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  1. @Paul Hentythanks I assumed the FSUIPC part was Win32 but I was hoping that WideView wasn't, and I could run that on the Pi to do the networking part for me but sounds like that isn't the case so will look at your WebSockets and may see about using SignalR so that it's all managed for me. When I have something working, I'll open source it and share it here. Thanks Cliff.
  2. Hi @Paul Henty Just wondering is there a reason your NuGet is taking a dependency on net6.0-windows7.0 and not just net6.0? Reason I ask is that I want to use your awesome work on a project using Net6 or even 7 in the coming weeks but not on a windows machine, but a RaspberryPi which is on the network with the other PC's such that I can use it to control lights and buttons as the Pi has GPIO etc so an ideal use case. If you are not using any Windows parts inside your code could you publish a version that is Net6.0 only please, and happy to help if you need to make this work. Thanks Cliff.
  3. Pete, Thanks for the help I will try working all the inputs via FSUIPC and see how that works, the controls are normal Potentiometers wired into a HID Joystick controller and this has no software other than the standard windows drivers. Thanks for the help. Cliff.
  4. Hi Pete, Yes it's the "IN" box that i am seeing the zero value for the travel trough the centre of the movement and thus also on the "OUT" as well which is expected, the controls are set-up in the Controls section of P3D with the sliders set to Null full left and Sensitivity full right. Is it better to set-up the inputs via FSUIPC or via P3D? It is very confusing as I have tried using the Roll control on pitch to check it it's a harward fault but it's always on the Pitch movement. Cliff.
  5. Hi, Running FSUIPC 4.853 within Prepar3d Version 1.3 and having set-up the controls they all work fine except for the Pitch, this calibrates within the windows calibration and looks fine. However when inside FSUIPC and on the Joystick Calibration tab to set-up the Pot's which are connected to the controls the Pitch shows a massive Null zone in the centre. This Null zone lasts for about 4-6inches of travel showing "0" input, but going back to the calibration controls in windows with Raw data being shown it works fine. Now I know I am missing something and I even think it's something simple but it's driving me nutty so any help would be great. Thanks Cliff.
  6. Hi Pete, I am not near the machine at the moment but will get the log for you tomorrow, I can say that the computer is a new build and has NEVER had FSX or any other form of flight sim other than Prepar3D installed. Version of P3D has always been V1.3 on this machine as well and it is and always has been installed in the default directory and I have run your installer as Admin on both times I have tried it. Thanks Cliff.
  7. Hi Pete, Thanks for the very quick reply, I downloaded today from your webSITE http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html which was version 4.80. I followed your instructions and calibrated the controls and all the Flaps, Rudder, Spoilers etc work great it's just the Pitch and Roll. As per your instructions these are assigned within the P3D software and I have checked there are no other assignments, in FSUIPC I have checked the controls in the calibration and as I mentioned before this is where I see the values quoted. I know it's probably something very simple but it's has me stumped. Thanks Cliff.
  8. Hi, I tried to install FSUIPC from your site today the latest version and during the install it kept coming up with a widows explorer box asking for the "FSX.exe" as I am using P3D and it was in the root of the P3D folder I clicked on the Prepar3D.EXE file and it just popped up again and again. Finally I clicked cancel and it seemed to install Ok so I registered the software and opened P3D to find your Add-On in the menu as always. So Now I have it installed I tried to configure the Pitch and Roll using the flight controls we have and in your software I am seeing full range -16000 to +16000 on both controllers. However when I try to fly the plane I have very little if any control on Pitch and Roll only everything else is working fine. Any ideas? Cliff.
  9. Pete, Thanks it must be a P3D thing then that the positions are off a little maybe that's how it works in P3D, but I was under the impression that the scenery files between FSX and P3D where no different so not sure why the difference. Never mind I have just taken your Lat/Lon data and move the aircraft forward 100m and that seems to be working fine now. Thanks.
  10. Hi Pete, Thanks for the reply. If we take the Lat/Lon for 27L at LHR and I position the aircraft there it is actually on the grass just at the start of the runway and not actually on the threshold. You mention the offset but this is only found where there is a displaced threshold and most of the runways display 0. As for the touchdown point I will just use the standard 300M and for special airports like EGLC I will hand edit them and live with that. Can I ask as well why there is some many different files all with varying degrees of information and not one files that contains it all, the XML file contains a lot but then I am forced to read in the R4.csv for the rest. It a great little app and I am only nit picking ;-)
  11. Hi, I am in the process of writing some software to act as an Instructors station for a P3D setup we are building into a mobile simulator. I was looking for a database of runway data similar to that supplied with x-Plane but couldn't find it and then stumbled across the great little MakeRunways app. My question is about the data that is included and if it can provide any further information in future updates. I want to position the aircraft on the threshold of the runway but the Lat/Lon data returned is for the start of the runway so I am adding a bit to move the aircraft. This is also a problem for the accurate Glideslope touchdown position as there is no data returned for that and I wanted to show a trace that can be printed for the ILS. Is there any plans to include this kind of data in the files, currently I am using the XML file and also the R4.csv file (Converted to XML) to get most of the data I need but it's the missing parts that I am making up but for some airports this will be wrong. For example the G/S & touchdown at most airports is inset 300m but at EGLC it's just 150m but that is local knowledge and not possible to account for in all the airports of the world. Any I'm just asking and it's a fantastic app and i'm shocked it's free. Cliff.
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