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Everything posted by burdman

  1. Hi Pete, This is Ed's son trying to help him install a second Bodnar input card. We have it working in Control Panel -> "Game Controllers" and ProSim recognizes button presses from each card. FSUIPC is generating a device list in the .ini file with multiple cards with the same GUID. One of the GUID's I added manually, taken from Prosim. After I changed one of the GUID's manually, FSUIPC added "G" beneath it on the next load of Flight Simulator. I cannot find any reference in the registry to the GUID's in the list below but I was told earlier responses suggested that everything was in the registry. Can you help us identify what programming "Method", DeviceControlList you are using to access the input devices? Maybe if we could find out what programming object you are using, we will be able to correct the issue in DirectX or the registry. Your help will be appreciated. Jason, 0=BU0836X Interface 0.GUID={EF068710-9DFC-11E5-8001-444553540000} 5=BU0836X Interface 5.GUID={EF068710-9DFC-11E5-8001-444553540000} B=BU0836X Interface B.GUID={EF068710-9DFC-11E5-8001-444553540000} D=BU0836X Interface D.GUID={2BAB0CA0-1A9C-11E7-8001-444553540000} G=BU0836X Interface G.GUID={EF068710-9DFC-11E5-8001-444553540000}
  2. I have quite a few restore points as well as backups, but problem is I've always had the throttle with the Bodnar card . Everything on a fairly new SSD, so I think Disk is ok. I dont have the skills to be messing with the Registry myself. I wonder if it would be worthwhile purchasing one of those Registry Repair programs? I recently upgraded to a new motherboard, CPU and ram. I didn't re install Windows during this upgrade. Perhaps that caused an issue. The PC is only used for the sim...so.. really tough to figure. I have all my keys in order, so shouldn't be an issue. (famous last words) Pete, many thanks for your suggestions. It's looking more like a reinstall of windows is necessay, thinking seriously of going back to W7. All the best, Ed
  3. Hi William, et all, Well, as I stated in my last post, limited success. This is so bizarre I dont know if I can explain it properly or if it's even possible to happen in the way I explain. In my last post I had stated that I had thought the ID's of the two cards had changed. Now I think they did not change. To try and explain. My method of changing assignments in Prosim is to move a switch or axis, then click on the 'A' and Prosim automatically sets the switch. At this time all throttle switches and axis were in Prosim but through Bodnar Board 1. Bodnar Board 1 rests inside the case of my homemade throttle. It is not so easy to get at. All the wiring for pots and switches and buttons for the throttle goto this board. There is no wiring going to Bodnar Board number 2 whatsoever, except for a ground. Looking at the Prosim configuration , everything showed connections to Bodnar Board 1. Sadly, nothing on the throttle worked. As stated in my last post I then started to reconfigure the assignments to the new ID as at this point I believed the two cards had exchanged ID's. I could see the switches being configured to the new ID. For example, I move a switch and then click on 'A' in Prosim configuration and I would see Prosim change the assignment from Bodnar Board 1 to Bodnar Board 2. I was ok with this as both boards were plugged in and there seemed to be no conflicts. This is where I left off yesterday. Limited success was both boards were plugged in and the throttle was working. Today I tried wiring switches to Bodnar Board 2. FSUIPC would not see either of the Bodnar boards, although Prosim saw them both. Prosim showed all assignments to be on Board 2 . Again, I'm thinking.. ID's have switched so this makes sense, Bodnar 1 is now seen as Bodnar 2. This is where it gets bizarre. I removed Bodnar Board 2 from the system, and the throttle stopped working. ??? Plug it back in, throttle works. ?? There is no wiring except for the ground and USB cable going to Bodnar Board 2. ??? At this point I was so confused I decided to remove Bodnar Board 2 from the system, reboot and reassign to Bodnar Board 1. On removal of Bodnar Board 2, FSUIPC sees Bodnar Board 1. ??? I reassigned the throttle assignments to Bodnar Board 1 and it works again. I've run out of ideas . I had earlier tried to use Pokey card as a joystick card but was unsuccessful in getting FSUIPC to see that as well. Perhaps something wrong with my setup. Hate the idea of a reformat. :/ Pete , thanks for your offer of looking into my registry , remote or email but I do not want to waste your time on that. I'll try the Pokeys thing again. Failing that, perhaps a complete format C is necessary. *shudders* The PC isn't all that old, but I suppose a corruption can happen fast. I'll monitor this thread in hopes someone else may find some sort of solution. I'll also contact Leo and ask his thoughts on this as well. Best Regards, Ed
  4. Thanks for your help Pete :) Hi William, I have had some success. After reading the comments in Petes last reply over and over and over again, These two comments stuck in my mind: "It's normally just that the ones that are being used are getting assigned to different of the two boards depending on which one Windows sees first." "Plug it in, get all the assignments sorted and working (in ONE placve, each), and NEVER remove it. Either that or ask Leo Bodnar to supply cards which Windows will recognise uniquely." I removed all the switch wiring from the 2nd Bodnar card and plugged it in to it's USB port. Fired up the sim and of course everything was a mess in the throttle. I redid all the axis and button/switch assignments, and moved over spoiler and flaps axis to Prosim. Now everything in the throttle is under Prosim, through a Bodnar Card for interfacing. As I was redoing the throttle assignments they were going under the name of the 2nd Bodnar card. Very confusing as all the wiring goes to the first Bodnar card in the throttle. So, to put it a little more clearly, the two cards changed names/ID's. I noticed each time I set a switch on the throttle, and clicked the Auto button in prosim I would see the Bodnar card name change for the switch I had moved, and the switch would work. So after redoing all the assignments the two Bodnar cards are plugged in and no conflicts so far. As I said, so far it's limited success. I still have to try adding switches and buttons to the second Bodnar card. I've rebooted several times and the cards seem to be doing ok. Tomorrow is calling for rain so tomorrow I will try adding switches to the second Bodnar card and see what happens. It also remains to be seen if the cards switch ID's/names again. If that happens, then going to ditch the Bodnar card and maybe go with Pokeys Ethernet cards. There is a problem with having too many USB connections, but I dont think I'm anywhere near that myself. Just thought I would give a little update. With Prosim it was very easy to switch board assignments. Move the switch, click the A and the Bodnar ID name changes. 6 Boards is a lot to change though :/ I will report back if/when the boards switch IDs again. All the best, Ed
  5. Thanks for your help Pete :) Ed
  6. I haven't figured out why the engines shut down. I would think something to do with fuel introduction. Also the throttle axis are lost. I've removed all the inputs from the second Bodnar Card, but perhaps I missed one. I will start a new ini and start from scratch again. The engine start runs up to 28.2 N2 and 2.9 N1 and freezes . I believe this is the point where fuel is introduced to the turbines. But even if it was the fuel cutoff switches, I would still have no throttle axis to run them up. No park brake, no rev thrust etc. Basically the throttle is paralyzed once the 2nd Bodnar card is plugged in. If I boot with the card plugged in, then of course, nothing works right off. If I then unplug the card, it works. Can't leave card connected as too many issues. When card is disconnected then everything works again. Plug it in and sim fails. Remove it sim recovers. Certainly I would love to leave it plugged in. This is the issue. No. I think I didn't explain that properly. I was trying to demonstrate that the throttle is calibrated in both Prosim and FSUIPC. The spoiler and flaps axis are in FSUIPC and the throttle lever axis in Prosim. Perhaps I should move all axis over to Prosim but it always worked well this way so .. if not broke dont fix it? I recently moved my throttle axis over to Prosim in hopes it would help with non.motorized throttle issue. It didn't. Taking that one step further, the CH Yoke has elevator and aerlion axis calibrated in FSUIPC and buttons in Prosim and this does not get effected. There are 2 CH Joy cards installed and they both get different ID's. Could it be possible I have a faulty Bodnar Card? Perhaps Pete. I dont really know the cause of the problem at this time. I'm still digging. I have posted in the Prosim Forum as well. It's where I found William's post that liked to this Forum. You're comments have given me several ideas to pursue . I'll try moving all the axis over to Prosim and start a fresh clean ini and see how that goes. I still think there is an issue with identical GUID but I'm not a programmer so don't know. Thanks for taking the time to reply to my concerns. Ed
  7. Hi Pete, I'm at a total loss here and quite dissapponted that I cannot get this second Bodnar card to work. After spending another day on this I've found that when I dissconnect the 2nd Bodnar I do get my settings back. I think tis is because I eliminated all button commands in the ini with reference to the 2nd card. Without the card plugged in the sim works great. The moment I plug in the 2nd Bodnar car, engines shut down and amny of the functions dont work anymore, On the first Bodnar the throttle axis , toga at and fuel control are set in Prosim. The flaps and speedbrake are through FSUIPC. They wont work when 2nd Bodnar card is plugged in. I'm attaching my latest log in the hopes you or another forum member may see something that is causing an issue. My ini is pretty much the same as posted above. The TQ Joystick card is a Pokeys card. I'm pretty sure all ports on the Pokeys are through Prosim. FSUIPC4.log FSUIPC4.ini
  8. Hi, Still digging into this strange issue. Today I include my latest ini file which clearly shows both Bodnar cards with the same ID. I flashed the Bodnar Carfds but it didnt make any difference from what I can see. FSUIPC4.ini
  9. Hi Pete and William, This exact same issue (Re: Williams post) has happened to me this weekend when I introduced a second Bodnar Card to my system. Joy # B - First Bodnar Card - ThrottleJoy # E - Second Bodnar Card - Various switches , key commands not directly related to ProsimHad a strange issue happen with Bodnar cards. I recently installed a 2nd Bodnar card and used 20 plus ports (buttons and switches) that can only be set in FSUIPC. As I set each port the Bodnar card through FSUIPC4 was setting them under Joy # E. All went well until next day when I do a restart of PC's. My throttle was all mixed up , couldn't start engines, flaps not working, throttles not working etc. My Throttle settings had previously been set under Joy # B.Today I've determined that somehow, the two Bodnar Cards changed ID letters, what was set under E is now B and what was once B is now E. I dont know why this happened. I did not switch USB ports. I upgraded to latest FSUIPC in hopes that would fix it. No dice. I unplugged the new Bodnar card but my settings did not revert back. I spent a good part of today restating my throttle settings . I finally have my throttle back to normal but I'm worried to try the Bodnar Card again. The common denominator between William and I with regards to this issue seems to be Windows 10. My reason for posting is twofold. To support Williams issue, as it has happened to me as well, and to hopefully find a solution to this issue. I'm going to try updating the fiirmware on both cards this evening, so heaven help me. Will post back if updating firmware helps th eissue. I'm using W10 with FSX-SE and current version of FSUIPC4 All the best, Ed I've now included ini and log files FSUIPC4.ini FSUIPC4.log
  10. Hi Pete, You were absolutely correct. I looked and looked but I guess that's why I have new glasses on order. There was a space after the 4 and before the .ini. All good in that aspect now. Thanks for pointing me in the proper direction. Ed
  11. Hi all, Using FSX-SE with W10 I just upgraded to 4.965 as I was having issues with adding a second Bodnar card. I deleted the newly generated FSUIPC4.ini and renamed my backup to FSUIPC4.ini. However the new FSUIPC4 keeps regenerating a new ini file and seems to want to only see the new one. When looking to the Modules folder I see two FSUIPC.ini files both spelled exactly the same, one being my old ini and the other the freshly generated ini. It only looks to the freshly generated ini so of course, all my settings and profiles aren't seen. How can I stop the 4.965 from regenerating new ini files and look to my previous ini?
  12. Thanks Pete. I did find some search results in the forum but had no success using the info supplied. I didn't see this thread though and I'm not a programmer. From what I gather I can use the Pokeys card as a Joystick but would lose 25 ports, as only 32 buttons can be used. The Ethernet version has software that allows the use of all ports. I've given up and going to move it all over to a Bodnar card. I was hoping I had missed something simple. Thanks for your input.
  13. Further to my question. Looking at my .ini file I dont see any reference to my Pokeys card, so this would be the reason it doesn't see my button/toggle presses. So I guess the proper question would be, how do I get FSUIPC to see my Pokeys Card? Ed
  14. Hi Everyone, I'm using FSUIPC V4.964, Steam, W10 and Prosim 737. Ive made a panel with toggles and buttons to control GSX and ProATC Menus. I have all the toggles and switches connected to a USB Pokeys Card. Prosim sees all the toggle/button presses, but FSUIPC does not. FSUIPC sees my yoke buttons which are through a CH card. I must be missing something here so I'm hoping someone can help me out. Thanks Ed
  15. Hi Pete. Many thanks for your suggestions. Homegroup names differed. Fixed that up and I now have WideFS working perfectly again. Thanks once again, Ed
  16. Hi All, This one is totally all my fault. I was trying for the last 3 days to get ASN working on my client. I haven't been unsuccessful and gave up. Up until this point WideFS was working solidly. I decided to install ASN on main FS server and then Wide Client stopped connecting after ASN was installed. I Iooked and looked to see what could have caused the issue but I'm out of ideas. Posting several short logs in hopes someone may notice something I havent and give me an idea where else to look. I'm a bit frustrated and hope some one can point me in the right direction. All the best, Ed wideclient.txt
  17. Thanks Thomas. Works fine now. Ed
  18. Hi, Looking for help to get Wideclient to close my PS Modules. WideClient connects to FS fine and it opens my prosim modules just fine, but it's not seeing the close commands and I'm not sure what I'm missing. Have enclosed a copy of my WC ini and WC log files. I have not added any parameters in Wserver.config. ; PLEASE SEE WideFS documentation for parameter details ; ===================================================== [Config] Port=8002 Window=0,0,160,38 Visible=Yes ButtonScanInterval=20 ClassInstance=0 NetworkTiming=5,1 MailslotTiming=2000,1000 PollInterval=2000 Port2=9002 ResponseTime=18 ApplicationDelay=0 TCPcoalesce=No WaitForNewData=500 MaxSendQ=100 OnMaxSendQ=Log NewSendScanTime=50 Priority=3,1,2 ; ----------------------------------------------- [user] RunReady1=C:\Cockpit Files\NewProsimInstall\ProSimAudio\ProsimAudio.exe RunReady2=C:\Cockpit Files\NewProsimInstall\ProSimPanel\ProsimPanel.exe Delay2=1 RunReady3=C:\Cockpit Files\NewProsimInstall\ProSimDisplayCaptPFDND\ProsimDisplay.exe Delay3=1 RunReady4=C:\Cockpit Files\NewProsimInstall\ProSimDisplayUpperEICAS\ProsimDisplay.exe RunReady5=C:\Cockpit Files\NewProsimInstall\ProSimDisplayLEICAS\ProsimDisplay.exe CloseRunReady1=Yes CloseRunReady2=Yes CloseRunReady3=Yes CloseRunReady4=Yes CloseRunReady5=Yes [sounds] Path=C:\Cockpit Files\NewProsimInstall\ProsimPanel\Audio\ Device1=Primary Sound Driver Device2=Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device) Log=Errors+ ; =============================================== " The last bit of the WideClient LOG FILE 51810459 Trying TCP/IP host "COCKPIT1" port 8002 ... 51810459 ... Okay, IP Address = 51813517 Server = COCKPIT1 51813517 Trying TCP/IP host "COCKPIT1" port 8002 ... 51813517 ... Okay, IP Address = 51816559 Server = COCKPIT1 51816559 Trying TCP/IP host "COCKPIT1" port 8002 ... 51816559 ... Okay, IP Address = 51816871 ****** End of session performance summary ****** 51816871 Total time connected = 51638 seconds 51816871 Reception maximum: 33 frames/sec, 1619 bytes/sec 51816871 Reception average whilst connected: 22 frames/sec, 10 bytes/sec 51816871 Transmission maximum: 0 frames/sec, 190 bytes/sec 51816871 Transmission average whilst connected: 0 frames/sec, 20 bytes/sec 51816871 Max receive buffer = 614, Max send depth = 1, Send frames lost = 0 51816871 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 2, Alloc 1187562 Freed 1187562 Refused 0) ********* The solution is probably simple but I cant seem to put my finger o it. Ed
  19. My apologies Pete. I goofed and got mixed up in the wrong area again! Sorry to waste your time moving the question over to this forum. I've had the key for years...since I bought FSUIPC long ago...just had no need for WideFS until now as the cockpit is starting to come together. After reading the documentation I realized WideFS7 is integrated with FSUIPC now so all I really needed was the latest version of FSUIPC and I eventually found that. Hope this clears up your confusion? Yes. Thanks for clearing up my blunder. It was quite a mixup as I couldn't find my own post to check for a reply. All the best Ed
  20. MOVED FROM "USER CONTRIBUTIONS" SUBFORUM Hi, I'm looking for WideFS7 but only see WideFS6.99m in the modules update area. I already have a key for WideFS and wonder if WideFS7 requires a new key. I'm using FSX with W7. Will 6.99m work ok for my setup? Thanks Ed
  21. HI Paul, First of all, thank you for a very thorough explanation. I found the ini file and the settings as well after a forum search so I was a little put out at myself for posting so early. After reading your explanation I'm glad I did as it's a very helpful explanation . I had forgotten which version of FSUIPC I had installed..so I subbed an x for 2 or 3 etc. Thanks once again Paul. I will look into this a little deeper. Ed
  22. Hello , I need some help with my FSUIPC button/axis settings. I did a fresh install of FSUIPC4.9X and it seems I blundered and lost all my settings for axis and buttons etc. The good part is that I just backed up my HD a week ago or so, and I have an intact copy of FSUIPC with settings on the back up drive. . My Question: What file contains the settings so that I can copy it over to my new installation? Thanks Ed PS: I mistakenly posted this question in the Downloads Forum. Tried to delete but wouldn't allow. EDIT: I'f found the settings in the modules folder. Need to figure out why they aren't showing up in FSX as the ini appears to be intact.
  23. Hello , I need some help with my FSUIPC button/axis settings. I did a fresh install of FSUIPC4.9X and it seems I blundered and lost all my settings for axis and buttons etc. The good part is that I just backed up my HD a week ago or so, and I have an intact copy of FSUIPC with settings on the back up drive. . My Question: What file contains the settings so that I can copy it over to my new installation? Thanks Ed
  24. Thanks Pete, "Wouldn't the best place to ask be the ProSim forum then?" "... Ah, I see you have. Didn't they understand you there, then?" Well, apparently not for I got but one response and that was from a fellow who gave me a list of PM offsets in hopes it would help. I have not heard from anyone else so perhaps its a software limitation. When I came across that drop down menu that listed FSUIPC options I thought I would ask you about it. I'm going to leave this thread now and read up on Lua and go over my FSUIPC documentation. I have learned lots already from this thread and I have to thank you for that. I'll be back again when I'm a little more knowledgeable about these offsets , commands, events and what not. I now know that 'offsets' contain data where as I always thought they pointed to or marked an event that contained data. Anyways , appreciate your time, Thanks a million Ed
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