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  1. Just downloaded MakeRwys version 5.3, and after unzipping the files, the file version shows as Pic attached Regards Dave Nash
  2. Working perfectly now, thank you. Pete - just to clarify, Button 38 on joystick A is the hat on the flight stick and this hat switch was not being used for panning, and button 38 was not set to repeat (see my earlier post). Sorry for any confusion Dave Nash
  3. "Isn't this POV control recognised in the Axis assignments tab (it should be)? If so, for panning, you'd be better off assigning there and to 2PAN VIEW". You have two other POV's assigned as well. on Joys A and C, and many of those assignments are also with repeat enabled." Hi Pete, thanks for the reply The weird response was that the POV button worked once to switch the view, but subsequent presses resulted in it panning the view, which shouldn't happen, once the view had been switched, subsequent presses of the same POV button should have no effect. Glad you were able to confirm the behaviour! Just my personal preference, I use the POV positions for switching views and moving the eyepoint. Button 38 is allocated to "View Camera Select 2" and works perfectly under version 13. Regards Dave Nash
  4. Hi John Just tried this dll version on P3Dv5, and got some weird results off my thrustmaster hatswitch left button. Looking at the button under the FSUIPC "Buttons and Switches" tab, when I press the button, the display shows it as Joy A button 38 with the correct sim function showing, but when I release the button, the display reverts to button no 255, no allocation! As a result I get a weird response in the sim. I stopped there to post this message. I've attached my ini file (Extra Buttons disabled) and the log file for that session. In the meantime going back to version 13. Regards Dave Nash FSUIPC6.ini FSUIPC6.log
  5. I may have got a tad confused here. With the FSUIPC Autosave switched on, but with view-groups OFF, the primary monitor display is not affected during autosave. With the FSUIPC Autosave switched on and view-groups switched ON (triple monitor display), the left and right monitors go blank for around a second (I assume this is during autosave as it happens every minute), while simultaneously the centre (primary) monitor flickers to blank for a fraction of a second. After this event the sim carries on as normal till the next autosave takes place and the process is repeated. If I use the "Save Scenario" menu function or the ";" key, the sim pauses, the displays go blank (black), and a dialog box is displayed, awaiting user input. After saving the flight the sim continues as normal. This is true whether I have view-groups on or off, with the FSUIPC Autosave disabled. There seems to be some interaction between having view-groups activated and the automatic Save function. Hope this helps Regards Dave Nash
  6. Hi Pete With view-groups on or off, if I press the ";" key or choose to save the scenario via the menu, the sim stops and displays a dialog box allowing me to choose an existing file to overwrite or save a new file. As far as I remember it's always done this. Cheers Dave
  7. Since I use view-groups I tried this on my default flight (Beech Baron 58 EGBB to EGCC), and confirmed the behaviour of the sim with Autosave (default) switched on, though in my case the primary (centre monitor) flickers briefly as well. With view-groups switched off and Autosave on, no problem. Seems to point to some interaction between the view-groups display process and the P3D "Save" function! I posted this info on the P3D forum FWIW Regards Dave Nash
  8. Hi Pete Just picked up this thread on P3D forum, thought I'd bring it to your attention. http://www.prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6312&t=133472 I don't use the Autosave function myself, but other users might need to be aware of this too. Cheers Dave
  9. Hi Peter Sounds like the ball is squarely in LM's court for now, I guess they will have more pressing priorities, even though an "Instant Replay Live" flag seems simple to implement. Thanks again for looking at this and providing an explanation. Kind Regards Dave Nash
  10. Hi Peter OK. Thanks for spending the time on it. I appreciate it, but don't lose too much sleep! Regards Dave Nash
  11. Hi Peter A couple more (re-named) log files attached as requested, recorded during separate P3D sessions, as before. Hope this helps. Thanks for persevering! Kind Regards Dave FSUIPC5_normal2.log FSUIPC5_instreplay2.log
  12. I just re-assigned a couple of view controls ("View Camera Select"), and recorded two separate log files while operating those and the panning hat-switch during normal running and during instant replay. (The panning hat-switch was already assigned as "Send to FS"). They don't work during instant replay. I used the same sequence in both cases. During normal running the events appear in the log file. During Instant replay they don't. However during normal or instant replay the events can be seen in the assignments screen. The log files are attached. It seems the sim ignores any input that is joystick based during instant replay. If I ever find a solution I'll post back, but don't hold your breath! Thanks for your help Kind Regards Dave Nash FSUIPC5_instreplay.log FSUIPC5_normal.log
  13. Hi Peter Sorry for the delay. I'll swap a few of my keypress assignments to "send direct to FS" and see what happens. Thanks for all your comments and great support as usual! Kind Regards Dave Nash
  14. Hi Pete Thanks for the fast reply As far as I can tell it happens with default or third party aircraft. The majority of my assignments are to generate key presses, for switching camera views, or bringing up panels, which is useful if I make a video of the flight during replay as I can do this repeatedly to make different views of the same flight, and use the videos to construct a final one. During replay, the button presses can be seen by the assignments screen, but the sim does not respond. However if I press the desired keys on the keyboard directly, the sim responds. It's as if the sim is running in a different shell environment. Exiting the replay mode returns everything to normal. I don't think it's an FSUIPC issue, and I can of course as I stated earlier, use the keyboard. I was curious to know if the effect was well known. Regards Dave Nash Edit - found this ref on forum
  15. Hi Peter A quick query. I'm using FSUIPC v5.14 exclusively for all my controls, with controllers disabled in P3D. Works perfectly - except when I use "Instant replay", when I lose ALL control including panning. I seem to remember that there is a historical problem regarding Simconnect clients in FSX and probably now P3D which causes this during "Instant replay". Do you know if this is still the case? If it is, is this a P3D bug that needs sorting, or can I employ a workaround while still using FSUIPC exclusively? Thanks Dave Nash
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