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Everything posted by johnk51

  1. I have the MJC Dash 8 Q400 pro. Landing lights nor taxi lights come on when I push the buttons. I only use VC and the switches don't move and in spot view, no lights come either. I'm running FSX-SE on windows 10 64-bit with 16gig ram.
  2. I'm trying to setup my Saitek X52 to toggle the taxi lights on/off and the landing lights.​ I'm using fsuipc4 to do this. I set button 12 to toggle taxi lights and button 13 for landing lights. However, they don't work. My other buttons work, elevator trim, landing gear, flaps, condition levers... I don't know why I can't get these to work. My pmdg 737, 777 work, as well as my small planes. I've even tried offsets for them in fsuipc. And I do have the register version of fsuipc. I would appreciate any help. I can still just click with the mouse.
  3. After down loading the zip file, I try to extract it and I get an error message. Extracting to "C:\Users\Dad\AppData\Local\Temp\wzeebf\" Use Path: yes Overlay Files: yes Warning: skipping "Schedule Creator TRACON 11 RFN.exe". The 32-bit CRC stored in the local header for this file is not the same as the 32-bit CRC stored in the central header And it won't extract. The new one for tower 2011 opened just fine.
  4. I can't unzip schedule creator 15 v3 rfn.exe. When I try I get an error message: warning: skipping "schedule creator 15 v3 rfn.exe". the 32-bit crc stored in the local header for the file is not the same the 32-bit crc stored in the central header. The when I say yes and look at the details I get: extracting to (then a temp location) then user path: yes overlay files: yes. Then I get the warning message I gave at the beginning. Any Ideas what's wrong? I've downloaded several times, but the same problem. I've downloaded and unzipped other zip files with no problems. I'm running win 7 pro 64-bit. I really like the idea of making cargo schedules.
  5. I found the problem & that's fixed. I have disabled the controllers in fsx and using FSUIP. I also had a problem with the hat-switch and found a topic where you had told some one to assign it to the axis pan_view. I did that and it works great. The programing each button made it jerky. So for now all my planes are working great. Thanks for the help.
  6. I've started using my feelthere 737 again and got everything programed to my Saitek x52 stick and peddles. I have the landing gear assigned to button 4. It works fine. Since not everything in the VC works on the 737 I assigned buttons 8, 9 and 10, 11 to 8 mixture 1 rich, 9 mixture 1 lean, 10 & 11 the same for mixture 2. When I tested out on a flight all was good. However, after parking and pressed button 9 to shut down engine 1, it also toggled the landing gear. When I pressed again the gear lever went back down. I've looked at everything I could look at and can't see why mixture 1 lean causes the landing gear to toggle. The landing gear is assigned to G on button 4. button 9 is P0, c65987,0, which is mixture 1 lean. And that's the only one that does it. I attached the log file. fsuipc log.zip
  7. I'm having trouble with fsuipc 4. I have shortaircraftnameok=yes and profiles=yes. However, when I change planes I.E. iFly or PMDG 77, I have to open up fsuipc and do like my buttons and switches and click on profiles. It will either select the plane or I have to pick it from the list. Shouldn't it be automatic that it picks the correct plane?
  8. That's probably it. I went to buttons and switches and pushed create mouse macro. In fs9 after I did that I went and selected the keys I needed to and then I had it. I attached the macro so you can see what happened. This is my fs9 one.iFly737.zip
  9. I fly fs9 in window mode. So when I made the macro I pressed the iFly on the menu bar, then ground services. That was it, the power and air menu popped up and all I had to do was select power and air. But I can't get the macro button to show up in fsx so I can end the macro. Maybe it has to do with iFly 737s. I could try the default 172 to see if it works with that.
  10. About the only thing I was going to use it for was having a macro that when I pushed a button on the flight stick, it would open the ground services in the ifly menu. I did it in fs9, but in fsx the ifly menu is under add-on menu's. So I couldn't use the one for fs9. It's not that big of a deal. I just have to open it with the mouse.
  11. I got fsx a couple of weeks ago and purchased fsuipc4 (I have fsuipc3 for fs9). I went to create a mouse macro but the box that should be showing while I did the mouse clicks wasn't there. I thought I saw it flash on the screen for a second then went away. I've done them in fs9. I was making one for my iFly 737 plane and was in the 2d panel. I'm running win7 pro 64 and 8gigs ram. Any ideas.
  12. Does this also work in fs9?
  13. I know, my feelthere 737s you click just above of the ground power switch the part that lights up when ready, then after a minute or so it comes on and then flip the switch. Or level-D you have the contact ground and request power and air. But, at least this does save time. Better than nothing.
  14. I've got the macro to open to the ground window, then all I have to do is click on the ground power and air. Save time using the alt and getting to that screen.
  15. I have ifly 737 and to turn on ground power you have to go to the menu and pick ifly then the ifly 737 then ground commands then click on ground power and ground air to make it available. I think I have the first part done. I can have it open up to the part that shows the ground stuff. But how can I have it click on the ground power available and ground air available. Those are just click spots. Any ideas?
  16. OK, I've added the gear up/down to the ini file: [buttons] ButtonRepeat=20,10 1=P0,7,K90,8 2=P0,6,C65861,0 3=P0,11,C66299,0 4=P0,10,C66298,0 5=P0,1,K73,24 6=P0,5,C66066,0 7=P0,13,K68,9 8=P0,12,K85,9 9=P0,4,K71,8 So what should I do to get the nose gear light to go on/off when I raise/lower the landing gear. I'll check out the other thing about autopilot. Too bad you can't specify a particular model of a plane instead of a specific plane, ie level-d winglet model instead of ual level-d winglet. That would save having to open up each aircraft and appling the assignment you want.
  17. Here is the section from the ini file: [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=Saitek X52 Flight Controller 0.GUID={14FC7E10-128B-11DF-8001-444553540000} 1=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals 1.GUID={588A8F90-3108-11E0-8001-444553540000} [buttons] ButtonRepeat=20,10 1=P0,7,K90,8 2=P0,6,C65861,0 3=P0,11,C66299,0 4=P0,10,C66298,0 5=P0,1,K73,24 6=P0,5,C66066,0 7=P0,13,K68,9 8=P0,12,K85,9 I've also been trying to figure out how to disenguage the autopilot with buttons. Most of the planes I fly are ie ifly, level-D, pmdg. Z doesn't work with these type of aircraft. I just need to toggle the disenguage bar.
  18. I have my landing gear set to my button 2, push gear up push again gear down. Can I have it so that when I'm on approach when I have the gear down that the nose landing light comes on?
  19. I have the registered version of fsuipc 3.98 for fs9.1. My ifly 737's to connect the ground power and air I have to to alt then click on the ifly tab on the tool bar then the ifly 737 then click on connect ground power the ground air. I would like to have a key combo that would do all that. Then I could just click on the overhead to activate the ground. Can this be done with fsuipc?
  20. I had autobrake working through fsuipc using the home key for increase and end key for decrease. Then I had my saitek x52's t3 hooked to home and t4 to end. Then I realised that that was also the 7 & 1 on the keypad with numlock off. I then changed them to ctl I and ctl D. But now I can use t4 to decrease but t3 won't increase pass disarm. I had it working but now it doesn't. even if I use the mouse. It's that way on all of my pss 757 and T7. And I do have the registered fsuipc. Here is what is in my ini file. [General] History=OUAXHYJM7HXSC64JOJCWP WindSmoothing=Yes AutoTaxiWind=No WhiteMessages=No ThrottleSyncAll=No GraduatedVisibility=No LowerVisAltitude=0 UpperVisAltitude=25000 UpperVisibility=6000 GenerateCirrus=Yes WindShearSharp=No UpperWindGusts=No ExtendMetarMaxVis=Yes DisconnTrimForAP=No ZeroElevForAPAlt=No AutoClearWeather=Yes ExtendTopWind=Yes WindSmoothness=5 SmoothPressure=Yes PressureSmoothness=1 SmoothVisibility=No VisibilitySmoothness=2 MaxSurfaceWind=0 WindLimitLevel=0 WindDiscardLevel=0 WindAjustAltitude=No WindAjustAltitudeBy=2000 MinimumVisibility=0 MaximumVisibilityFewClouds=0 MaximumVisibility=0 MaximumVisibilityOvercast=0 MaximumVisibilityRainy=0 OneCloudLayer=No ThinClouds=No ThinThunderClouds=No CloudThinness=0 ThunderCloudThinness=10000 CloudTurbulence=No CloudIcing=Yes WindTurbulence=No SuppressAllGusts=No ExternalOptionControl=Yes AutoTuneADF=No KeepFS98CloudCover=No ShowPMcontrols=No MagicBattery=40 RudderSpikeRemoval=Yes ElevatorSpikeRemoval=Yes AileronSpikeRemoval=Yes ReversedElevatorTrim=No TrapUserInterrupt=Yes NavFreq50KHz=No ClockSync=No SmoothIAS=Yes SetVisUpperAlt=No VisUpperAltLimit=0 MaxIce=3 WindSmoothingDelay=0 WindSmoothAirborneOnly=Yes VisSmoothingDelay=0 VisSmoothAirborneOnly=No SuppressCloudTurbulence=No SuppressWindTurbulence=No SpoilerIncrement=512 ShortAircraftNameOk=No TCASid=Flight TCASrange=40 TrafficScanPerFrame=10 AxisCalibration=No CentredDialogue=Yes ClearWeatherDynamics=Yes OwnWeatherChanges=No FixWindows=No FixControlAccel=Yes WeatherReadInterval=4 MoveBGLvariables=Yes TimeForSelect=4 MainMenu=&Modules SubMenu=&FSUIPC ... PropTaxiWind=No TimeSetMode=Partial WeatherReadsFast=No MinIce=0 TrafficControlDirect=Yes LimitWindVariance=No StopAutoFuel=Yes ShowMultilineWindow=Yes SuppressSingleline=Yes SuppressMultilineFS=No CorrectVSsign=Yes MouseWheelTrim=No MouseWheelTrimSpeed=1 AxisInterceptIfDirect=No ZapSound=firework UseProfiles=No UpdatedByVersion=3980 BrakeReleaseThreshold=75 DontResetAxes=No JoystickTimeout=20 PollGFTQ6=Yes BlankDisplays=No [JoystickCalibration] SepRevsJetsOnly=No FlapsSetControl=0 ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=0 RudderTrimControl=0 CowlFlaps1Control=0 CowlFlaps2Control=0 CowlFlaps3Control=0 CowlFlaps4Control=0 Aileron=-16257,-512,512,16336 Elevator=-16204,0,0,16272 ApplyHeloTrim=No FlapDetents=No MaxSteerSpeed=60 SlopeElevator=5 ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes Rudder=-16380,-512,512,16380 Throttle=-16384,16383 Reverser=-16380,16380/18 UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No [Keys] 14=N96,8,66506,125 21=80,26,66506,10005 28=N73,10,66298,0 26=N68,10,66299,0 [MacroFiles] 1=737 OHD 2=767 3=APchart [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=Saitek X52 Flight Controller 0.GUID={14FC7E10-128B-11DF-8001-444553540000} [buttons] ButtonRepeat=20,10 1=P0,7,K222,8 2=P0,6,K90,8 3=H0,10,K73,10 4=H0,11,K68,10 [Axes] 0=0U,128,D,25,0,0,0 I don't know why it didn't work this time.
  21. It works and yes it's the ident number. I don't know why it wasn't working earlier, but they are now. Thanks.
  22. I'm trying to have my FsMeteo display open when I press a key. Here's what it looks like in one of my panels: [window14] file=d:\fsmeteo\767fsmwd.bmp size_mm=395,448 windowsize_ratio=1 position=0 visible=0 ident=125 gauge00=767fsmwd, 0, 0,390 I tried using the panel ID toggle or even open, but it didn't work. I put in the parameter 125 since that is the id of my fsmeteo display window. Is there away to do it? I have a toggle button in my 2d panels, but need a key combo to have it open in vc mode, since most of my panels use up 1-9.
  23. I'm having the same problem. I have the registered version. My saitek cybor gold stick went out and I got the saitek st290 pro. Now when I start fs9 and select a plane I have to go in and recalibrate. If I don't and I start moving the throttle the engines rev up fast and the rudder moves too quickly. Once I calibrate the throttle is smooth and so is the rudder. I also do the elevators and airones while I'm at it.
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