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About peterk54

  • Birthday 07/19/1938

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    Oberglatt / ZH (LSZH)
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  1. Dear Paul Thanks, great. I will check, allow some days. I need to fix hardware ... I will report Rgds, Peter
  2. Dear Paul It is a great pleasure to work with your DLL. Even I had to start in VB .Net (after 26 years of VB6 ... We have some scenery details (i.e. sightseeing towers) which are located obviously the same place as our own generic obstacles. We need to create many Exclusion Rectangles. FsLatLonCircle is almost the solution. Obviously you are quite strong in this field. Our wish: FsLatLonExcludePoly Constructs a new FsLatLonExcludePoly from a central FSLatLonPoint and a Radius in meters / feet with 4 points on the circle, forming a polygon pointing to North. To create then the XML file in P3D SDK 5 format i.e. <ExclusionRectangle latitudeMinimum = "N47.0" latitudeMaximum = "N48.0" longitudeMinimum = "W123.0" longitudeMaximum = "W122.0" /> should be rather simple than. According the many posts in forums covering exclusion rectangles many users have problems to create. May be you can have a look into. Best regards Peter
  3. Dear John Thank you for advise. I assume you are very busy with more important topics for the community. I try myself to fix. Yes, we copied the FSX XML gauges including our models. The autopilot panel is a set of various switches (change switch picture, send command i.e. AP APP HOLD ...) and displays. No real logic behind. It uses the FSX / P3D internal autopilot which was fine until now. The moesl we use our ones as they are very simple and do not use a lot of resources. We fly real cockpit sections and never look from outside to the aircraft. Just used as externeal view without panel. On another sim (setup with P3D v4) we could not sort out why the FSX model used does not retract the front gear and why wheel-brakes do not work anymore. Parking brake does. However we are thankfull that P3D exists and FSUIPC WideFS do a wonderfull job ! Take care, stay healthy Peter
  4. P3D v5.1.8.26742 FSUIPC v6 latest version Several hardware unchanged Windwos 10 Prof, updated to latest updates available Aircraft: FSX 747-400, original panel Our software: VB6 external programm connected thru FSUIPC or WideFS Since approx 2 weeks (we assume it was updating to this latest version of P3D) we have the problem that APP mode when engaged thru our software and FSUIPC does only capture VORLOC and not anymore the GS. However when we engaged thru mouse click on the panel button APP it works fine. The values of the variables are write and read correctly by FSUIPC We run FSX, P3d v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 without any issues. Does anyone have such issues found ? Best regards Peter
  5. @Ing Nieto I think you have to use: / Creo que tienes que usar: Offset &H07CC, 2 Bytes, Autopilot heading value, as degrees *65536/360 Offset &H07CC, 2 bytes, valor de rumbo del piloto automático, como grados * 65536/360 It is not heading TRUE or MAGNETIC / No se dirige a VERDADERO o MAGNÉTICO Hope this helps / Espero que esto ayude Peter / Pedro
  6. Dear Thomas Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate. I was saying - at least I wanted to say and state - that an error is on our side, I was not giving any fault to FSUIPC. Yes, I'm looking in offset 3308, I have to check what I messed up because backups of software shows P3d v4.5. I will search there. Still I have also to find out why my writings are broken. Best regards, thanks for help Peter
  7. Good evening I do since many years VB6 programming thru FSUIPC. No issues and running alltime smooth. Since yesterday I get back just FS version 12, rather then before correctly up to 45.Over network thru WideFS or local, the same. We still get correct data from P3D but it seems values can not be written anymore. My system: - Prepar3D v4 SDK - Windows 10 Pro, Build 18362.19h1_release.19318-1202, Default language German, Swiss keyboard - Lenovo X1 Extreme, all updates done, latest BIOS installed, with nVidia 1050 - FSUIPC5, Version 5.153 (12th December 2019) - WideClient v6.9.9.930, product version 6.999z4 updated to: - WideClient v7.1.5.6, product version 7.156 I reinstalled yet FSUIPC and P3D client and SDK. No change. We did not changed our VB6 code. The VB6-module file we use is dated 2 years ago. Any ideas where to search to find how I messed up ? Anyway we wish to everybody a nice X-mas tiem and a happy new year ! Best regards Peter FSUIPC5.log
  8. Sorry, WideClients was meant. OK, got it. We will give the two Subnets a try as we want to remove our issues. Peter
  9. Hello Pete We configured according above advise from you, thank you for this support. At the same time we are considering the following: Both our sims are in the same SubNet. Going thru UDP specs we found: "... The broadcast address for a LAN is either the highest address in the local subnetwork or the universal broadcast address: ..." To our understanding broadcast messages have no source identifier who sent the message. Are both FSUIPC's sending to same broadcast adress ? If so we shall divide up into two subnets each with one router, soubnet-mask would than be rather Question to you: does WideServer know who sent (=IP address) broadcast messages ? With best regards Peter
  10. Hello Pete Thanks for fast response. Swiss German as mother-language is slightly different from English ... Server = FS station with FSUIPC.INI, Section [WideServer], ProtocolPreferred=TCP Clients = My stations with WideClient.INI, Section [Config], ServerName=B737-222-FS, Protocol=TCP Thats it ? Anyway I will restudy the paper, sorry Peter
  11. Dear Pete See attached WideCLient.ini files from 2 different stations. We checked the others stations, I believe all are the same: [Config] ProtocolPreferred=UDP BroadCastMode=Yes //ServerName=B737-222-FS ServerIPAddr= To my opinion they are according the document we have read Best regards Peter WideClient - 02.ini WideClient - 01.ini
  12. Dear Pete These are attached the logfiles from the B737-222-FS Server (FSUIPC running) and of one WideClient running. I saw nothing bad, except that WideClients try to connect with the "B737-222-FS" server rather than 192.169.x.x. When I start all clients with WideClient, and only than P3D v4, they connect. With best regards Peter B737-222-FS 20180115 FSUIPC5_prev.log B737-222-01 20180115 WideClient.log B737-222-FS 20180115 FSUIPC5.log
  13. Hello Pete WideClients are all running on different PC's. 1 FSServer + 7 WideClients for one sim, 1 FSServer + 6 WideClients for another sim. Thanks for the lead. I will write protocolls and have a look myself first. We get all data and very fast. So once all connected everything is perfect. I'll come back to you, Peter
  14. Dear Pete Happy X-Mas and New Year ! I know you are away from the computer until 7th January. No hurry on this matter please. We tried Protocol=UDP and IP-Adress ratherTCP and server-names. No changes of the symptoms. Each simulator starts and runs perfectly, if the other is not running. But: the first of the sims starts perfectly. We start the second: on the second sims client computer we need to stop the WideClient run by Windows Autostart and manuall restart with the desktop icon. Then they runs as well. We checked Administrator rights, programm run by administartor, Windwos compatibilty and such stuff. No idea anymore were to search. Best regards Peter
  15. Dear Pete Thanks for your fast reaction and advise as ever ! I will check carefully all our settings and introduce IP adresses rather names. Yes, they should be defined to each sim. Yes, we mean WideClients. Cool, I do not need to check SimConnect. As many of our hardware is running over TCP/IP with have quite some mebers in the network. We will advise results in the next days. Best regards Peter
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