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Everything posted by vgbaron

  1. Ah. I got it from the Sim Samurai Tutorial in your download links: Restoring Default FS Control To restore your default flight simulator control assignments for any device simply unplug the device from its current USB port, wait a moment, and then re-plug the device in (while computer is on) into the same USB port. Then start your simulator. If your controls are dead also look at the FS Options\ Controls\ Joystick option and make sure you have your joystick enabled. If this doesn’t work then unplug/ re-plug the device in again while the sim is running. Either method will most certainly get the USB device back to its default I read that to imply that the FSUIPC settings are negated. Regarding the GUID 'reset' - in the past, when I've unplugged a device and plugged it back in, possibly to another port, the GUID has changed and all the settings in the standard.xml do not work unless I manually edit the GUID. So my logic was that in the above from Sim Samurai - the action would change the GUID and I would lose them but if you say they are not "lost" that's what I need to know. I almost NEVER unplug my USB controls but in the few times I have, it's been a pain in the arse ( not relating to FSUIPC). Think I misunderstood something. :) Thanx! device assignments provided by the simulator.
  2. A little more clarification please, Pete - in reading the documentation, it states that to reset to fsx defaults, unplug and replug controller into USB port. I'm assuming this resets the GUID and mucks up the standard.xml file. What I cannot determine is how you get the FSUIPC setings back if you have to unplug and do not want to reset. possibly haven't gotten that far into the documentation yet. I see reference to ID'ing the controllers in the INI file. If I understand that correctly - assuming I've assigned an ID to the controller and the GUID gets reset, I just have to link the new GUID in the INI file with the "old" ID and FSUIPC will take care of the rest? Sorry to be so dense... Vic
  3. Can't determine if this is possible from th documentation but - I want to disable joysticks in FSX and handle all programming thru FSUIPC. I know how to set up the axis, buttons, etc. I've been reading up on profiles so that is clear. However - there are many switches and axis that are common to all aircraft. So if I program those items with profile unchecked and then program remaining controls to a specific profile - will FSUIPC combine the "generic" with the specific or do I need to program ALL buttons, etc in a specific profile? Hope this question makes sense - I'll continue to browse the forum and docs. Thanx, Vic
  4. Thanx Pete - profiles look like the way to go. I have a few a/c that I like to fly of varoius types -A2A P-51, Flight1 Mustang, Kodiak, etc - almost all different. Some with using a joystick and some using a yoke. that brings up a different question - Assuming I have a CH yoke and rudders and Throttle quadrant and an X52 stick connected to FSX system - I create profile for the P-51 using the x52 and for the Kodiak I create one using the yoke. Will there be conflicts doing this or would FSUIPC essentially "disable" the unused controller depending on profile chosen? Thanx again, Vic
  5. I am NOT near my flight computer or I could try this and find out myself but - when programming buttons and switches to individual a/c joysticks - after I program the functions and assign them to aircraft A - I now want to assign the same ones to aircraft B without repeating all the actions - what is the best approach? If it's as simple as just change the name of the a/c, I shall proceed to get a big towel and wipe the egg off my face - but I did say I am not near my flight system! :oops: Thanx! edit ; forgot I could RTFM online - found my aswer re profiles! Vic
  6. TrafficInfo is probably what I mean. Haven't dug into it deeply. Thanx Pete - have a good day!
  7. As I understand it, the 200nm limit is hard coded into Simconnect and deals with AI & MP. Been browsing some posts in various programming forums and no one has been able to bypass it. Was thinking that Simconnect must read the raw data from somewhere and cap it. Wondered if FSUIPC knew and could access that 'somewhere'. :) I'm guessing that Simconnect reads the raw data from the local machine but what it sends to the remote machines is capped at 200nm so the raw data is only available locally. Thanx, Vic
  8. Hi Pete - Thinking of the old FSNAV program which allowed multiplayer users to see each other's a/c locations worldwide. FSX & Simconnect have a built in 200nm limit. Is the actual location data available in FSX/Simconnect and can FSUIPC access it? Thanx, Vic
  9. well tracked down the problem - I use FSHost to connect to MP and he had a 10 mile limit imposed within his software. He has since changed that. I recall that earlier versions of FS had a 10 mile limit and he assumed that FSX was the same.
  10. Hi Pete - This is not related to FSUIPC but wonder if you have any info on this. I noticed that multiplayer a/c disappear from a flight at 10nm. Is this a configurable distance? I've searched around and can find no references to it. Have you come across it ? Thanx, Vic
  11. WHen I first tried the calibration, a slight movement of the control would cause the aileron to fully deflect, sort of an on/off rather than a range. Tried the filter and problem resolved so I left it that way. Must have been something else because I turned off the filter for my last tests and everything worked as expected. I did change one thing, did not use max ranges for calibration. All in all, I've been trying all sorts of things and a/c and everything is working. I did reseat all the USB connectors so it's quite possible it might have been that also. In any case, for now, the problem seems resolved. Appreciate your time! have a good day. Vic
  12. Sorry about that - it's easy to forget that you're not looking at my screen. I am mainly interested in the Ailerons - in the calibration screen 1 of 11. With the yoke centered the REset in/out values are 0,0. After calibration the reset values are 0,0 and the SET values for MIN, Centre & MAX are -16193,0 +16065. Filter is checked. After flying a bit I notice sluggish controls and go back into the FSUIPC Calibration screen one Now, with the yoke centered the RESET in/out values are 5100,5122 if I move the yoke full left the values are 14287,14511 and full right -14257,14296 rather tyhan the +-16000 during the initial calibration. Now if I rapidly turn the yoke left/right a few times the RESET in/out will return to 0,0 and the max deflections will return to +- 16000 and the controls get crisp again. My first thought is sticky or dirty pots in the yoke but wonder if, in your experience, there might be other factors that could produce this type of change. Just to clarify, I do NOT have FSUIPC doing the Axis assignment, I am merely using it for calibration and the reading of values in this case. I hope that is a tad clearer. Thanx! Vic
  13. Hi Pete - I'm getting some data from FSUIPC that I don't understand. Using registered version, latest downloaded from the link in your message above. Using CH Yoke, I calibrated - SET boxes showed 0,0 and after calibration of the ailerons the deflection was +- 16something. All was well. During a flight I noticed that the controls were sluggish so I went back into FSUIPC calibration - in the aileron set, instead of a 0,0 it was about 5100,5100 and the deflections would range from 11000 to -13000. I'm pretty positive that there is no issue with the pots in the yoke so what else could have the 0,0 setting change to 5100,5100. fwiw, I moved the yoke left/right rapidly a few times and the set jumped to 0,0 and I recalibrated. I realize this is not a FSUIPC issue but hoping you can point me in the right direction to determine what caused the change. This behavior has repeated itself. Puzzled. Thanx, Vic Baron
  14. Hi Pete - Don't know if this is important or not so wil let you decide. Purchased FSCommander X from Aerosoft and the installer tries to install the 4.28 version of FSUIPC. It recoginized that I was running a newer version and said so and did not overwrite. Then I got a message to check that you were a "Trusted Publisher" because something could not be verified. Clicked OK then got a message 'Unable to register" and install ended normally. Fired up FSX and my version of FSUIPC is still registered and there seems to be no problems other than the strange messages. Thanx, Vic
  15. Sadly, I was also unable to reproduce the Super FOg with your settings, Al so I guess you'll have to carry the ball. I'll keep trying to generate it on my own however just in case it might be of some help to Pete. Good luck! OH - I haven't installed ASX Sp3 and I still got the fog. Vic
  16. Great work , Al - Can't wait to get home and try it to see if I can reproduce the Super Fog. Next thought - what's the possibility that it's a bad texture in XG? I also have FEX but not loaded. If push comes to shove I could install FEX clouds and try that. Vic
  17. Hi Pete - In the FWIW department, I have been unable to manually generate the 'fog layer' so far. Setting visibility to 1/16 in FSX produces a nice soupy view but it's "not" the fog layer. WHen I slew above it and look down, it looks 'different'. Wish I could be more specific. I'll keep trying. Also, I'm not at my flight system right now but the version of FSUIPC that I'm using was downloaded three days ago from Schiratti's site. Vic
  18. Pete - FYI, when I first had the problem, I tried it with and w/o ASX - same issue - so I don't see ASX as the culprit. In my case, the 2D panel DID display but the VC and any outside views did NOT and everything is exactly as Al described. Are you aware of a way to manually set up a 0 visibility fog layer? When it happens again I'll save the flight. Thanx, Vic
  19. http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az=c_id=38906 Hi Pete - I started this thread at Avsim because I was searching for an answer to what I thought was a weather problem. There is another related thread, that seems to also indicate that the problem started after installing 4.25. Unfortunately, until I can find a way to manually generate the 'super fog' layer I can't really test it. Are you aware of any interaction of 4.25 that would cause this 'super fog' layer which causes all panels to disappear when descending into it? Thanx, Vic
  20. PMFJI but in case Pete has gone to bed for the night - you need to be in a flight - you are at the opening screens - just click FREE FLIGHT and then click the FLY NOW button - you will see the menu bar (or press ALT) - the menu selection for Add-Ons is at the extreme right. HTH, Vic
  21. Thanx, Pete! LOL - my system has been trouble free so I never have occasion to check the event viewer and hadn't seen those entries before. Since I just installed a new video driver that would have been my first choice but for the event viewer. Sorry to rehash old news! Vic
  22. Hi Pete - On occasion I'm getting a system hang or CTD and the event viewer shows the following messages. Can you shed any light on this? First error: Event Type: Error Event Source: SideBySide Event Category: None Event ID: 32 Date: 10/14/2007 Time: 12:20:33 PM Description: Dependent Assembly Microsoft.FlightSimulator.SimConnect could not be found and Last Error was The referenced assembly is not installed on your system. followed by this: Event Type: Error Event Source: SideBySide Event Category: None Event ID: 59 Date: 10/14/2007 Time: 12:20:33 PM Description: Resolve Partial Assembly failed for Microsoft.FlightSimulator.SimConnect . Reference error message: The referenced assembly is not installed on your system. and finally: Event Type: Error Event Source: SideBySide Event Category: None Event ID: 59 Date: 10/14/2007 Time: 12:20:33 PM User: N/A Computer: HOTONE Description: Generate Activation Context failed for F:\Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.dll. Reference error message: The operation completed successfully. Seems to happen when I'm switching views but can't pin it down. I doubt that it's an FSUIPC issue but hoping you've seen these before. Thanx, Vic XP Pro/FSX
  23. Hi Pete - I've just built a new system and I'm dual booting XP Pro and Vista, for now. I've installed FSX on it's own drive. I did the install twice in the same location, one for each OS in order to keep the registry settings ok. Seems to work fine. In re FSUIPC - will I also need to do a dual install or can I just copy the data from my old system (FSX Modules) folder to the new FSX install? Will the dual boot have an effect on the FSUIPC.INI file that I should watch for or should I set FSUIPC to load the specific ini file depending on OS? Thanx, Vic
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