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Everything posted by SimRandy

  1. Hi, Here is again what I have: A real quad with 2 throttles, Eng. #1 and #2 and Rev levers on each of those throttles. The throttles must be closed or in idle in order to raise the Rev. levers at all. The throttles work fine. I have closed or idle all the way back. Then if I move them forward, I get forward thrust. Its the Rev function that works from a microswitch inside the quad ( I guess the real plane did not have any Rev. power range) however, those Rev function cant move any raw data in your joysticks, like pots do. Of course we are talking button or switch function here. The Rev function I have set with Goflight's Rev. lever function and have delete those Rev function in FS button/joystick assign area (where I did have them set to F2). I have also done the opposite and deleted Goflight's functions and assigned only in FS the F2. Both ways will generate Rev thrust function. So now, Rev will not shut down upon me lowering the Rev levers, unless I move the throttles just a tad forward. I read your post about #6 for setting them up, given the above, just what actual step by step should I do. Unlike the others, I need my throttles to physically be at idle (all the way back) to raise the Rev levers. I would assume that the Rev function is dependent on where the throttles are. In my case they have to be physically at idle. How would I set a dead zone right at idle and still have Rev zone there also. I hope this explains things better. Randy
  2. Hi, No thats not what I want to happen, because I have a real cockpit with real Rev levers. So, I have to close them all the way back to "idle" and then the locking mech comes open so I can raise the Rev. levers. Thus I dont want Rev to go on when I bring throttles back to zero or idle. I just mentioned that I was able to set it that way, as though I had a cheapy CH type yoke or whatever and no Rev levers. So with that said, how can I make it so a button function to activate Rev thrust will shut down Rev thrust upon lowering the Rev thurst levers and I dont have to then move the throttles forward a hair to cease Rev thrust? Randy
  3. Your the man, Pete. I got the spoilers to be just fine. Nice armed spot now using that 2nd idle set button. So I went to the throttles and tried what you had said for the spoilers in that, if you remember, I could not shut down Rev and had to push the throttles a tad forward to shut down Rev. Well I tried what I could think of when setting thru your joystick, and I cant get them to shut down on their own. Remember I am using a microswitch for Rev. Of note, I could set the throttles fine using your 4 set buttons, and I could get the throttles to be in idle just foward of where they actually rest closed, and if I pull them back, they would Rev and I push the throttles back to "idle", they close Rev. and of course if I push them forward all the way, I get foward thrust. I assume this is whats done if one does not have a Rev lever. Any ideas? Randy
  4. Well when you get to be as old as me, you see things that are not there, and you dont see things that are there. I will run the sim later and now that you mention it, I think I have seen the other idle set box below the other one. Oh, I have read your docs over and over. I guess I have to read them under and under more. The easy thing is building the sims, the hard part is making them work. Thanks Randy
  5. Hi, From the other post, after setting in your joystick, I do get an arm range, but its from full down to about half my pot/lever travel range. Here is what I do in you joystick: Hit reset then I see the 3 sets. With lever at full down, I hit the first set which is around -16,000 or so. I then move the lever just a tad, and when I see the number go to about -15,600 or so, I hit the middle set. Then I move the lever to full up and get about 9,000 to 10,000 and hit that last set. Is this correct. I check the spoilers and they are off at full down, then when I move the lever the armed comes on in PM, however, I can now keep moving the lever till about half way down the travel range, then the readings become red and start to show the % of up. Randy
  6. On that part about the throttles having to be all the way closed or at idle postion, is that since they are real throttles, to raise the Rev levers, you have to have the throttles closed. A mechanical thing. You of course know that anyway. I think I see what your saying about using your joysticks section to make a stable idle area for the throttles, so then the button use for Rev will work? Is that right. Randy
  7. Hi, I have a spoiler handle to a pot. I am able to set the arming and travel OK thru Pete's new joystick mod. The problem is that the arm zone is now very long. If moved from closed to about half way, still shows armed. I have tried with the regular spoiler set thru Pete's joysticks, to make the arm zone as small as I can, just moving it a hair and set, but still its covering half the spoiler travel zone. Half is arm zone the other half is spoiler down to up 100%. How would I get a more smaller arming zone to happen. Randy
  8. Hi again, I use a real Westwind 1124 cockpit running PM and a 737-700 plane and the Rev handles use a microswitch. I have both throttles running to a GoFlight quad board for button function. I can see thru calibration that the Rev buttons are working, as they light up Goflights icons. Now what I have done is assign them thru Goflight's switching Rev 2 and 3 engines. I also have eng #1 assigned in the FS buttons using F2 under Engine- Dec- fast button. I know that you should not have them assigned in more than one place at the same time, so I have deleted one or the other assignments and tried it. What is happening is that upon trying to close/end Rev thurst, they stay on. In order to close/shut off Rev, I have to push the throttles a hair forward and they go off. The throttles work fine for forward thrust and I have tried to set them thru Pete's joystick section. If I make a little idle zone, the Rev come on while the throttles are in idle, or they wont come on at all. Since I have real Throttle/Rev levers, they must be phy. closed to open Rev up. Is the problem that I have a microswitch working the Rev and not a pot setup? How do I make it so I close throttles to idle and then can open and close Rev, without having to push throttles forward. Randy
  9. Hi all, Its been a while but I am backing to simming. First off, how do I make it so when I log into the simflight forums, I can come right to Dowsons only and not all the forums main page? I will post other questions later. Thanks Randy
  10. pete, sorry for the bad e mail the other day but i was pissed at trying and trying to log on. randy
  11. hi all, i have tried everything i can. read the docs in pete's builds and FS2004 help. i can get clouds and rain and fog, reduced vis. etc. but this wind thing is nuts. i follow just what the help says to do, by going into weather and hitting custom settings icon, then advance, and i set a surface wind up to 250 ft, then add a wind layer of 16k from after surface to 2500ft, with a cross wind direction set. when i click ok for advance to take, i then get back to custom/quick weather icons, WHICH NOW SHOW winds at only 8k!!!!! i get to the runway and it shows the 3kts i programmed for that surface, but when flying, and i get to above 500 even, the winds still show either 3kts or random readings. if i set winds right from the fast/quick sliders, it does take, but the surface winds will be at what ever levels i just set with the fast sliders. i cant win. i either have no winds where i want them, or i have winds that i did not want at that ht. pete, in your fsuipc mods window, is there something i am missing? does anyone else have this problem with winds. what am i doing wrong here. thanks randy
  12. hi pete, well thanks for the tips. i would assume then from what you say, that i was making them more sensitive myself. so much to know, and to little time. randy
  13. hi all, i find my flight controls, ie., roll, pitch and rudder, just to sensitive, even after either adjusting in the sensitivity area of FS2004, or even going into cfg9 and changing the scale and nulls to 64 and 0, like pete's docs say. i also, try to deaden the centering of these controls thru pete's joystick area. i follow just what pete's docs say on how to "set" a dead zone. is a dead zone whats needed to make them less sensitive? are there any other ways one can really deaden these controls so as they just dont over react with imput. randy
  14. hi, i had posted somewhere how i saw that with the default 737 in fs2004, as one applies rudder to crab with, that the plane would NOT start to roll, even with hard rudder. it can yaw staying level, to almost the point that the plane is 90 deg to the runway! try it. with stamaits' old fs2002 axon ver 1.5 beta 700, in fs2004, as one applies rudder, at a point, the plane DOES start to roll, and counter alieron is needed. i am assuming here that microsoft just does not give a damm about good flight models. am i wrong. randy
  15. hi pete and bob, in regards to this vaining thing, i should restate that once i am at the local weather airport on app (i dont know how far out this extends from the field), but the field that i made the local weather for, and am heading towards the runway, in a high cross wind, the plane is pointing toward the source of the winds. IF I TRY TO TURN THE PLANE A BIT TO FACE STRAIGHT AT THE RUNWAY, IT DOES NOT DRIFT WITH THE WIND, BUT TURNS OR YAWS BACK, TOWARDS THE WIND SOURCE. this must have something to do with the wind hitting the rudder surface, and yawing it. randy
  16. hi pete, the ground vaining effect i can understand, but what about, that its hppening up in the air. its the same effect as on the ground, but while on app i have it. the plane is vaining while in flight, for a big plane like the 737, would not its speed and wt, make it drift instead of vaining. again i am not touching any controls and everything is centered, yet it crabs by its self. is this correct what i am seeing. did not see this happen in fs2002. randy
  17. hi, i must be going nuts. i try everything in the weather windows. if i use custom setting, just how does the local thing work. how do i make the winds work for a 5 mile radius from any airport. also, whats strange, is that when the winds do take (see last parag), and as i app the runway, my plane vains towards the winds. i do not even have to crab, cause its doing it by its self. its the same effect that happens on the runway, when the winds turn the plane towards them. i know that pete use to have a taxi wind thing, but says its not needed in fs2004. that being the case, how can i set diff. wind layers, where on the runway it is 3 knots, but above it to, lets say, to 2500 feet, i have strong winds. i have done the + and - add winds layers, but they just dont seem to stick. an example is, i set in the winds windows for advance stuff, 3 knot wind to 500 feet (also in pete's area, i set max surface wind to 3 k). i then hit the add wind layer + icon and add 16k winds from 500 to 2500 feet. i take off and PFD shows 3 k winds, but passing 500 feet, it still shows 3 knots!!! the only way i get any kinda wind, at least showing in PM, is by setting the wind from 0 to 100,000 feet, but as i mentioned, upon app/landing there is now this vaining toward the wind. there is no wind feel hitting the plane or wanting to push it sideways. its on auto grab!!!! i give up randy any help will be great. randy
  18. hi all, pete, if i am not getting the high scale values that you say axis (my pots) should have. you know 16,000??? to -16,000 or so, using 100K pots, then will i get poor results. must i redo my pots so i get the highest values i can when calib. randy
  19. hi all, am i wrong, in that, the fs2004 winds are screwed up also. if they are working, what again must i do, to get them on. i read somewhere that pete states that certain codes or steps must be done, till a fix is present. randy
  20. hi thanks for the fast reply. this site will help me alot in the future. randy
  21. hi all, for me to get 5 deg of flaps now, i have to move my flap handle almost 60% of travel. how do i spread the 9 detents over the whole travel arc. i am using the default 737 in fs2004 along with Magenta. i use real cockpit parts with 100K linear pots. thanks randy
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