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Everything posted by burdman

  1. Ok Pete, Appreciate your reply. Shows how much I know about them. Well here goes. I recently purchased Prosim737 and I want to install a sound wav to my trim wheels. Each of my trim wheels use a pulse switch. FSUIPC sees two buttons for each switch. This works great with the PMDGNGX as I can set the trim using the pulse switches as 4 different buttons. One for up and one for down trim on each wheel. This set up works with Prosim as well except there are no sound triggers in Prosim for three of the buttons . There is one (gate) available..so the result is I have trim wav on one button. I would like to have the trim wav available for all directions of trim travel..up and down on each wheel. I do see some other entry areas in Prosim audio where perhaps I can use offsets to trigger sound for the other 3 buttons. Problem is I know nothing about offsets and rather than bombard forums with questions about them I was hoping to learn about them as much as possible before asking. One kind gentleman sent me a copy of offsets for PM and I have some pages of offsets myself from the FSUIPC SDK and what not. Looking at elevator trim I think the bit number is 050A and it's size is 2. It goes on to say bit 5 Elevator, Bit 6 Elevator Trim,Bit 7 Aileron, Bit 8 Throttle. Prosim asks for a number 0x0000. I also see in the FSUIPC documents numbers that range in the 66thousands.. 66230 etc. I just dont know how all this correlates. From what I gather, if I input the correct offset number I may be able achieve the result I am looking for. It also seems to me that for every action in FS there is a corresponding offset number. So for me the problem is to find out which offset does what and to be able to input it in it's proper numerical form. I hope this makes sense to you Pete. Appreciate your time. Ed
  2. Hello everyone. More and more I come into the topic of offsets and usually I try to avoid them but it's getting to a point now where I cannot and I must try to use them. My problem is I know nothing about them. Can someone recommend a couple good tutorials on offsets and how to use them..find them etc. , preferably in a beginners form. Thanks Ed
  3. Thank You, Ed
  4. Hi, I'm using version 4.70. I wish to upgrade to 4.85. Will I lose all my aircraft /hardware settings by doing so? Ed
  5. Thanks Pete for your time, I'm in agreement with your thoughts on this. I'll play around a bit and should I find a solution I'll post it here. Ed
  6. Hi Andydigital, I'm using the security software that comes with Windows 7. I'm not sure if there is an exclusion setting for that, as it seems quite basic. I'll take a look at it though. Appreciate comments and ideas. It's quite possible it could be a slow drive. I didn't see the issue in the default 737, so perhaps the PMDGNGX is just too much for my HD, as you say. Edit: , I've gone into Windows Security Essentials and excluded MS from anti viral scans. My next step will be to turn on autosave in FSUIPC4 and try a flight with the PMDGNGX and see if it makes a difference. Barring that, pretty much has to be the HD not being able to keep up with a very complex airliner. Thanks, Ed
  7. I solved the problem, after reinstalling FSX and the rest of the stuff that goes along with it. :-) It was the autosave in FSUIPC4. I had it set to save on one minute intervals on a 10 minute cycle. So each time a minute elapsed, my sim would pause. Turning off the autosave feature solved the freezes. I like the idea of autosave feature, but I like the freezes even less. Wonder if this problem is unique to my setup? Anyone else experience this? Ed
  8. Hello Pete or anyone who may care to reply. I'm afraid my FSX has corrupted itself in some way as it seems to crash on a regular basis and it also freezes constantly while flying, even though my fps are in the 20 to 40 range. It freezes for several seconds, flies , then freezes,,and so on ,so, sadly, I will do a complete re install of FSX . My question, is there an uninstaller for FSUIPC4. I dont see FSUIPC4 listed in my add/remove folder and want to be sure I do a proper clean uninstall. Didn't see any info in the manual, but may have missed it. Thanks Ed PS: I found the information on page 10 of the user guide. Need new glasses I guess.
  9. Thanks Pete Ed
  10. Hello everyone, Currently trying to calibrate the four spoiler detents on my homemade 737 TQ. I'm using FSX and the PMDG737NGX . I have the registered version of FSUIPC4 with all updates except the very latest, 89 I think it is. I am calibrating the speedbrake/spoiler in the axis area of FSUIPC4, setting a zone for each detent. What I would like to know, is which item from the dropdown menu in FSUIPC4 best suits the Flight detent position. for Down I use the spoiler dec item with a repeat when in the zone. Armed is self explanatory. Flight Detent I'm not sure of. For the UP detent I use spoiler inc with a repeat when in this zone. I'm wondering what everyone else has chosen for the flight detent position. Thanks Ed Burton
  11. Hello, As you addressed your post to 'anyone' I may be able to encourage you to keep trying. I am currently building a TQ for the PMDG 737NGX . I have not got to the flaps build yet, but I can report that I have calibrated both engine throttles and synced them through FSUIPC4. To date they work just fine. I have set micro switches for thrust reversers , idle , TO/GA and AT Disconnect and all work fine to date. I really can't say I've had any issues to date using FSUIPC4 and the PMDG 737NGX. All the best, Ed
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