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Everything posted by sikorsky77

  1. FYI I installed version 7.4.11 and there are no more infection alerts
  2. Hi John I just have the answer of Bitdefender Support the detected Trojan when i tried to make the 7.4.11 is in fact a false positive infection. A correction of this false detection of Bitdefender will be implemented at next update Regards Thierry
  3. Oups John, sorry for the wrong forum. I will inform you about Bit Defender support answer. I also sent them the link to download the 7.4.11 version to check by themselves. Thierry
  4. *** Moved from main support forum to FSUIPC7 / MSFS support sub-forum *** Hello, This morning my anti-virus detects a trojan on yesterday update 7.4.11 X:\telechargement\Install_FSUIPC7.04.11\Install_FSUIPC7\Install_FSUIPC7.exe=>(NSIS o)=>RegistrationChecker.exe Trojan.Generic.35540783 Searching in the web, I didn't find anything related to this trojan, so I asked for Bitdefender support to check it to see if it is maybe a positive false. (I think so) Regards, Thierry
  5. Hi John thanks for this solution i will have a look asap (i never read Avanced User Guide which is interesting) Creating personal offset is very easy Moreover i wish you an happy new year for your family and you Best regards Thierry
  6. Hi John "The data held in the GPS offsets are read-only and are just populated from data received from the FS based upon your flight plan." i am ok with you about this , the CRS value of the PFD when you fly in FMS mode is not changeable in G3000/5000 because it is the CRS heading of the current computed FPL leg i am flying in, so the Offset i search is for my point of view a GPS Offset related to FPL for CRS heading of the leg , i found $6060 but like i said in my original pots , it gives 229° that generates a 3° degrees deviation with the 226 CRS Heading of Leg in the PFD in my screenshot for the moment i decrease a minus -3° of 229° to show in MCP LCD to be align with the 226° of PFD Thanks for your help
  7. Hi John Thanks for answer i think that my english or flying explanations are no so clear , in the Longitude , you can only change the CRS (OBS) value by rotating the Course encoder when you have selected in NAV Source "NAV1" or "NAV" 2 in the Pilot GTC Screen and in this case you validate me the usage of offset 0C4E (that i found and works perfectly in my script) , but when you select "FMS" NAV Source in GTC , CRS shows the CRS Heading of the current FPL Leg you are flying to and so logically you can't modify at all the Course value by the CRS Rotator selector, so it is for this reason i am searching a CRS Offset referring to flight plan leg and/or GPS setting, it is why i was looking the 6xxx offset related to GPS you can see in my original post to explain you better, you can see screenshot i make of Garmin 3000/5000 of the Longitude depending of NAV Source selection the screenshot 1,2,3 show "FMS" Mode selected in NAV Source , CRS is 226 because it is the CRS heading to join Strasbourg VOR (first SID leg after T/O in the Flight Plan) and can't be modified by CRS Rotator selector of the Aircraft the 4 & 5 screenshot show "NAV1" Mode selected in NAV Source with a CRS of 046 that i can modify by CRS rotator selector , works also as well for NAV2 I hope i explain you better what i am looking for Reagrds Thierry CRS setting Managed by NAV Source Selection.pdf
  8. hi everybody I search the good CRS Offset when i fly in FMS flight plan management for the Longitude modded with WorkingTitle.aero G3000/G5000 package The showed magenta CRS value in the PFD is the selected FPL Heading track needed to join the end way-point of the current leg i am flying in i try different offset 6040 , 6050 , 6060 , 610C and the closest was the 6060 but with a small différencie of 2/3 degrees (maybe MAGVAR ?) if somebody knows , i will appreciate his help Regards Thierry
  9. Hi What is the difference in the Joy Name list of a same joystick with a numeric code and a letter ? see my list here below [JoyNames] 0=Pro Flight Cessna Trim Wheel 0.GUID={270E96C0-6562-11EB-8001-444553540000} A=Pro Flight Cessna Trim Wheel A.GUID={270E96C0-6562-11EB-8001-444553540000} 1=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant 1.GUID={F59A3350-6288-11EB-8002-444553540000} B=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant B.GUID={F59A3350-6288-11EB-8002-444553540000} 2=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant 2.GUID={F59A0C40-6288-11EB-8001-444553540000} C=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant C.GUID={F59A0C40-6288-11EB-8001-444553540000} 3=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke 3.GUID={F59A5A60-6288-11EB-8004-444553540000} D=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke D.GUID={F59A5A60-6288-11EB-8004-444553540000} 4=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals 4.GUID={F59A3350-6288-11EB-8003-444553540000} E=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals E.GUID={F59A3350-6288-11EB-8003-444553540000} 5=G1000 PFD 5.GUID={59FDC080-803B-11EB-8001-444553540000} F=G1000 PFD F.GUID={59FDC080-803B-11EB-8001-444553540000} 6=G1000 MFD 6.GUID={59FDC080-803B-11EB-8002-444553540000} G=G1000 MFD G.GUID={59FDC080-803B-11EB-8002-444553540000} 7=Emuteq G1000 Audio Panel 7.GUID={08C873C0-D349-11EB-8001-444553540000} H=Emuteq G1000 Audio Panel H.GUID={08C873C0-D349-11EB-8001-444553540000} i see that in the button of my G1000 F1Tech aircraft profile the code is like this PollInterval=25 ButtonRepeat=20,10 1001=PF,3,C65640,0 -{NAV1_RADIO_WHOLE_DEC}- i suppose P means that setting is associated to the Aircraft (P)rofile and letter (x) is the joystick identification so what is the usage of the same joystick with a numeric codification in Joystick name section ? Best regards Thierry
  10. Hi John here the log file Best regards Thierry FSUIPC7.zip
  11. Hi John i have this strange issue with 7.2.9 and 7.2.10 after last Update SU6 i haven't before the update SU6 and Update 7.2.9 then 7.2.10 breaking flight whit return to desktop the aircraft selected in the flight was original Blue Asobo DA62 with G1000 Worktitle add-on from Market Place Nom de l’application défaillante FSUIPC7.exe, version :, horodatage : 0x614084cd Nom du module défaillant : ntdll.dll, version : 10.0.19041.1202, horodatage : 0x4f115fac Code d’exception : 0xc0000005 Décalage d’erreur : 0x000000000006384e ID du processus défaillant : 0x42d4 Heure de début de l’application défaillante : 0x01d7ab1246b0a448 Chemin d’accès de l’application défaillante : S:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.exe Chemin d’accès du module défaillant: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll ID de rapport : cd95afa7-4b15-4aed-b72d-153e62b3f3ac Nom complet du package défaillant : ID de l’application relative au package défaillant : best regards Thierry
  12. Thanks John for the moment , i can use the solution you validate (a renumbering to 1001, 1002, 1003) for G1000 bloc Functions and add this to the other function set below 1000 for the limit , in a 2 x G1000 screen + audio-com module , we have 73 buttons/rotators function in PFD, 73 in MFD and 27 in audio-com module, so a sum of 173 offset functions, if you add a second FO PFD , 246 buttons settings, and if you you want to have a rich glass-cockpit with 4 screens, you can add a second FO MFD pushing the sum of settings to 319 buttons settings, so 2099 functions limit is largely enough for G1000 and specific buttons/rotators for an aircraft profile The potential [include] functionality is very interesting, we can add another function interrogation point , you select a button or rotator in the G1000 module in an aircraft profile using the [Include] G1000, you attribute a different function versus the same button of [Include] , do we change the [Include] section that will impact all aircraft using it or does this specific setting of G1000 must exclude the same G1000 "include" function a lot of development analysis question in perspective I am too in Holidays this morning , so i stop to disturb you with my questions good holidays John and thanks for your support Thierry
  13. Thanks John i suspected that it is not possible like i want to do , but the copy of G1000 assignement from an base aircraft can be a solution a question about index for copy to avoid index conflict with the rest of button assignment when i copy the base Button.G1000, can i create a new Button.G1000 section then when it is finished , renumber index function with 1 by 1001, 2 by 1002, 3 by 1003, etc... , so when i copy the buton.g1000 section into another aircraft profile, i couldn't have conflict with the other functions starting with 1 to 999 ? What do you think about this idea Thierry
  14. Hi all is it possible to have 2 buttons settings for a single Profile aircraft, a common one as G1000 and a specific one related to the aircraft exemple : Cessna SkyHawk 172 G1000 with a [Buttons.Common G1000] (a common G1000 avionic buttons section for all aircraft using a G1000 avionic) and [Buttons.Cessna 172 Skyhawk G1000] which is used for all another's cockpit buttons not used in G1000 avionic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DA62 with a [Buttons.Common G1000] (a common G1000 avionic buttons section for all aircraft using a G1000 avionic) and [Buttons.DA62] which is used for all another's cockpit buttons not used in G1000 avionic ----------------- etc... -------------------------------------------------------- this to set a single time all G1000 avionic functions in a common buttons section i can reuse for all aircraft using G1000 avionic Thanks all
  15. Hi John Many thanks for your patience with me i create a macro named "G1000AP" with the help of doc and your previous answer [Macros] 1=07BC=0 C65792,1; AP ON -{List local panel vars Autopilot ON}- 1=07BC=1 C65792,0; AP OFF -{List local panel vars Autopilot OFF}- i have this in the FSUIPC.INI [WAPI] EnableWAPI=Yes [MacroFiles] 1=G1000PFD 2=G1000AP [Auto.DA62] 1=G1000PFD 2=G1000AP The FScontrol HVAR list of "G1000PFD" are visible in the FS control list for a button , but not the "G1000AP" What are my mistakes ? Regards Thierry
  16. Hi John Merci merci merci , that works very well i discover also the Function "List Local Var" associated to a button that give specific LVAR or HVAR of an aircraft Can i abuse of your support ? Buttons AP FD HDG ALT NAV VNAV APR BC VS FLC are toggle button type in the G1000 and some of them are in HVAR so i use the Set command with "TOG" but some others like for example the AP are not in HVAR , it is normally manageable by 2 control "Autopilot ON" and "Autopilot OFF" , but we have not 2 buttons for like a B737 or A320 so AP button is a toggle type Can we use a MCRO testing that - if AP status = ON then when i press button the FS control sent must be "Autopilot OFF" - if AP status = OFF then when i press button the FS control sent must be "Autopilot ON" Regards Thierry
  17. hi john Looking at advanced Users Guide , i read for Macro that they are not implemented in FSUIPC7 King regards Thierry
  18. hi john thanks i will test you tutorial Regards Thierry
  19. Thanks John 1) "EnableExtraButtons" is set to Yes in FSUIPC.INI 2) I made a test with my favorite DA62 and it is what FSUIPC wrote in FSUIPC.INI when i make the setting of the Bottom push button 1 and 12 of PFD [JoyNames] F=G1000 PFD F.GUID={59FDC080-803B-11EB-8001-444553540000} G=G1000 MFD G.GUID={59FDC080-803B-11EB-8002-444553540000} 5=G1000 PFD 5.GUID={59FDC080-803B-11EB-8001-444553540000} 6=G1000 MFD 6.GUID={59FDC080-803B-11EB-8002-444553540000} [Buttons.DA62] 0=PF,151,C66800,0 -{G1000_PFD_SOFTKEY12}- 1=PF,140,C66761,0 -{G1000_PFD_SOFTKEY1}- i will have a look with log and reinstall the WorkTitle G1000 Best regards Thierry
  20. Hi guys if have a Flight1 Tech G1000 hardware , i was very happy that FSUIPC 7.1 and now 7.2 are able to detect input over 32 entry because each module needs 73 input so i jump on FSUIPC button assignment settings the first simple test i make is to associate the bottom PFD push button N1 to 12 to the FS Control G1000 PFD Softkey 1 to 12 nothing works FSUIPC detects very well the push action on the push button , but the associated FS Control action has no effect in FS2020 thinking that G1000 can't work with FSUIPC i test with all knob and push button below input 32 and they work very well Something i miss with this new up 128 functionality ? Best regards Thierry MSFS 2020 1.16.20 and last version of FSUIPC 7.2
  21. Many thanks Pete it works Have a good end afternoon Thierry
  22. sikorsky77


    Hi all Does Widefs7 the version to be used with MSFS 2020 ? looking in Simmarket , it is not soclear Best regards Thierry
  23. Hi Pete you gave to BillyDragoon an answer on how avoid 32 input Limitation by the usage of a LUA Script i look in the list of LUA script example , but don't find a LUA name related to Vjoy look each , i see a TripleUse script talking about Single Press with different timing managing 3 different offset values is it the script you suggest to BillyDragoon ? King regards Thierry
  24. Many thanks Richard Best Regards Thierry Georgelin
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