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John Fee

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John Fee last won the day on October 9 2024

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  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Sky Demon is a navigation system designed for real world General Aviation pilots. However, it is possible to fool the program into believing that the GPS output it is receiving from FSX-SE is coming from a real aircraft. I am posting this workplan as an aid to those who would like to try it out. It may not work for you in which case I apologise. Both Sky Demon and a Virtual Serial Port Device have two week trial periods. I gratefully acknowledge the advice of John Dowson in helping me get this up and flying. Preliminaries You will need the latest subscribed version of FSUIPC4 for FSX-SE. https://www.fsuipc.com/ If you plan to run SkyDemon on a LAN you will also need WideFS7; this includes WideClient for installation on your non-flying client PC/laptop. Details in para.5 and end of para.6. Read the FSUIPC and WideFS User Guides carefully. Workgroup If you are planning to run Sky Demon on a LAN, Make sure that both server (FSX-SE flying PC) and client (non-flying laptop/PC) have the same workgroup name. This is essential. There are several versions of the Windows 10 operating system e,g, Home, Pro, Enterprise. If you are using a newly installed Pro or Enterprise version you will probably find that the default workgroup name is WORKGROUP. If you need to change this, be aware that your change may not ‘stick’ after re-booting. To address this problem, login with a local account, not an MS account like: xxx@hotmail, xxx@outlook etc. Also, check in Settings-System that your computer is set up for private use and not business. 1. In the FSUIPC4.ini file (in the Modules folder of the FSX-SE folder) scroll down and check: [GPSout] GPSoutEnabled=Yes Port=WideFS Speed=19200 Leave the rest unchanged. If not there add: Sentences=RMC,GGA,GSA (no spaces) Next, find [Wide Server] and check: WideFSenabled=Yes AdvertiseService=1 Port=8002 Port2=9002 Save 2. Download the two week trial version of Eltima Virtual Serial Port Driver for Windows 10. Launch. Pair COM8 and COM9. Check in Device Manager – WinKey + X. Payware option after two weeks. Freeware VSPDs are available but I cannot vouch for these. 3. Sky Demon is designed for real world General Aviation navigation. It is payware but there is a trial version. Download and install the latest version for Windows 10. In Setup, Third Party Devices, leave boxes unchecked. Under RS232 GPS Devices set Port to COM8; Baud to 19200 Also in Setup, scroll down to Navigation Options. At the bottom of the page click on the link to Legacy Device Connectivity Options and chose ‘I have a Garmin handheld device’. You can play around with the other Navigation Options. 4. Read this only If you wish to run Sky Demon on a LAN i.e. on a non-FSX client PC or laptop. Skip otherwise. Download WidesFS7 from: https://www.fsuipc.com/ to your non-FSX (client) machine. Make sure you have registered WideFS7 – the code will have been sent to you when you purchased FSUIPC4. Extract and copy WideClient.exe and WideClient.ini to a separate folder on your client machine. I use my home folder and call this folder WideClient. Make a desktop shortcut for WideClient.exe. Edit the Port entries in WideClient.ini configuration. [Config] Port=8002 Port2=9002 Add these to [Config] ServerName=enter your flying PC’s name – whoamI - in Command Prompt Protocol=TCP Add this after the [Sounds] entries, [GPSout] Port=COM8 Speed=19200 Save 5. Running FSX-SE. Login to Steam. Run FSX.exe from your main installation. Launch the Virtual Serial Port Device and check that COM8 amd COM9 are paired. In a LAN Launch WideClient.exe on the client. In my LAN I installed the VSPD device on my client. 6. Run SkyDemon – click on Go Flying and Connect to RS232 GPS Hardware. ‘Keep the shiny side up and the greasy side down!’
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  2. John Success! 😀 Setting ServerName=Belladonna; Protocol=TCP in WideClient [config] worked some magic. I do not know if I did correctly, but I set Port=8002 (was 0) and Port2=9002 (was 0). I realise from the documents that 9002 is for folders. If wrong it seems to have done no harm. If you think it would be of interest I can write a full version of how we did this for posting in User Contributions. Setting up GPSOut for Sky Demon in FSX-SE is clearly not always straightforward. I posted how to do this for FS9 and FSX in User Contributions many years ago. Since then the Sky Demon set up has changed somewhat. I didn't bother you with that! Thanks again for all your advice and interest.
  3. The WORKGROUP names were the same when I posted, i.e. OSBORNE. Problem was when I rebooted the laptop, it made an uncommanded name change to WORKGROUP, unbeknownst to me! The explanation (in case others have a similar problem) were incompatibilities between Windows 10 Home (PC server), and Windows 10 Pro (cllent). I appear to have these fixed now so that the Workgroups are the same (hopefully permanently) and the sharing of files and folders is permitted. That's for tomorrow. Thanks again!
  4. Update I have just discovered that the client laptop (Dell) reverts to WORKGROUP instead of the correct name - OSBORNE. I have no idea how or why, it is not in a domain. This may explain at least part of the problem. Edit I'm detecting other problems with the LAN. Up till recently I had no problems. These all started with a second-hard A rated Dell laptop. 😢
  5. The Workgroups are the same. When I attempt to run Sky Demon, I get a banner message across the map 'Waiting for data'. I've attached files again as requested. Thanks! WideClient.log WideClient.ini FSUIPC4.log FSUIPC4.ini WideServer.log
  6. I've not been able to get this working. Relevant logs and .ini files are attached. Also a screenshot of the Virtual port driver. Firewalls are all off. All relevant folders are shared with Full Access - files are easily moved from one PC to the other. I am running FSX-SE in Windows 10. Perhaps STEAM software is causing some problem? Or maybe I missed something obvious. I'd be grateful for help. FSUIPC4.ini WideClient.log FSUIPC4.log WideClient.ini
  7. Sorry, yes, of course. As you can see I'm pretty rusty. If/when I get Sky Demon working using WideClient, I will update this post with details.
  8. Thanks! This is a good help. I will try the WideClient method first. I have WideFS but not WideClient. Should WideClient be installed on the flying PC, or the client PC, or both?
  9. I am running FSXSE in a Win10 PC. I use Sky Demon for navigation - undocked to a second monitor. I explained the method here https://forum.simflight.com/topic/76431-gpsout-for-sky-demon-in-fs9/#comment-465701 (read down to my second post). Now, to reduce the CPU load I would like to install Sky Demon on a second W10 PC. So I need to find a way of taking GPS output from the flying PC. I cannot figure out a way of doing this - maybe it is not possible? I would be grateful for advice.
  10. Thanks, John. Sorry for bother. I thought I put it there!
  11. Notes: This is an update for FS9/FS2004 users who wish to use SkyDemon in Windows 10 x64. Previously I used a similar method for FS9 in Windows 7 posted here. SkyDemon has also been updated since that time. I run FS9 in Compatibility Mode: Windows XP (Service Pack 2). This method uses Eltima software for pairing COM ports (see below). This allows SkyDemon to interact in both directions with FS9 via GPSout. 1. Install a free registered version of FSUIPC for FS9, version 3.999z9b https://forum.simflight.com/topic/80977-updated-modules/ Details of how to register are provided. 2. Check the FSUIPC.ini in the FS9 Modules folder using Notepad - that the above version is installed. 3. Install GPSout from https://www.schiratti.com/files/dowson.html This is NOT included in the FSUIPC 3.999z9b download. GPSout.dll and GPSout.ini must be in the FS9 Modules folder. 4. Open the GPSout.ini file with a text editor like Notepad. Set the following: Sentences=RMA,RMC,GLL,GGA [note, no spaces] Port=COM8; Baud=19200 SAVE 5. Open Eltima VSPD - a fully functional trial is available Pair Ports, COM8 and COM9 6. Press WinKey+X. In Device Manager: Electronic Team VSP Ports COM8/COM9 should show. 7. Run FS2004 and open default airport (optionally after this, create a flight plan using FS2004 flight planner and SAVE). 8. Start SkyDemon (current version 29 Sept 2022) Menu: SetUp - 3rd party devices - set COM9 and Baud=19200 Menu GoFlying - connect RS232
  12. Thank, John. I have reading to do!
  13. Thanks for putting all this together. I need to learn about macros first and then apply that knowledge. I am not too sure where the Lvars log file is to be found. I have the 'Log Lua plugins separately' option checked under Logging. Best, John
  14. Thanks a bunch, Roman. You're a star! I have it working on a yoke button. Oddly, I can't get it to work from a key press but that's not important. Just a comment. P3Dv4.5 doesn't have a \modules folder. I put the "P40_Hyd.mcro" file into the same default folder as the FSUIPC6 files: C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6 And a question: May I ask where you found the "P40_Hyd.mcro" file? Just in case i want to try something similar again.
  15. Thanks very much for this. I would be in business if I knew anything about LUA. I've perused the LUA documents and the Advanced Users pdf. I will study them more carefully over the next day or two - there's a lot in there which is probably not relevant to my problem. But maybe I need a full understanding? Do I need to learn the language? I just don't know. The bit that escapes me so far is where to enter the relevant information? Is there a LUA.ini file somewhere which can be edited? I couldn't find it. I have the Lua_Plugins_20190320 folder with the examples folder. Where on earth to begin?
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