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Everything posted by wee_davie

  1. Thanks for the confirmation Pete. BR, David
  2. Thanks Hugo, you reply was much what I expected. Cheers, David
  3. Hello all, Is it possible to assign a joystick button to make it 'press' only the right Ctrl key? I'm trying to make one of the buttons on my joystick act as a PTT button to be used with teamspeak but I'm having little success with it. I've managed to make it work sucessfully using a standard key however this can create problems if not in flight sim. I prefer to use the right Ctrl key as it doesn't interfere with anything. I also tried a program someone mentioned in this forum that does the same thing. It worked ok but it is yet another program that needs to be running. I'd prefer to do it via fsuipc if at all possible. Is this possible? If so can someone explain how to do it? Cheers, David
  4. Hi Pete, Yep, that's the sum of it. Not sure if that was rhetorical question or not but they say it is more realistic as, in real life, you have to physically check it is in the armed detent. Just as a bit of triva: The double checking came about after the fatal accident of American 1420 in 1999. Definatly arm the spoilers and using the mouse doesn't bother me at all. I had no problem using the 'old' system, i.e. shift / to arm etc., nor have I had any problems using this new system. I should also clarify, the problems I talked about were not problems with using the system. Som people have had problems with the spoilers deploying on touchdown. I had no such problems is what I meant in my comments. Not a problem, Have a good one, David
  5. Hello again, Glad I could help. Unfortunatley this is not a bug nor an oversight by PMDG, it is designed that way. I think it was implemented that way, i.e. negating normal key strokes, to add a more predictable response from the spoilers upon landing. Personally I never had any trouble with them before but many others reported that the ground spoilers frequently failed to deploy. In an effort to fix this PMDG rewrote the spoiler controls around the FS ones and this is the result. Unfortunatley this system hacked off a lot of hardware users who found out, as Silver has, that their hardware spoiler control is now useless. I don't have any hardware along these lines and so can't render any further assistance. A far better place to seek out if anyone has had any success solving this problem would be the PMDG Support Forum I wouldn't suggest that you go in there looking for this to be fixed/changed back to the way it was as, quite frankly, it wont happen. When this came about there was a bit of an uproar about it and PMDG's official position on it is that they would investigate different ways of implementing spoiler control. This was eventually forgotten and thus the system remains the same. All the best, David
  6. Hello, Just some information which will probably fix some confusion in this post. The PMDG aircraft no longer use the FS key stroke to arm the spoiler, they can only be armed through the use of the mouse. It is quite complicated though. If you're in the air and deploy the spoilers from the full down position through use of the / key then they will deploy to the flight detent. To retract them you then must use the Shift / key combo. The same system is used if the spoilers have been armed and you deploy them in flight except that using Shift / will return the spoilers to the armed detent. In esscence the Shift / key combo is now a 'return to previous position' switch. On the ground if you hit the / key the spoilers will deploy fully either from the armed or fully down position. However you need to use the / key on its own to retract them. On the ground the singular / key will act as a return to previous switch. As for a RTO in the 737, the spoilers are left in the fully down position for take off. In the event of a RTO the spoilers will deploy on their own. I'm not sure if PMDG models this though. PMDG doesn't model the spoilers deploying on RTO automatically. In this instance you just need to hit the / key. Hope it helps, David
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