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Posts posted by Frank.O

  1. Hi,

    1. Yes I can see the pictures. An impressive project you have going on there. The Baron is my favourite too. Would you mind coming over and build one for me as well ? :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    2. I'm not sure but I think what you want to achieve with the landing lights is not possible. I have no idea whether or not this could be coded into the aircraft model and be controlled by special controls/keys but per default I think FS doesn't have separate controls for left/right landing lights. Also the light beams are just textures that are overlaid on the surface which is to be illuminated. They are used for all aircraft.

    So it might be possible to light up the landing lights on the engine covers separately but the illumination of the runway/tarmac can only be on or off I think - at least in FS9.



  2. Hi Pete,

    Strange. I thought FS only did that for NEW controls...

    no, I had a similar problem. I can't say exactly how it was because it was on erm... Win98 and FS2002 I think and several years have passed since then but as far as I can recall I wanted to use the CH yoke and pedals only for flying and completely disable them in slew mode. Every time I restarted the sim it would reassign them partly (I think one axis and a button or so, not completely). Only putting Locked=1 in helped.



  3. Jim,

    when editing the cfg file have you tried putting Locked=1 into the section that corresponds to the rudders?

    If I'm not mistaken the standard assignments for joysticks are read from the file devices.cfg in the FS folder. Moving that to somewhere else might also help. I have mine removed completely. It does no harm and you can still assign things in FS.



  4. Ian,

    sorry I can't help you with the push back but I do know that FSUIPC and WideFS are interdependant. WideFS is just an extension of the FSUIPC interface across a network and you need both. With FSUIPC4 for FSX the server part of WideFS is even integrated into FSUIPC.

    As for the pushback - is it possible that FSUIPC and FSInn are interfering? Did you try if it works with FSUIPC working and FSInn disabled? Just a thought.



  5. Hi Luiz,

    with FSUIPC list I assume you refer to the list of FS controls which can be accessed on the buttons or keys tab of FSUIPC?

    This is the complete list of all controls FS provides and even some more. If something isn't in there it is not simulated and therefore can not be controlled. So either these special switches (Bleed Air - Open/Close , Engine Auto Ignition - Arm/Off , etc.) can only be dummies (you can flip them and may be make an indicator light up but they won't have any influence in FS) or you relable them and use them for something else that is available in the controls list.



  6. Hi,

    I think both McAfee and windows firewall have to be deactivated. Some security software even has to be uninstalled.

    Also you need administrative privileges to register FSUIPC. Log on as admin or use the "run as" option from the context menu (right click on FSX.EXE).

    If FSUIPC installation went OK first check wether or not there is an add on menu in FSX. If there isn't disable all security software and check again. If that doesn't work uninstall security software and check again. If there is still no add on menu refer to the sticky post about the SimConnect repair at the top of this forum.

    Sorry I'm no expert I just repeat what has been asked and answered before :wink:



  7. Hi Paul, me again,

    I'm glad my babbling was of some use for you.

    I started FS and than I started to type this message (while FS was reduced to the small tab in the bottom of my screen)

    and when I pressed the Shift +F9, indeed the APU Master was initialised!!

    That seems to indicate then that the gauge does not use the Windows keyboard messages. So there's nothing FSUIPC can do about it.

    When I am in FS and I click with my mouse on these buttons (APU and APU start), than the indicator in the panel lights up and after 10 seconds there will be a message in the engine display that says: APU available". Only then it is possible to start up the engines.

    Ah.. I see. So the panel/gauge provides some clever additional logic to emulate what is not simulated in FS.

    So perhaps I should try to contact the creator of the Airbus 320 panel, to hear whether he can change this.

    Yes that would be the first thing to try. But if he can't do this there may be another solution. You could try using a hardware keyboard emulator that works in parallel to your original keyboard (I did something similar once using a Y-type cable but it is easier to use one with USB connection) and wire the buttons that need to issue real hot keys to that instead.

    Just a thought.



  8. Hi Paul,

    The commands "APU master" and "APU start" do not exist in FS 2004, but they exist in the panel.

    I see, but what do these commands actually do then, I mean they can't operate the APU because it's not simulated. Do they simply flip a switch on screen or light an indicator?

    Yes, FS2004 and the panel are all on the same computer (to be fully correct the panel gauge is inside "FS2004/aircraft/IFDG A 320/panel"

    OK so it's all inside FS. Hm... strange, it must be down to the programming of the gauge then - at least I think so.

    Do you have other suggestions to fix this?

    Well - not really. I can only guess and I am on rather thin ice here since I have no idea about programming.

    When I make the keypress "Shift + F9" on my keyboard it works perfectly, but when this command is sent through FSUIPC it does not work anymore.

    As I said it's really not my cup of tea, but this may be due to the way the gauge traps the key press. I've searched the forum and I found two replies from Pete which could be related to this. I'll quote them here:

    Sounds like the panel in question is getting its keypresses some way other than by intercepting the Windows keyboard messages. Maybe it is "hotkeying" them -- do the keypresses work in the panel even when FS doesn't have the focus, i.e. you've windowed FS and are using some other program?

    This is something you could try. Set FS to windowed mode switch focus to something else and then try the key press on the keyboard and see if it takes. If yes then I think it would be up to the author of the panel/gauge to fix this (make the gauge able to work with windows keyboard messages).

    I know it can use the keyboard, but from what everyone has told me this is not "normal" in the sense that it gets the keys from normal Windows keyboard messages, such as those WideClient can produce. I think it must be using direct keyboard access -- interrogating keys in real time, not processing them via the message queue.

    I know that wideClient isn't involved here but the problem seems the same to me.

    This is all help I can provide I'm afraid. You would have to wait for Pete to return if the problem persists to discuss it in more detail.



  9. Good morning Dave,

    Like many others, I want to get past the problem of suddenly bursting into clear blue sky above and below as you climb out of FS's own visibility layer which I have set at 8500 feet. I've read the documentation on the subject a dozen times at least, and experimented with all the values with no success. When I climb out of FS's visibility layer, I now get a drastic and rapid -- but not instantaneous -- lightening due to haze of all the ground below both near and far. Then, climbing another 1000 feet, the horizon snaps into view. I know this can work because it does for so many others. There has be something very fundamental that I'm not getting.

    it's been a long time since I tinkereed with these things, and I have it not quite to my satisfaction yet either. The best you can achieve is when setting reasonable vis limits on the ground for the four different weather conditions (the four top left values on the vis tab) and use visibility smoothing and graduated visibility. To avoid seeing a sharp horizon set the upper vis limit (downmost value on the right side of the vis tab) to no more than 30 miles. This is fine for GA flying but I learned from Pete that it can be unrealistic at times when flying at high altitudes because sometimes a sharp horizon is seen there.

    A vis layer setting up to 8500 feet seems a bit high for me. Try a lower setting and set the starting of graduated vis to Zero (top of the three lower values on the right) so it starts graduating at the top of FS's own vis layer. The upper value (where the graduating stops) can be left at 25000 and the upper limit should read 3000 if you don't want the sharp horizon. Check smooth visibility and leave it at 10% every 2 seconds.

    What is the difference between the "upper visibility" on the lower right of the visibilty setting page and the "upper altitude of restricted visibility" to the left?

    The one on the right is the maximum vilibility at high altitude and it is set by FSUIPC. The left one is the altitude where FS's own layer of restricted visibility ends.

    What does the "smooth only when airborne" box do?

    Exactly what it says I think. It deactivates the smoothing as long as you are on the ground.

    What is the box for that says "but after weather cleared, delay...?

    It delays the smoothing for so many seconds after all weather was cleared which can also be done by an external weather program. This is useful if you (or the weather program) deliberately changed the weather and want your changes to be applied fast so that you are ready to start flying.

    Hope this is of some use to you.



  10. Paul,

    go to the buttons page in FSUIPC and press the button you want to assign something to. Then the first line should display the joystick# and button#. Just below this the are two checkboxes labeled "select for key press" and "select for Fs control". You should check the first one (left side).

    Then in the lower part of the left side are two entry fields labeled "press the key(s) to be sent when you press this button" and "press the key(s) to be sent when you release this button" and either of them has two buttons next to it labeled "Set" and "Clear". Click on "Set" next to "press the key(s) to be sent when you press this button". The Entry field becomes active and you can now press the key combination on your keyboard and it will be recorded there. If you made a mistake click on "clear" and start again.

    You can the (optionally) assign a key combo to the button release in the same way and choose wether or not the keypress shall be held while the button is pressed and if the key press shall be repeated while the button is held.

    This is how it works when your sent key press actually triggers something inside FS, i.e. something that is simulatedand in FS and I assume you know this?

    I'm not sure about the APU here.

    How is your panel programmed? Is it an internal part of FS (then the above should work) or is it an application that interfaces to FS and simulates the things FS doesn't? In this case you'll have to make sure your app has the focus and can actually receive the key press. Is it on the same computer as FS?



  11. Hi,

    Plus the fact that FS reports that no clients are connecting tells me I am missing something when trying to run wideclient and wideserver on the same machine. But it won't let me start wideclient.exe and FS at the same time, as the program thinks it is running when FS is running.

    I don't think you can run FS and Wideclient together. The purpose of Wideclient is to run on a non FS computer yet trick add on programs into "thinking" they are running alongside FS with FSUIPC. It substitutes FS. So running it together with FS means roughly the same as running two FS's.

    It might be possible using a different Class Name but I don't know how to do that. May be the documentation can tell you.

    But I don't see where WideFS comes into play here if you want to run an application on the same machine as FS. Do I understand it right in that the virtual com port driver links the two ports (5 and 7)?

    Wouldn't it be sufficient then to direct the GPSOUT output to com 5 and make GoogleEarth listen on com 7?

    Sorry that I can't ber of more help but this all isn't really my cup of tea.



  12. Bodo,

    that depends on what you consider an optimum. IMO the best you can achieve is by using the FSUIPC visibility options. Set reasonable values for the surface limits in different wheather conditions and use the "graduated visibility" option. If you set the altitude where the graduation should start to zero it will use the altitude of the upper limit of the surface visibility layer. I also use "smooth visibility changes".



  13. Hi Robert,

    this may well be possible, I don't know, but I cannot think of any situations where it would be useful. The taxi wind option is there to overcome the slightly overdone weathervaning effect during taxi and takeoff run. In automatic mode it is triggered by the landing gear touching or leaving the ground. You can't have the parking brake set when taxiing or taking off. And when parking with the parking brake set the aircraft stands still so wind doesn't matter and forcing a wind setting of 1kt is no use.

    But may be I do not understand your intentions correctly.



  14. Hi all,

    I usually don't post here because I'm not an Emmaite but this one got me going :wink:

    Of course I had also clicked on the link in Chris sig and then googled the details. And I found a version that hasen't been mentioned here yet.

    It can make some people feel better because it is even useful - well sort of :wink:

    It has a nicer (redrawn) picture and it displays a clock based on your computers system time. Enjoy :wink:



  15. Is anyone able to translate this for me. I'm afraid I don't understand German.

    Well, I'll give it a try.

    Hi Peter.

    My setup:

    2 PC,

    PC1 with FS and WideFS-Server,

    PC2 with SB3 and WideFS-Client

    FSUIPC 3.71 - FSUIPC and WideFS (recent release also) both registered

    --> I didn't use FSUIPC4 by accident !!

    Problem scenarios:

    1. when I make FSUIPC unregistered I can load PMDG737, all gauges work, almost everything is normal but no connection to SB3 of course because the registration is missing

    2. If I try to register FSUIPC via the modules menu the computer freezes. When I go back to the desktop via task manager and try to relaunch FS I get an out of memory error and have to reboot.

    3. If I try the same as in #2 but first deactivate "Actigate" in the modules menu registering is possible for FSUIPC and WideFS. Then I reboot and launch FS wich correctly connects to the 2nd PC.

    I can load PMDG737 but all gauges are off, engines are running, key commands (shift+z for instance) don't work, CH yoke doesn't work.

    If I try the PMDG747 (wich works fine in scenario #1) it reports an outdated FSUIPC.

    4. SB3 refuses to connect saying it needs a running FS and an up to date FSUIPC. Firewall and antivirus are off, network should be ok, ping is possible in both directions.

    I am using the key I got from Simmarket with my order #277413 dated 29.09.06.

    I have repeatedly removed and reinstalled the PMDGs (737 and 747) all to no avail.

    I am quite desperate now and hope you can help me.

    Martin Ziegler



    Ich hoffe ich greife Petes Antwort nicht zu weit vor, aber ich vermute mal, daß er Logs braucht, um zu erkennen was da abläuft.

    Mach also eine (möglichst kurze) FS-Session, reproduziere das Problem und nachdem FS korrekt beendet ist (oder abgestürzt) sichere die Dateien FSUIPC.log und WideFS.log aus dem FS modules-Ordner und das Wideclient.log aus dem Ordner in dem der WideFS-Client installiert ist.

    Du kannst den Inhalt einfach hier in ein Post reinkopieren oder sie Zippen und an ein Post anhängen.

    Auch Informationen über die Betriebssysteme auf den vernetzten Computern und über Deine FS-Version (9 oder 9.1) wären vermutlich hilfreich.


    I already told him to produce FSUIPC and WideFS logs and to include information about the operating systems and FS version (9 or 9.1).



  16. Good morning,

    Pete, I think he is using the innards of a disassembled keyboard and instead of connecting keyboard type keys to it he connected toggle switches. This acts like an additional keyboard that works parallel to the original one.

    Tony, if my above assumption is true, then yes the respective keypress would be repeated until the switch goes to off again. I had such a self built device in use long time ago and for exactly that reason I only used push buttons, not toggle switches.

    It would be much better to get some cheap joysticks/gamepads with as much buttons as you can get and use their circuit boards with the connecting cords instead of the keyboard card you are using. The switches you use would have to be wired to the circuit boards instead of the original buttons and they would be plugged into the computer like normal joysticks/gamepads and be recognised by windows as just that. And then you could use the button assignment in FSUIPC to assign proper "on" and "off" controls to everything you want.



  17. Hi Jeff, Pete,

    For nav2:

    press N2 to change whole numbers (which I can get by mapping N to a press and 2 to a release in fsuipc)

    press NN2 to change fractionals <-- this is the problem I cant get the button to imitate this.

    I haven't used these key presses for a really long time but if I recall correctly the NN selects the fractional digits of whichever Nav radio was selected before. So:

    N then 1 to select Nav1 whole digits, then +/- to adjust
               then NN to select fractional digits on Nav1 and +/- to adjust
    N then 2 to select Nav2 whole digits, then +/- to adjust
               then NN to select fractional digits on Nav2 and +/- to adjust

    But as I said it's been I think FS5 where I used these things, so I might be wrong.



  18. Hi Garry,

    well I don't know anything about event codes and such but I think it's not what you need. The weight of payload and passengers is stored in the aircraft.cfg file of the respective aircraft and read every time the aircraft is loaded via aircraft menu or a saved flight. Have a look at the [weight&balance] section. To change passengers and payload you need a program that edits this file properly and you have to either do this before actually loading the aircraft/launching the sim or reload the aircraft via aircraft menu. At least that's what I know about it :)



  19. Hi,

    Strange. So the same would happen to anyone, not an AutoSave user, who just happened to save a flight during a mission?
    I may be wrong but there is still a difference.
    FSX being unable to return to free flight mode after saving a flight and making it the default flight in mission mode
    May be making it the default flight triggers this behaviour.



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