function. Cheers, Emile.
  15. Hi Peter, that's a good point. Yes they are existing LVars and I know that they worked in the FSX version of the PMDG 737NG. Therefore I just assumed - possibly erroneously - that this would also apply in the P3D version. I will first of all use your suggestion of a keypress to verify if the Lvar writes do indeed work but may be sent too soon, in which case a delay would fix the problem. I would have to check if there is a control that lowers the yokes, as previously writing the Lvars did the trick. Sure, a mouse click will lower them but that's a bit easy ! All in all, many thanks for your helpful suggestions. Regards, Emile.
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