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JPL19 last won the day on April 12 2020

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About JPL19

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. It definitely was the turbo version that was affected. But issue solved. I tried your solution above with the new exe and added line for both Bonanza and Baron and it seems to be working great in all cases. Thank you - I appreciate your help. Joe
  2. Hello, I have followed this thread: Using that thread above I had the turbocharged Baron twin also working with two mixture axis (I have both AC). The problem is the mixture solution in the thread works for the turbocharged version, but the normally aspirated version needs "regular" mixture controls. So I tried to create a profile for each version for both AC. I am using UseProfiles=Files and UseAirLocForProfiles=Yes, and created two different profiles for regular and turbocharged for each Baron and Bonanza. For instance - a have Baron.ini for turbocharged Baron and Reg Baron.ini for non-turbo. My problem is once I created two profiles the Turbo version only picks up the Reg profile. It appears it is referencing the folder name and not the titles and the folders are a near match except the addition of turbo at the end (screenshot below). The titles in the aircraft.cfg do vary slightly, using title = "Black Square Baron 58P Default Red" for the pressurized turbo model instead of title = "Black Square Baron 58 Default Red" for the regular version. This is from my ini: For Regular - [Profile.Reg Baron] 1=bksq-aircraft-analogbaron For Turbo- [Profile.Baron] 1=bksq-aircraft-analogbaronturbo Can anyone suggest a solution, or point out something I have done wrong? I thought about changing one folder name to something more unique, but I am concerned about any fallback entries and payware issues. Thank you. Joe
  3. It seems I had a very old SimConnect.cfg file sitting in my documents folder of my primary FS system. I created it for my client computer where a copy properly exists. Moved that out and it seems fine now. It was also impacting using StreamDeck but only in MSFS. It never seemed to impact two different versions of P3D... Joe
  4. Disregard - solved.
  5. When in sim if I open FSUIPC (set to run with sim) it says at very top FSUIPC7: Simulator is available: Not connected. I have tried auto connect and manual connect. When I try MSFS from menu bar (auto-connect off) I get an error box saying Connection Failed with option to retry, which fails . .. I have searched the manual and forum and did not find anything. Any help appreciated. Joe FSUIPC7.log
  6. Hi, Could you point to where you see the download? I checked the forums and my A2A account and could not find it. Thanks for any help. Joe
  7. I want to say thanks to Roman as well as Thomas and Pete. Roman's comments sent me searching. I use Super Traffic Board occasionally so I fired it up on my client system and flew the same route, with time acceleration. As soon as I hit one area I saw a flood of aircraft hit STB and then the mixture cut off. Need to do some testing, but, it might be a traffic file associated with Imaginesim's TBPB. Looking at it in AIFP it uses several default aircraft including the Commander. Need more testing needed but perhaps progress... Thanks again. Joe
  8. UTLive uses very specifically its own AI in the its own SimObjects folder. You can manually add/change/reassign from within that folder, and, I have added other AI via that means (added to the folder then added in the UTLive progtram). It does not ever choose AI. Its not "live" really in any sense. I am trying to check sceneries that may have added their own traffic bgls as well. It may be one geographic area (Caribbean) which would tend to point towards an AI issue as well. But the issues are not taking place that close to each other. Thanks.
  9. Attached FSUIPC5_prev.zip
  10. No MultiPlayer ever. No Carenado being used as AI at all. I use UTLive plus ORBX where applicable . . . Thanks for the reply.
  11. Wondering if someone could help me figure out additional steps to track a weird issue that has been going on for about a month. At odd intervals, usually 1 to 3 hours into a flight something is setting my mixture to zero. So far this has happened in the NGXu, Carenado AC690B and Alabeo C404 Titan. Since the first two are turbine powered I get an immediate flameout, which causes havoc. It usually happens when I am not touching anything - keyboard, controls, mouse, etc. This is P3D4.5 on Win10, I have a Alpha Yoke, CH Pro Throttle and Stick plus a Saitek throttle quad (controlling PROP, MIXTURE 1&2). I have added scenery recently, but no utilities. I started logging - here is what I think is the event: 5992266 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66856 (0x00010528), Param= 1 (0x00000001) VIEW_CAMERA_SELECT_6 6015719 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66851 (0x00010523), Param= 1 (0x00000001) VIEW_CAMERA_SELECT_1 6101031 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66856 (0x00010528), Param= 1 (0x00000001) VIEW_CAMERA_SELECT_6 6180875 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65765 (0x000100e5), Param= 10544 (0x00002930) AXIS_THROTTLE_SET 6183922 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65773 (0x000100ed), Param= 0 (0x00000000) MIXTURE_SET 6184234 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66055 (0x00010207), Param= 1 (0x00000001) PAUSE_SET 6184250 ### Mode: PAUSE on 6184359 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65773 (0x000100ed), Param= 0 (0x00000000) MIXTURE_SET 6187344 KEYDOWN: VK=80, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0 6187344 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 6187344 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65561 (0x00010019), Param= 0 (0x00000000) PAUSE_TOGGLE 6187344 ### Mode is NORMAL 6187453 KEYUP: VK=80, Waiting=0 6188203 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65765 (0x000100e5), Param= 10810 (0x00002a3a) AXIS_THROTTLE_SET 6188375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66851 (0x00010523), Param= 1 (0x00000001) VIEW_CAMERA_SELECT_1 6189031 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66422 (0x00010376), Param= -2211 (0xfffff75d) AXIS_MIXTURE1_SET 6189078 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66422 (0x00010376), Param= 256 (0x00000100) AXIS_MIXTURE1_SET 6189078 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66425 (0x00010379), Param= -1431 (0xfffffa69) AXIS_MIXTURE2_SET 6189109 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66422 (0x00010376), Param= 1536 (0x00000600) AXIS_MIXTURE1_SET 6184625 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65773 (0x000100ed), Param= 0 (0x00000000) MIXTURE_SET This was flying the Alabeo Titan, and the pause is part of the ACARS program that catches unexpected events and pauses sim (just added AFTER the problem occurred many times). I do not have any mixture buttons or axis settings except Mixture 1 & 2 in this profile, and no where do I see any other mixture settings or button commands. All axis and button controls in sim itself are removed. I have FSUIPC controlling Throttle axis, Prop Axis and Mixture 1&2 along with flight controls. Is there a way to track what may be sending the AXIS: Cntrl= 65773 (0x000100ed), Param= 0 (0x00000000) MIXTURE_SET command? Thanks for any thoughts / help. Joe
  12. Yes, Lorby-Si Add On organizer installed fine on my brand new system not that long ago. Registry entries exist and appear normal. Perhaps I will uninstall then re-install that software . . . Joe
  13. Hello, I have Make Runways ver 4.84 installed in my primary P3Dv4 folder, D:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 (where Prepar3D.exe is located). I have Lorby-SI Addon Organizer for Prepar3D - v 1.26 b021 installed in the default location ..\Documents\Prepar3d v4 Add-ons\Lorby-SI AddonOrganizer_P3D-V4. When I run MakeRwys.exe no MakeRwys_Scenery.cfg is generated. Other than that it executes seemingly ok and generated the csv files. Anyone have any ideas? Thank you. Joe L.
  14. Quick run and it seems to work for me. Attaching the whole log - just a short session. Thank you for your help. Joe FSUIPC5.log
  15. I installed 5.121 in to v4 this morning and now FSUIPC is not loading. It is not showing in menu and joysticks are not working either. I have attached log below. Last night, before installing newest version everything seemed fine. P3Dv4 w/ hotfix in Win10 Home 64. I see this message repeating for about 200 lines as you can see in the attached log. 3734 Opened separate AI Traffic client okay 3734 Exception 5 "VERSION_MISMATCH", Ref 1, Version 0.60905: Open: SimConnect Version incorrect! 3734 Trying another version of SimConnect ... 3734 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 3734 Opened separate AI Traffic client okay 3734 Exception 5 "VERSION_MISMATCH", Ref 1, Version 0.60905: Open: SimConnect Version incorrect! 3734 Trying another version of SimConnect ... 3734 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 3734 Opened separate AI Traffic client okay 3734 Exception 5 "VERSION_MISMATCH", Ref 1, Version 0.60905: Open: SimConnect Version incorrect! 3734 Trying another version of SimConnect ... 3734 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 17140 Failed on SimConnect_Open for AI Traffic Client, return = 0x80004005 17140 Exception 5 "VERSION_MISMATCH", Ref 1, Version 0.60905: Open: SimConnect Version incorrect! 17140 Trying another version of SimConnect ... 30547 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005: FSUIPC5 cannot operate! 30547 ... Now trying to connect to another version of SimConnect ... 43953 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005: FSUIPC5 cannot operate! 43953 ... Now trying to connect to another version of SimConnect ... 57359 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005: FSUIPC5 cannot operate! 57359 ... Now trying to connect to another version of SimConnect ... 70765 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005: FSUIPC5 cannot operate! 143890 === Closing session: waiting for DLLStop to be called ... Thank you for any help. Joe FSUIPC5.log
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