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Posts posted by Frank.O

  1. Hi,

    by Widescreen I assume you mean WideFS?

    I am no expert but the log shows that the client cannot receive the server broadcasts. With these broadcasts the server tells he client its details so it can connect automatically. The reason for this can be security software but since you say that firewalls are off this shouldn't be the case. Is your network working fine otherwise? Can you share files and printers? Do the computers see each other?

    Also look into the network properties and make sure both machines are in the same workgroup.

    If that doesn't help, sorry, not other idea.



  2. Hawg,

    yes you can use two keyboards without problems.

    I had such a setup once. You need a Y-cable (like THIS) witch takes the plugs of the keyboards and is itself plugged into the ps2 port of the computer.

    Later: It just occurred to me that there are also USB keyboards. They weren't availlable when I tried this so I can't say for sure but it may be possible to plug two of them in without the need of a Y-cable.



  3. Hi,

    if FSUIPC is in the add on menu it is installed ok, so reinstalling it won't help.

    As for the "run as admin" thing - it may not work if you click on the icon on your desktop because this is only a link, an alias for FSX.exe. Try using windows explorer to navigate to your FSX folder and start FSX from there by right clicking on FSX.exe and choosing "run as admin".



  4. Hi,

    I am not an expert and don't have FSX but I think it is more likely that repairing the basic simconnect installation will help.

    The simconnect installation from SP1 is found ok by the installer it is the initial simconnect installation (made when installing FSX) that is missing. They are ment to exist side by side as I understand it. There is a guide on how to do this among the pinned threads at the top of this forum.



  5. David,

    this does not seem to be related to Petes software, does it?

    You might get a better response posting this in the FSX forum.

    Does this aircraft come with an automatic installer or is it all done by hand?

    If the latter is there no readme file to tell you how to install?

    I don't have FSX but if there are no gauges and effects this is an indication that the aircraft is not installed properly.

    Here is how it should be done in FS 9.1:

    -gauges (suffix *.gau, *.XML, or *.CAB) can be put either into the main "gauges" folder inside the FS root folder or into the panel folder of the aircraft in question (in FS9 this is ...FS9\aircraft\aircraft name\panel, in FSX I think you will find it under ..FSX\sim objects\aircraft or similar (mind you I don't have FSX))

    -effects (suffix *.fx) should be put into the effects folder inside the FS9 root folder (no idea where this is on FSX but a close look should tell you)

    If this all doesn't help you ask again in the FSX forum. Lots of experts there.



  6. Dennis,

    th low reading you are seeing in the calibration page may be an indication that the sensitivity setting for this axis is not correct. Open the "sensitivities" dialogue via the "options" menu and make sure all sensitivities are set to maximum (fully right) and all null zones are set to minimum (fully left).

    As for the setting not saved - this question would best be adressed to Pete Dowson in his own forum here on simflight. But make sure first that you are using the latest version.



  7. Hi,

    I managed to get it running ( Kind Of )when I uninstalled all addons like Traffic,scenery and third party stuff like Abacus AirBus A380 etc,but I get LIGHTNING type Flashes surrounding the Aircraft and scenery,What Now??

    Nothing I know of produces lightning flashes except the thunderstorms in FS weather. Just go to the weather menu and clear the weather if you don't like them.

    that rings a bell somewhere. Something similar came up on the german newsgroup recently. The sreen rapidly changes between correct display and "whited out" - looks like flashing. If I recall corretly it was related to pop ups Vista wanted to display (tooltips, text bubbles whatever) while FS was running full screen. But I can't be sure as I don't have Vista. Try to turn off those silly pop up messages ("You just double clicked on a text file. Do you really want to open it in Notepad?"). It may be worth a shot.



  8. can it be you forgot to install the 9.1 update for FS9?

    Oh dear, that's what I call messed up! :oops: :oops: :oops:

    Sorry I must have had a senior moment yesterday. It is quite the other way around.

    That version number is rather the one of FS. If you use a very old version of FSUIPC on an updated FS (9.1) you get an error message saying like "this version of FSUIPC is not compatible with this version of FS" and that the version in need is 9.0.XXX...

    So if you download and install the latest FSUIPC from the Schiratti site everything should be OK.



  9. Good morning,

    the problem is what will happen if and the pilot and co-pilot push together the left brake.

    well, the most realistic solution would be mechanically linked pedals. If this is not an option for you the method I described above would be the way to go. You could still avoid the problems introduced when both left pedals are pushed at the same time by using pots with attached switches (you know, these things that turn on the radio at the beginning of their travel and then control the volume). Use normal pots on the FO's side and pots with switches on the captains side and wire the switches so they disable the FO's pedals whenever the captains pedals are pushed.



  10. Thanks again Frank! You are doing a splendid job!

    My pleasure :)

    Das finde ich auch, Danke, so gut erklärt habe ich es selten bekommen.

    Melde mich nochmal, wenn es probleme geben sollte.


    War mir ein Vergnügen :)

    Dann mal viel Erfolg!

    Pete, my babbling seems to have been sufficient so far. He says he'll be back should problems arise.

    Best regards,


  11. Hallo Marcel,

    Habe also FSX auf meinem Hauptrechner ,

    habe auch den Flight Simmcomander 8.o auf dem Hauptrechner .

    Leider läuft der Rechner nicht so stabil mit 22oo MHZ, 1 Gig Arbeitsspeicher.

    Also will ich den Flight Simmcomander 8.o auf den Laptop laufen lassen

    gut, das müßte mit WideFS gehen. Wenn Du auf beiden Rechnern Win2000 oder höher hast, sollte das sogar alles automatisch funtionieren. Du mußt nur auf die Firewalls achtgeben. Mit XP-Servicepack2 sind die standardmäßig eingeschaltet. Du mußt sie entweder abschalten oder entsprechende Regeln definieren die dann WideFS die notwendige Kommunikation erlauben. Da Du FSX hast, ist das auch für die einwandfreie Funtion von Simconnect und somit auch FSUIPC notwendig.

    FSUIPC4 ist installiert aber nicht registriert.

    Widfs ist mit drin , natürlich auch nicht registriert.

    Wenn Du im FSX ein AddOn-Menü hast sind die Voraussetzungen eigentlich günstig, weil das heißt, daß Simconnect und FSUIPC erstmal funtionieren. Um die Registrierung wirst Du natürlich nicht herumkommen. Es gibt bei Simmarket ein wirklich günstiges Paketangebot für FSUIPC+WideFS und das ist mit Sicherheit eine lohnenswerte Investition.

    Weiss auch garnicht, wohin Widefs installiert werden muss auf meinem Laptop.

    Der Serverteil von WideFS ist in FSUIPC integriert, das hast Du also schon installiert. Auf dem Laptop mußt Du nur Wideclient installieren. Dazu mußt Du das WideFS-Paket herunterladen http://www.schiratti.com/files/dowson/WideFS.zip Dann legst Du einfach einen entsprechenden Ordner an(z.B. C:\Programme\WideFS) und kopierst WideClient.exe und WideClient.ini hinein. Dann kannst Du Wideclient durch Doppelklick starten oder einen Eintrag im Startmenü erzeugen oder eine Verknüpfung in die Autostart Gruppe legen. Wideclient läuft dann und wartet. Sobald auf dem Server FSX geladen ist sendet Wideserver ein "Hallo?" übers Netzwerk Wideclient "hörts" und die beiden verbinden sich. Wie schon gesagt, wenn die Betriebssysteme stimmen und Firewal/Antivirus/Internetsicherheits- Software nicht dazwischenfunken dann geht das alles wie von allein. Ach so, Grundvoraussetzung ist natürlich ein funktionierendes Netzwerk, d.h. beide Rechner müssen sich gegenseitig "sehen" wenn Du die Netzwerkumgebung öffnest, Freigaben und der Austausch von Dateien muß funtionieren.

    So weit erstmal für heute, ich hoffe das hilft Dir weiter.

    Viele Grüße,


    Pete, here is a translation for you:

    I have FSX on my main pc and also FlightSimCommander 8.0. The computer is not too powerful so I want to run FSC 8.0 on the laptop.

    OK, that should work via WideFS. If both computers are on Win2000 or higher it should even function automatically. You'll have to pay attention to the firwalls though. With XP-sevice pack 2 they are on by default. You'll have to turn them off or make proper rules that allow WideFS to communicate. Since you are using FSX the same is also essential for Simconnect and thus FSUIPC.

    FSUIPC4 is installed, unregistered

    WideFS is also unregistered

    If you have an addon menu in FSX then this is a good sign that simconnect and FSUIPC are working. Of course you cannot avoid registration. There's a really good deal for FSUIPC+WideFS on Simmarket and in my opinion it is really worth the money.

    Don't know where to install Widefs on the laptop.

    The server part of WideFS is integrated into FSUIPC, you already have that installed. On the laptop you have to install only WideClient. Download the WideFS package http://www.schiratti.com/files/dowson/WideFS.zip, create a folder (C:\Program Files\WideFS for instance) and put Wideclient.exe and WideClient.ini into it. You can then launch WidClient with a double click or create a start menu entry or put a link into Autostart.

    Wideclient will run and wait. As soon as FSX is up and running on the server Wideserver sends a "Hello?" via the network, WidClient will "hear" it and both will connect. As I said if the operating systems are >/= Win2000 and firewall/antivirus/privacy software doesn't interfere it will all be automatic.

    A fundamental prerequisite is of course a properly working network. Both computers must see each other in network neighbouhood and file/folder sharing must work.



  12. Gibt es das auch irgendwie in Deutsch?

    Nein, das gibt es leider nicht irgendwie in Deutsch.

    Ausserdem: Funktioniert WideFS einfach so, oder muss mann es sofort kaufen?

    WideFS funktioniert nur wenn es registriert (gekauft) ist.

    Bekomme nämlich keine Verbindung vom LAP zum PC-


    Ist logisch, wenn es noch nicht registriert ist.

    Grundlegendes in Kürze: FSUIPC ist ein Interface über das Programme mit dem FS kommunizieren können. WideFS dehnt dieses Interface aus auf ein lokales Netzwerk. Auf dem FS PC (Server) läuft also FS mit FSUIPC und WideServer und auf dem vernetzten PC (client) läuft WideClient und das Programm das mit dem FS verbunden werden soll (ein Wetterprogramm o.ä.) WideClient täuscht dabei dem Programm vor, daß es parallel zu FS läuft.

    Für FSX ist der WideServer-Part in FSUIPC integriert und wird durch die Registrierung freigeschaltet.

    Wenn auf beiden Rechnern Windows2000 oder XP läuft, funtioniert das in der Regel ohne weitere Maßnahmen (mal vorausgesetzt Firewalls und sowas kommen nicht in die Quere). Auf älteren Betriebssystemen muß man durch Editieren der WideClient.ini dem WideClient mitteilen mit welchem Server er sich verbinden soll (Servername oder Server-IP-adresse).

    Also: am besten sagst Du erstmal was Du machen willst, damit klar ist, ob Du WideFS überhaupt brauchst (kommt Dir vielleicht'n bischen blöd vor, aber es wollten schon Leute FSNav über WideFS laufen lassen und das geht nicht und verschiedenes anderes auch nicht).

    Dann: registrieren (Simmarket), Achtung-gleiche Email-Adresse für FSUIPC und WideFS verwenden, sonst gibt's Probleme.

    Dann: ausprobieren. Wenn irgendwas nicht gehen sollte: FS starten, WideClient starten, Problem herbeiführen, FS schließen, WideClient schließen, und dann die Dateien FSUIPC.log, Wideclient.log und Wideserver.log hier posten (einfach den Inhalt in ein Post kopieren).

    Hoffe das hilft Dir erstmal weiter.




    he wants to know if WideFS and documentation/forum is available in German also and if WideFS only works when registered.

    I gave him a brief description what WideFS is, how it works and how it is set up and told him about registering and how to produce logs if there should be a problem.



  13. Hi,

    this may seem a dumb question but: have you installed PFC.DLL as well? It's the driver needed to operate the throttle quadrant.

    You find the latest version on http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html.

    Are the yoke and rudder USB or do they connect to the throttle quadrant?

    If they are USB they should be recognized by Windows as normal joysticks and you could check that and calibrate them in the windows control panels gamecontroller applet.

    If they are plugged into the throttle unit you need PFC.DLL to calibrate and use them.



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