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robert mcdonald

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About robert mcdonald

  • Birthday 05/25/1949

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    YouTube channel RSM2000e

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  1. I am hoping I might get a small discount if I also purchase FSUIPC 6 for P3d v6 - but unsure if owning FSUIPC 7 for MSFS gets me any price consideration at SimMarket? Thank you Mssrs. Dowson!
  2. many thanks for the illumination, John it is greatly appreciated! I was able to get your initial lines of code (Presets) assigned to the buttons "use presets" just fine, but I was initially clueless how to include the second group of commands to add logic to check the position of the hardware switches so they are synchronized with the sim... after some fumbling about, I was in the 'use presets' area for the pmdg 737, and discovered lo and behold, there is a SECOND section of presets further down the list "pmdg 737-7" where the more advanced logic code to match up with the on-screen Virtual Cockpit were present. So I selected those instead (screenshots included): LEFT engine (engine 1) Fuel lever assignments - note "Select for Preset" must be checked off, then find the appropriate commands as shown using the drop-down window in "Control sent when button pressed" as well as "Control sent when button released". Be sure to scroll down to the second group of 737 presets '737-7" where these commands are found. Here are the screenshots for the RIGHT-side (engine #2) fuel cutoff levers for the PMDG 737-700. thank you John! robert
  3. Thanks for this John- I have 2 issues and some questions- 1- where can I download the user guide for FSUIPC 7.x? could you provide a link please? Might be worth pinning? 2- The beginning of this response from you you show some code to determine the position(s) of the fuel cutoff levers for the PMDG 737. Where exactly do I place this code? I would surmise possibly in the FSUIPC.ini somehow? Does the code you list only determine the levers' initial position(s) or does the code also respond when the hardware (not virtual) levers are moved up or down? Finally does your code in this segment 'replace' the rotor brake button assignments that I showed in my initial post here? Oh, and how can I 'follow' this post to see responses? Cannot see a way to do that? Thank you in advance. Robert
  4. Recently I purchased fuel cutoff levers for my PMDG 737 and was having a problem programming them in MSFS. I elected to purchase FSUIPC7 (and already owned WideFS), so I popped in my email and serial numbers and away I went. These steps worked well for me, and bonus, the fuel levers move on screen along with your hardware!! Note: If you get out of sync with the animated levers in the on-screen cockpit, use your mouse to 'switch' the on-screen levers to the match up with your hardware levers! Simple! I start MSFS with the 737 engines 'off' so I start with my hardware levers in the down position. When you install MSFS, you must also install WIDEFS, if you previously owned an older version of FSUIPC, you do NOT have to purchase WIDEFS over again, but you need your registration details (email and serial number) from wherever you bought it, most likely SimMarket. Once you have installed BOTH FSUIPC7 (for MSFS) and WIDEFS, you start MSFS. FSUIPC starts automatically. When you are in MSFS, press ALT+F to bring up FSUIPC. In the menu at the top, click on Buttons . Then just complete as shown in the pictures and click OK. Close FSUIPC window and in the sim watch the onscreen levers move to match you moving your new hardware levers! Bingo! Click on screen shot thumbnails below to view full image. Start FSUIPC7 (ALT+F) - Then across top menu - Choose Buttons & Switches. Move the first lever you want to program up and down a couple times so FSUIPC can recognize it. Put a checkmark in the box "Select for FS Control". In the drop-down window on the right side of screen, "Control Sent When Button Pressed" - choose ROTOR BRAKE. Then enter the value 68801. Repeat the process for "Control Sent When Button Released" Once again, choose Rotor Brake and value 68801. Click OK. Then repeat this process, but this time move Lever #2 up and down a time or two until FSUIPC identifies the correct Joystick and Button Number. Then do everything just as above EXCEPT the numerical value for the right side lever is 68901. You can refer to the screen shots to make sure your work is correct. Your JOYSTICK may be a different letter depending on how many joysticks you have. The BUTTON NUMBERS though should match the shots here (I think). Information provided is without warranty and end user assumes all risks of use thereof.
  5. Wonderful news, Pete! I shall purchase FSUIPC5 on release day, and glad to pay for it! You deserve to be supported for the considerable work to move us up to 64-bit interface with P3dv4. And I know the hardware developers (among others) in the industry will be VERY GLAD that their user base can migrate to 64-bits as well! Looking forward to your release and THANKS SO MUCH for it (in advance) Robert McDonald
  6. I just want to express my admiration for Pete and his fine FSUIPC program. Because of Pete, I am able to enjoy several benefits that wouldn't be possible without him - not least of which are VATSIM realtime ATC networked, along with being able to calibrate my Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog Joystick and Throttle directly within FSUIPC and assign those devices to functions within FSX whilst being able to disable all my control surfaces WITHIN FSX. IMHO, FSUIPC provides much better interface, more accurate calibration, and none of the unexpected problems I ran into whilst trying to run those surfaces solely from within FSX/Windows. Did I mention LINDA as well? Combine LINDA with FSUIPC and a whole new world of button programming opens up for flight simmers. THANK YOU, Mr. Dowson! Robert McDonald FSUIPC 4.7x REGISTERED User
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