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About Erups

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Philippe, Peter advice to use FSI is good, but be warned: FSI may be vicious. Assuming that any offset occupies AT LEAST 2 bytes (which is true for the majority of values, but there are exceptions) every row of FSI is a 2 bytes offset. Then the columns do support I64 values and other big things. This all contrast as you may end up looking at a value in a raw, and see something change in the row above and getting confused. It's because there is no clear division in FSI, everything is read and not categorized. There are no 2 bytes offsets, or 8 bytes offsets. The longest offsets (like file pointers, or coordinate values) do not exist: they are simply splitted in a number of words. So it's up to you to keep this in mind and not be fooled by some of the FSI shows. My 2 cents :)
  2. Well the title pretty much says all. You should have had surgery on 14, hope all went well. Best wishes for a fast and easy recovery!
  3. Just place your bet sir! Fsbus Photon Iocards Epic and many more!
  4. In the Techincal Tab, mark "Fix Control Acceleration". That should solve it. Also please check if you have this same problems with default aircrafts also or not.
  5. Hope you mean in terms of fatigue and work, not that something happened? Best wishes (to your wife too)
  6. I use ActiveSky and i do not have that bad results as you say. Sometimes i have rapid shifts, but they are not influencing my flight to such a bad degree. Anyway Peter was working on something about winds, i think he will be able to tell you more.
  7. WideFS has become payware at the same fsuipc became payware. So now you have to pay for both. Unless you still use an old version you had. On simmarket there were discounts for buying them together.
  8. You need FSUIPC registered, then under the "buttons" tab you have to do the following: -press the joystick button you want to program, it should get recognized by FSUIPC and appear in the upper line -on the right mark "select for FS control" -the drop down list that was grayed out is now usable -select "offset byte control" and in the fields enter the informations provided by Peter. That's it.
  9. About the rotaries: it is possible to think of a system in which the phased outputs of the encoders are common. In such a system you have only one direction/pulse decoder, but you have to check the grounds of all the encoders... You are simply shifting the problem from the output to the input. I mean: usually encoders have ground in common, and the phased outputs are read for each encoder. It is possible (in theory) to make a device in which the outputs are in common, and you check the grounds, but it requires a very complicated circuitry. Better to use the standard system... About the axis control: sadly FS itself only disables the throttle, all the other axis remain active while in autoflight.
  10. Can you tell us what was the problem? So that everybody can do a search and maybe find the answer he needs :) And to satisfy my curiosity too ;)
  11. :shock: :? :?: That quote is from a message of mine sent to CJK! Well.... anyway that was what I did and everything is fine. By sending you a PM with that written in, i suppose CJK did the same thing and did not get the same effect as me.... Only suppositions though...
  12. Have you received my PM?
  13. I try to explain what is the problem here: when you assign a keyboard function to an hardware button, many things may happen. All of which you can simulate with your keyboard and a finger. If you assign the actions "ON" and "OFF" to a hardware momentary button, when you press it it's like pressing the "L" key two times. You get the lights on and off rapidly. Then, if you also turn on in fsuipc the "AUTOREPEAT" function, holding down the button, will result in a repeated continous press and release of the L key, resuling in the strobing effect. So you have to check what Peter told you about toggle and momentary. Toggle switches are those which hold their position (like lever switches), momentary are those which hold the position only as long as you keep them pressed (like for example the keyes on your keyboard). So if you assign a momentary action to a toggle switch, you will get repeated actions. So please try to check you are using the correct type of action for your hardware. If you have a two state knob or switch, use LANDING LIGHTS ON and LANDING LIGHTS OFF types for the two states of the knob/switch. Hope this helps.
  14. Don't think so without a running application. To communicate with FSUIPC you have to include a library in the program you are writing, so to include the necessary functions. I do not think these functions are commonly available... Unless you make an application which is a link between the http base platform, and fsuipc.
  15. 6000 miles are a bit too much.... But positioning errors in sqawkbox usually are to be referred to the international setting for the decimal symbol. If your country usually use comma for decimal, squawkbox will have problems, as it cuts everything after the comma. So if you receive a lat of 12,45, it becomes 12. You have to set the decimal symbol as dot.
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