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  1. With MSFS 2024 the problem persists. I wrote the fourth email to OpenCockpit to let them know, that their IOCModules, which drives the PnP-radios and the Multi-Radios, uses 034E and gives wrong values in the sim. I also gave them the UL to this thread. These radios are not usable for about at least two years, or I think never for 5KHz steps.
  2. Right! I finally found it, because those values are not listet in the overhead-section, but at the bottom under "Additional variables: added by update SP1D March 2015". I didn't expect this (Why should I scroll down the whole document, when I checked all of the ELECTRICAL section and see, that they are not included - that's, how my personal OS acts...). Many thanks anyway! Next adventure: MobiFlight throws an exception when trying to handle strings... Sven
  3. True. I overlooked this while having dozends of explorer windows and pdfs open. And it is like I found out: The voltages and amps are standard FSX-values, not PMDG-related. But they are not complete. I don't have the 400V value anywhere. Since the values are changing in the green display of the 737 when the selector knob is used, there must be memory addresses, where the PMDG NGX handles those displayed values. I still wonder, how the cokpit-simmers deal with that.
  4. Ok, I found in this thread: http://www.avsim.com/topic/369533-pmdg-sdk-overhead-displays/ that this is provided in the FSX standard offsets. But I thinks it is not all the values there. I tried 2824 8 Total load amps 282C 8 Battery load 2834 8 Battery voltage 2840 8 Main bus voltage 2848 8 Main bus amps 2850 8 Avionics bus voltage 2858 8 Avionics bus amps 2860 8 Hot battery bus voltage 2868 8 Hot battery bus amps 2870 8 Battery bus voltage 2878 8 Battery bus amps 2880 8 Generator alternator 1 bus voltage 2888 8 Generator alternator 1 bus amps 2890 8 Generator alternator 2 bus voltage 2898 8 Generator alternator 2 bus amps 28A0 8 Generator alternator 3 bus voltage 28A8 8 Generator alternator 3 bus amps 28B0 8 Generator alternator 4 bus voltage 28B8 8 Generator alternator 4 bus amps 0B5C 4 APU generator voltage level, 32-bit float DOES NOT WORK I don't get the 400V AC Voltage, just the 115V Guys, how Do You handle this in Your cockpits?
  5. I would like to use green 7-segment-LEDs to simulate the voltage "screen" in the forward-overhead. But I do not find any offset-addresses to read from. I might not have the latest Offset-document, since I understand, that PMDG added DC AC voltage information into their latest update (is this true?). Is there an official link to the lkatest pdf? Regards Sven
  6. Thanks to clearify this and sorry for posting in the wrong forum. Now it's clear: I mixed up WIDEFS-Server and Client (because simmarked links to the Client.zip as a demo of the (Server-)purchase... I understand now, that the server is invisibly included into FSUIPC and functional, when a valid WIDEFS-license is entered. And what I discovered then at simmarket: "(...) in fact, may be installed on your system by any one or more of them already. For most such programs you do not need to actually purchase FSUIPC4." So I wonder: Do I might already own a FSUIPC4 license by having a FSX-addon purchased like PMDG 737 NGX or Aerosoft Airbus X Extended? How do I find out? Is there a list of products, that contain FSUIPC already? I did'nt see any information on that like "also contains FSUIPC4" on some addon-pages I checked. Sven
  7. Hi! This might be a simple question (actually it's 2 questions...), but I am a bit confused by simmarket's offers: In 2006 I bought a license for FSUIPC3 together with WIDEFS6. Now I want to buy FSUIPC4 and there is a lower price for buying it together with WIDEFS. Do I Need to buy a new WideFS license for FSUIPC4? (Or does my license still work for FSUIPC4?) Simmarket does not tell me, which version I will get. The DEMO-download of the single WIDEFS7-buy-page point to http://fsuipc.simflight.com/beta/WideFS.zip which contains a executable of version 6.999. The official download page of schiratti also points to http://fsuipc.simflight.com/beta/WideFS.zip Saying it's v6.995 and giving the same .zip file which contains 6.999 So is there a version 7.x at all? Would I need a new license (compared to my license from 2006) for WIDEFS7 for working with FSUIPC4? Regards Sven
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