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Sascha Felix

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Posts posted by Sascha Felix

  1. Hi,

    maybe I should explain a few things. The download in the new patched version is from an ftp server rather than from a http site as before. The download itself does nothing else but simply copy the file from the server to the corresponding FSC directory.

    If the download fails for whatever reason, then the old, i.e. previous weather file is restored.

    We have tested the patched version with a great number of people and at different times, and it worked without any problems. However, we could identify three conditions under which a problem might arise:

    a) the URL was not properly entered in the Options Window, in particular, the final slash was missing

    b) the user set his firewall in such a way that ftp downloads are blocked

    c) the user blocked port 21

    If you have problems with the weather download, you should check these three points


    Sascha & Volker

  2. Hi,

    Possibly I don't see your problem; but why don't you simply specify the FS folder in the Options Window as told and all problems are gone. You only have to do that once, because the path is saved in the ini file.

    If we suppressed that message, we'll get hundreds of mails from people complaining that they saved a flight plan, but it wasn't saved at the proper place.



  3. Hi Paul,

    That was exactly the type of information I was looking for. Thank you very very much. My problem was that I wasn't sure what was meant by a "token" and that I did not understand the significance of the Get(..) functions. Now thanks to you and Peter everything is clear and I can proceed.

    I guess the real important information from Pete and you was that I don't save time as long as I use only one Process for multiple Reads. So I leave it that way, the code is much more readable that way.

    Thanks again


  4. Hi Pete,

    Thanks a lot for the detailed answer which despite its length did not answer any of my questions. I know about structures, arrays and all that stuff. My question was simply: if Read_FSUIPC accepts only an integer for a token (=destination), what can I do in the case of arrays (of bytes), structures or whatever. Can someone who is familiar with VB.Net and the code in the SDK package provide some sample code or hint.

    Thanks a lot for your help


  5. Hi,

    I'm writing a little program in VB.NET (2008) accessing FS values through Fsuipc.dll using the code provided in the SDK and written by Bob Scott (who adapted it from the original VB code by Chris Brett).

    Although I have no problems reading individual values, there are times at which I would like to read a longer block of bytes. For example, latitude, longitude, altitude, pitch, bank and heading all appear one after the other, so instead of reading all these values individually, it seems to be more time-saving to read the entire block once and then split up the bytes as I need them.

    The problem for me is the function Read_FSUIPC which requires an integer for the token. The Get_FSUIPC provides an overload function to copy stuff into an array of bytes, so that's no problem. But I don't know how to handle the Read_FSUIPC function. Can someone give me an example or direct me to some site where examples are available.

    Thanks a lot for your help


  6. Hi Watte,

    as far as I can tell, everything you do is, in fact correct, so that the flight plan should have been saved in the correct PMDG/FLIGHTPLANS folder.

    Since I'm using the PMDG all the time, I currently have no idea what's going wrong on your system. Since the PMDG flight plan must have been saved somewhere, could you please search your system for its location and tell us where it ended up.



  7. Hi Fred,

    originally we intended to integrate Wilco's flight plan format for the Airbus family into v. 8.3; but we flatly failed. It turned out that the Wilco format makes reference to their own internal database numbering which in turn depends on the currently loaded Airac cycle. Since we do not have access to Wilco's internal database structure, we finally gave up.

    We were then told by a user that we were hitting a strawman in that Wilco (at least the Airbus family) reads (and loads) Flight Simulator's own flight plan format. In this case the whole problem would disappear, since every FSC flight plan is automatically saved in FS format. I'm not sure about the Boeing series, but you might want to try it out.



  8. Hi Tom,

    no, there is currently no way of finding out the range of VORs, the reason being the following.

    VORs (and NDBs) are not read from FS, but rather from Navigraph which current does not make range values available. But even if the values were available, there is a fundamental problem in using them. The VORs in FS Commander are real-word data which do not necessarily correspond to the data in FS, in fact quite frequently they do not. As a consequence you might get values which you don't in FS and that would be a source of constant trouble.

    In other words, I can see your problem, but at time using real world data costs a price.



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