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Posts posted by BBQSteve

  1. As I said previously, new day, new set of circumstance. Yesterday evening was my shot in the barrel, received notification of W10 April Update. First thought was oh great! Also noticed that Nvidia came out quickly with their update to the latest update, so I downloaded and installed it along with beginning my adventure with the W10 update. All went well with the usual exception, shared folders between networked computers and my Saitek yoke driver not installed (what's up with that anyway?)

    It was late enough after all that so this AM I fired up P3Dv4 and took it for a ride. Guess what! Not a single pause or stutter. Couldn't tell when the saves were made at 5 minute intervals nor any other stutters. Guess it was magic.

    Thanks for all your assistance and time. Till next updates, later.

  2. LOL! No, USA. in Virginia. We are going through one of five usual summers. Oh and thats F not C! That would about 31 C.

    A new day, a new circumstance. I tried what you suggested and the results were surprising. Starting each addon utility did not cause more than normal save times. So I decided to try something else. Normally I start the addons first, then P3D, this next test I loaded P3D first and then the addons all together. Darned if the save time didn't stay at normal time. Now I am really confused. I believe I did update simconnect earlier this year, don't remember when.

    Just as I write this, I get another long simconnect disconnect and sim is paused saving. Thought I had a work around.




  3. Average save time with default Maule and using ";" is 10 sec. Same average time with FSUIPC is  2' 44" and I get Windows notifications "connection to FSUIPC got lost." 

    The following applications are also running with both tests:

    AS4 with ASCA

    kacars landing rate monitor




    Little NAVCONNECT for remote Little NAVMAP


    Can't wait for that toupe shot!


  4. Boy I have been pulling what is left of my hair out with this problem. Never expected it to be FSUIPC after all these years of using it.


    FSUIPC v5.124


    All aircraft no PMDG

    I got long pauses every 5 minutes after the latest W10-64 updates which coincided with my FSUIPC update to 5.124. Had autosave set for 5 minutes. Now have it turned off and no pauses or stutters. Hate to say it, but looks like FSUIPC is the culprit.

  5. Same problem with window focus change. Requested information:  BTW Same settings as above pictures except for online.

    1. FS X, FS2004(FS9) or Prepar3D (Version)                                                                                             P3D V3.4.18.19475
    2. FSUIPC* / WideFS which version used ("latest version" is not sufficient)                                        6.999z1
    3. I use the FSC in a network! Yes / No
    4. FS Commander and Database Manager which version / revision and build used                           9.6 Rev 7 build 20 May 2016
    5. Which provider and period of the AIRAC Cycle                                                                                  Navigraph 1702 Rev 1
    6. Aerosoft boxed or download version or download version from our website                                 download

    7. Operating System (Windows 7/8/10 32/64, Vista 32/64, XP, 2000)                                                     Windows 10 64 bit
    8. How many monitors are used
                                                                                                                   For what? 4 for my desktop flightsim, 1 laptop for FSC 


    However, a lightbulb went off in one of your responses. The Map refresh causes a refocus. Too obvious, but I think that is the problem. In order to move the map, a refresh must take place.

  6. So has Fran installed those drivers yet and if not why not? It won't hurt and it certainly could have helped days ago. I am glad that you found that change though Pete. It may effect something else down the road,


    Now if I could just figure out why my multi-panel display keeps not displaying. Happens over night. Thought at first it was the asleep mode of windows, changed it to no sleep, but again today no display.

  7. Then I must have been the last of the dinosaurs, but probably not. I know people still using XP.


    In any case, I have an ASUS Maximus V Formula and i7-3770K with 8GB of memory and every other start of SPAD I have no display in my multi-panel. A reboot sometimes cures it and a reload of USB drivers is in the making. Just some system combo's have unique problems and he/she is one of them. Interesting problem though, even if it is frustrating for the user.

  8. I have a feeling it is either a 64 bit issue, driver issue r the new FSUIPC. My 32 bit install worked flawlessly. Now with 64 bit and new FSUIPC I have now and then problems and one that is staying with me for the moment, multi-panel display will not display while all buttons and switches work fine. Sometimes after reboot the display works so I am looking more towards mainboard usb issues than other sw.

  9. Drivers. Please appease me and load the Saitek Drivers for your Yoke and TPM. Do you have rudder pedals too? If so load that driver too. Be sure to use the ones for your OS (32 or 64).


    Pete, I know my axis devices did not work correctly until I installed the drivers. I have Pro Yoke with throttle quadrant and pedals with Saitek 64 bit drivers installed. For panels I use SPAD.

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