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About Bigmack

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Okay Thanks for your help. Bill M
  2. My controllers are listed in the ini. file however when I go to the controllers tab in FSIUPC, and move my throttles or rudders I see no movement or reaading when I press the set button. Can I cpoy the info over from my FSX ini which I been using for quit some time.
  3. Hello Pete I hope all is well with you. I'm have a resgisterd version of FSUIPC. I'm using v4947c. I'm pulling my hair out here trying to assign button and axis. For some reason P3D won't assign anything correctly and when I disable controls in p3d and try to asign everything ih FSUIPC, it doesn't recognize or reads any of my controllers either. Any suggestions or help is well welcomed. I'm considering asking LM for a refund on the new V3. Thanks Bill M
  4. My thrust reversers work with the 737NX. I use the axis function assinging my CH yoke throttle lever as the thrust reverser controler. I programed My CH throttle to have set points when it's fully back and the yoke throttle is fully fwd reversers operate as normal. When I want to close the thrutters, I move the yoke lever fully back and move the Ch yoke fwd to the idle set point that's programed. Bill M
  5. Hello Pete Thanks for your reply. I sent the log file per your request. I also tried turning on the multi line option with AD. When I turned on LL's, the display stayed on. But I got the scrolling text across the top. When I close the scrolling window, AD text blanked out again. Hope the helps. Bill M
  6. Yes I posted there at PMDG maybe 3 Months ago. But I never got a response back. I'm using and Nvidia 5700 Ultra 128M With latest drivers posted at their site. But I had this problem ever since I upgraded to thier 800/900 models. I just learned to live with it. Bill M 8)
  7. I just reinstallled the 737 700, 800/900 AC yesterday and made sure all drivers were up to date. But I don't understand why I get the flicker when using Radar Contact and when I activate the landing lights. Bill M 8)
  8. I experiance a simular problem when flying the PMDG 737,Along with Radar Contact. When I turn on the landing lights, AD text flickers on and off. When I turn off AD the fkicking stops and AD works normal. I tried same combination with orther AC, but it seems to only happen with the 737,RC combo. Bill M 8)
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