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Everything posted by jaybird1nyc

  1. Well now you've got me really confused. You obviously suggested to try changing the TrafficStallTime value AFTER ProvideAIData=No was already in the ini and now you're saying I shouldn't have bothered as it has no effect? In any event, this is a SimConnect issue and we'll have to wait for Asobo to fix it, as you pointed out.
  2. John, Just checking back in with some updated info. I did have a CTD even with ProvideAIData=No in the ini. What I have done since is try changing the 2 stall values you mentioned, TrafficStallTime=1 & NormalStallTime=-3, however both will revert to their respective defaults upon loading FSUIPC7, or entering the settings and exiting. So I couldn't change those 2, however, I was able to change InitialStallTime=30 to -30, but no change reflected in the log. There are still those "TransmitClientEvent failed!" being reported, along with a re-connect every time it happens. I even tried changing the InitialStallTime value to -60, same result.
  3. Thanks for the good info John. I'll play around with those values to see if there's any change. Meanwhile, I just finished my 2nd flight with ProvideAIData=No and live traffic with no CTD so hopefully we're on the right path. Again, thanks for your help and I wish you and your family a very Happy & Healthy New Year! Jay
  4. Ok, so 1st flight with ProvideAIData=No and live traffic enabled ended well. No CTD. Here is a snip from my log showing some SimConect errors tho: 124703 -------------------- Starting everything now ---------------------- 663078 C:\Users\Jay\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\aircraft-mooney-m20r-ovation-carenado\SimObjects\Airplanes\Carenado_M20R_Ovation\aircraft.CFG 663203 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 545 secs = 67.3 fps 663203 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 665891 Aircraft="Carenado M20R Ovation D-ERWO" 671516 Planned flight from KVRB to KOPF 671516 C:\USERS\JAY\APPDATA\LOCAL\PACKAGES\MICROSOFT.FLIGHTSIMULATOR_8WEKYB3D8BBWE\LOCALSTATE\MISSIONS\CUSTOM\CUSTOMFLIGHT\CUSTOMFLIGHT.PLN 671531 C:\Users\Jay\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\MISSIONS\Custom\CustomFlight\CustomFlight.FLT 689500 #### ERROR: No SimConnect data seen for more than set stall time! 693516 #### ERROR: No SimConnect data seen for more than set stall time! 697531 #### ERROR: No SimConnect data seen for more than set stall time! 701516 #### ERROR: No SimConnect data seen for more than set stall time! 705516 #### ERROR: No SimConnect data seen for more than set stall time! 709516 #### ERROR: No SimConnect data seen for more than set stall time! 713516 #### ERROR: No SimConnect data seen for more than set stall time! 717516 #### ERROR: No SimConnect data seen for more than set stall time! 1477125 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65764, Param=-256, nGroup=0, fSame=0 1477203 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65764, Param=-451, nGroup=0, fSame=0 1477281 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65764, Param=-512, nGroup=0, fSame=0 1477375 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65764, Param=-651, nGroup=0, fSame=0 1478047 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65764, Param=-512, nGroup=0, fSame=0 1478047 **** Too many TransmitClientEvent errors received! Re-connecting now ... **** 1478203 SimConnect_Open succeeded 1478203 Running in "KittyHawk", Version: 11.0.282174.999 (SimConnect: 11.0.62651.3) 1478203 MSFS version = 11.0.282174.999 1478203 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 1478203 User Aircraft ID 1 supplied, now being used 1478234 .PLN 1478234 SimObjects\Airplanes\Carenado_M20R_Ovation\aircraft.CFG 1478234 User Aircraft ID 1 supplied, now being used 1478234 .PLN 1479094 System time = 31/12/2020 10:16:01, Simulator time = 10:15:59 (15:15Z) 5402781 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 3924 secs = 29.9 fps 5402781 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Any thoughts?
  5. You're correct John, I do see that message in my log after putting in ProvideAIData=No. I wrote the post you quoted before adding the line. I was just pointing out that there were a large number of AI aircraft being reported by FSUPC7 even with no traffic options being enabled. Very curious, I thought.🤔
  6. Yes, that's what I thought as well. However, my traffic options are both disabled and yet my log shows a large number of AI aircraft. I'm not at my PC now but there is a slider in Options/General/Traffic that allows you to control the level of static aircraft shown. It's called "Ground Aircraft Density" (was that slider there before, I can't remember?) If MSFS is using AI controlled aircraft as static ground objects then that could certainly be a problem. Jay
  7. Ok, John, will do. At work now but I'll try it later on and report back. Oh, something else interesting. Even with all traffic disabled, my FSUIPC7 log shows that there were AI aircraft spawned. I don't have access to the log right now but I remember seeing that there was some line saying MaxAIAircraft (?) was 78, or words to that effect. So, on those last 4 successful flights (with all traffic off) FSUIPC was still reporting a large number of AI aircraft. Once it was 78, then something well in excess of 100, different amounts each flight. Could this be the static aircraft on the ground being reported as AI aircraft? Jay
  8. Ok, so this is already in the ini, or it has to be added?
  9. Actually no. I run MSFS on mostly high settings @ 1080p 30hz. Stays locked @ 30fps pretty much the entire time with very few stutters or pauses. Yes, it appears to be the case. I haven't had a CTD since August. It's only been happening with this latest update. I can't be certain, but I believe it has to do with AI traffic. Real-time AI traffic to be specific. All of my CTDs have come with real-time AI traffic enabled. My last 4 flights have been fine, with ALL traffic disabled. Haven't tried offline traffic yet. Jay
  10. Hi Pete, So you're saying that MSFS has already crashed prior to those errors being logged by FSUIPC? I know that this has nothing to do with FSUIPC, only indirectly involving the logging features of it might point to the underlying cause of the crash. Here is a snippet of my log prior to those SimConnect errors that I already posted. You can see other SimConnect errors that were handled, and there are more of these types of errors occurring multiple times, in almost every log I look at. 1184062 System time = 26/12/2020 10:48:07, Simulator time = 10:48:05 (15:48Z)1406406 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65762, Param=6157, nGroup=0, fSame=01406422 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65765, Param=-13680, nGroup=0, fSame=01406437 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65762, Param=5732, nGroup=0, fSame=01406468 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65765, Param=-14066, nGroup=0, fSame=01406468 TransmitClientEvent failed! (Event=65762, Param=5512, nGroup=0, fSame=01406468 **** Too many TransmitClientEvent errors received! Re-connecting now … ****1406734 SimConnect_Open succeeded1406750 Running in “KittyHawk”, Version: 11.0.282174.999 (SimConnect: 11.0.62651.3)1406750 MSFS version = 11.0.282174.9991406750 Initialising SimConnect data requests now1406781 User Aircraft ID 1 supplied, now being used1406781 C:\USERS\JAY\APPDATA\LOCAL\PACKAGES\MICROSOFT.FLIGHTSIMULATOR_8WEKYB3D8BBWE\LOCALSTATE\MISSIONS\CUSTOM\CUSTOMFLIGHT\CUSTOMFLIGHT.PLN1406781 User Aircraft ID 1 supplied, now being used1406781 C:\USERS\JAY\APPDATA\LOCAL\PACKAGES\MICROSOFT.FLIGHTSIMULATOR_8WEKYB3D8BBWE\LOCALSTATE\MISSIONS\CUSTOM\CUSTOMFLIGHT\CUSTOMFLIGHT.PLN1407109 System time = 26/12/2020 10:51:50, Simulator time = 10:51:48 (15:51Z)2716640 Failed on SimConnect_CallDispatch for Traffic Message, return = 0xC000014B2716640 Failed on SimConnect_CallDispatch for Message, return = 0xC000014B2719390 MSFS no longer running - exiting Definitely going to gather up as many crash logs as I can locate from Windows to send to Asobo but thought that looking at these errors prior to the CTD might provide some insight. Thanks Pete and John, Jay
  11. I’ve been running MSFS since launch day and fortunately I've been in the camp of never had a CTD before this update (well, maybe a couple, but very early on). Here’s something to look at though; I’m running FSUIPC7 and when I had the last 2 CTDs I looked at the log that FSUIPC7 produces. Same event triggered both CTDs, both SimConnect errors. Here are the SimConnect events: Failed on SimConnect_CallDispatch for Traffic Message, return = 0xC000014B Failed on SimConnect_CallDispatch for Message, return = 0xC000014B After those 2 errors MSFS ends with a CTD and FSUIPC7 closes normally. I know FSUIPC7 is not at fault here, but any ideas what could be causing this?
  12. You were right about the window positioning. My version was opening the dialog at the bottom of the screen, and as you correctly surmised, the new dialog was opening off-screen. It must have been the window positioning values from a much earlier version that were still in my .ini because renaming mine and having a new one generated also fixed the issue. I also tried the version you just sent and that work fine as well (with a newly generated .ini). I just copied your new window position values to my .ini and all is well! Thank you very much for getting me squared away John, great work! Jay
  13. Hi John, Yes, it happens every time. I'm about 5 versions in and it's happened on all. I've tried accessing those dialogs from the system tray, right-click and double-click, and also via alt-F, no joy. It also happens even when MSFS isn't running at all. (does PFCcom64.dll load anyway?) I'll try renaming PFCcom64.dll and give that a shot. I'll also try running HIDScanner, however nothing is noted in device manager and all hardware works normally. And yes, renaming FSUIPC.ini as well. If none of those things have any effect I'll send you the ini. Oh, I should've mentioned that the ini is from a clean install, no other version's ini was brought over.
  14. I'm having an issue that hasn't been previously reported, as far as I can tell. FSUIPC7 (latest version but previous versions also) starts and runs fine, either when started before MSFS or after MSFS is already running. I have successfully assigned and calibrated various axes. The problem is when selecting either "Buttons & Switches' or 'Key Presses'' from the UI the program will hang and become unresponsive. I can never get to those functions because as soon as either is clicked the entire menu bar greys out and then nothing is functional thereafter. The only way to end the program is through task manager. Interestingly, task manager does report that 'IPC interface..' is functional and available however nothing works in the sim any more, ie: none of the assigned axes are functional. I've attached my last log file but I don't think it shows any problem happening. Thank you for any insight you may have, Jay FSUIPC7_log.zip
  15. Pete, Thanks so much for your efforts. It is greatly appreciated. Happy Christmas to you and yours! Warm Regards
  16. Just wanted to say... THANKS!
  17. Oh, is that all.. :D LOL :D
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