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Carlos Alvarez

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Posts posted by Carlos Alvarez

  1. On 1/23/2022 at 9:26 AM, John Dowson said:

    Those all look good! Looks like you also have MSFS installed. Is everything now working ok?
    Looks like you haven't connected your Logitech G13 Joystick though. Are you not planning to use this?

    Hi John I have Covid now so i wasn't avail to anwer u. No the G13 is going to remainnd offlline. So far everythnig is working. Thanks for the help

  2. 8 hours ago, John Dowson said:

    Still an issue with your G13 joystick. Can you disconnect, and run the following as a .reg file, then reboot and reconnect.

    Before starting FSUIPC, delete the contents of your  [JoyNames] section in your FSUIPC7.ini file and let that get rebuilt.

    The log also reports an error reading the details of your joystick:

    Not sure if this is an issue, but try connecting it to a different USB port/hub - if its in a USB2 port try moving it to a 3.1 port (if you have any), and if its in a 3.0 or 3.1, try moving it to a USB 2.0 port.

    Once thats done, start FSUIPC7, exit and then show me the files again.

    If there are still registry issues after this, I will give you instructions for logging the registry matching FSUIPC performs - there may be some other registry entries that need removing.

    Hows it going with the MSFS re-install?

    Here're the files empty after runing the 3rd reg file u give me.


    FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7.JoyScan.csv FSUIPC7.log

  3. On 1/17/2022 at 8:36 PM, John Dowson said:

    As you have already ran the first one, just run the 2nd one, with your logitech jopystick and rudder pedals disconnected, then reboot and reconnect. then run FSUIPC7 and exit, and show me the 3 files again.

    Sorry about your issues with MSFS, but I can't help with that. Try the Asobo forums for installation issues.

    Sorry for the delay


    FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7.JoyScan.csv FSUIPC7.log

  4. Hi john i complete misst that comment. I just run the remove reg i saw befor that post. thnig is that i remove the MSFS nad now there's no way i cant installed now due some problem is acurring during the installation, it always got stuck at 20% waitng for a while and CTD. I can re run the reg 1 and 2 or only the nr 2 let me know. Now i omw to work but after that i can give it a try.

  5. Well John lets start over.

    This is what i hade done so far.

    **1** Disconnected the whole set of X56 + rudder. Run the file (remove Devices.reg) which u gave me, reboot my pc after the reg wipeout.

    **2** Connecting 1 by 1 (no pop window or sound after reconnection) no software instalation (drivers) and windows didn't do anything either


    The joystick are now back and running but the whole MSFS got damage after the 1st time I run the (removeDevices.reg) I experience CTD within 2 min after i press (fly). Looks like there's nothing left to do them wipeout MSFS. 

    PD there was nothnig left on my community folder, so no failty addon is causing the CTD in so short time. I'll provide the both files before I run the (removeDevices.reg) and after.

  6. On 1/6/2022 at 8:50 PM, John Dowson said:

    Why are you not doing as I asked? 

    What have you actually done? Can you please tell me exactly what you have done, as you don't seem to be following my advice - and why are you running MSFS - I only asked you to run FSUIPC7....
    I cannot really help you if you are not willing to follow my advice....
    I hope that you at least took a back-up of your registry...

    Hi John i was out of home for a few days. im gonna try to fix the problem now 1 step at the time. So far i just have diosconect from my pc the joystick, throttle and the rudder.

    now you meantion to run both reg files? which 1 are they? I only have the 1 you gave me (removeDevices). Should I run this 1 and reboot?

  7. On 1/5/2022 at 5:07 PM, John Dowson said:

    That should be fine - as long as your PC meets the minimum requirements. I, and many others, are runnning MSFS with FSUIPC7 on windows 11 without issues.
    Note, however, that if running on Windows 11 you may need to add the following to the [General] section of you ini file:
    This is needed if FSUIPC7 closes because it thinks MSFS has stopped running (cannot be detected) although it still is.

    Could you please provide more details on what you have actually done...when I give you several things to try, you need to be explicit in your response so that I know what you have actually done - did you run the first reg file again? Did you run the second reg file?

    Maybe we should take this one step at a time...

    Disconnect your X56 and your rudder pedals. Run both registry scripts (or combine them into one script and run that). Reboot. Rename or delete your FSUIPC7.ini - you will lose your assignments but you do not have that many, and they are duplicated, you can redo them once we have your devices recognised correctly.
    Then run FSUIPC7 - still with your X56 and rudder devices disconnected. This should just leave your Logitech G13 Joystick connected.

    Lets see if it recognises that as a single device. Then PLEASE exit FSUIPC7 - as I said, I need to see these files AFTER FSUIPC7 has exited- you keep attaching them when FSUIPC7 is still running (unless it has crashed...).
    That should tell us if we also need to clean the registry of your Logitech G13 joystick.

    Also, if you have installed Logitech drivers (or software) for that joystick, best to remove them and let windows install the default drivers, as you did with the Saitek devices.

    Im getting an insane amount of CTD after the reg deleted. Should I remove MSFS and reinstalled?

  8. 13 hours ago, John Dowson said:

    Do not install any Saitek drivers. Disconnect your saitek devices and then take a back-up of your registry (using the Windows Registry Editor, File -> Export).
    Then create a file called removeDevices.reg (name doesn't matter but extension must be .reg)) with the following content:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    Run that file by double-clicking it in Windows Explorer. This will remove those registry entries. Then reboot and re-attach your devices.
    Then run FSUIPC7, exit and show me those 3 files again.


    Hi John i think the thouttle has been recognize after the reset but the log still is telling me that is wrong. 

    FSUIPC7.JoyScan.csv FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.ini

  9. 57 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

    I need to see all 3 files again (FSUIPC7.ini, FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.JoyScan.csv) after the changes you have made and when using the default windows drivers.
    Once I have seen them, I can advise on cleaning your registry.

    John btw The Windows driver is something I have to get my sel, or is something I can see in the screen when they are installing?  I ask to get more like a visual reference. 

  10. 3 hours ago, John Dowson said:

    No luck with what? What did you try?

    Yes, but before we do that can you let me know if you did have any saitek software or drivers installed or not. And if you did and removed them, I need to see your updated files.

    Hi John. Yes I had it install before and after the last post I uninstalled the drivers, I have disconnected the joystick and plug back in then. I haven’t see that windows have install any default driver on the joystick so I wanted to give Saitek a second try with the X56 drivers that I had before and was working btw so I reinstalled the drivers and try it again but still no respond on the Throttle so now I have uninstalled the X56 drives again and rebooted my pc but still the reg files are still on the system. I can give u the log again but look the same for me, Tho I have to finish my shift in the airport before u can have access to that. 

    have a nice day.

  11. 9 hours ago, John Dowson said:

    Did you install any saitek drivers or software? Your X-56 throttle and stick have the same PID, which is usually caused by installing saitek software and/or drivers.
    If so, can you disconnect your devices, uninstall any saitek drivers or software, reboot then reconnect and let windows install the default windows drivers.
    Then show me your updated FSUIPC7.log, .ini and .JoyScan.csv files.
    If they are still showing with the same PID after that, we will need to clean your registry.

    Hi. No luck still same problem and same log and svc file. Can we go ahead and remove the reg? Can u tell me how.

  12. 12 hours ago, John Dowson said:

    Your throttle has the same joystick id as your rudder pedals for some reason.
    Can you please attach your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.JoyScan.csv files. We can possibly resolve this by changing your ini file to get the Joy Ids updated, but if that doesn't work me may need to correct/edit your registry.


    I have no idea why that change. Sure I attach it. Happy new year,

    FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7.JoyScan.csv

  13. 32 minutes ago, Volker Heine said:

    Hi Carlos,

    please read here: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/60271-important-everyone-please-read/ 

    If you discovered any inconsistencies in the Airac Cycle, then contact the respective provider.


    You can't edit data from the Airac Cycle. You can only carry out the planning manually from Waypoint to Waypoint.



    Well bummer. is this a bug? are u guys gonna fix this issue later?

  14. Hello!

    Take this for example. Route between LKPR - EDDF - This is the "real route" BALTU L984 DONAD L602 SOPGA T170 GAPLA T173 KERAX but when i upload the route on the FSC this is what it happen -> BALTU L984 DONAD L602 SOPGA GAPLA KERAX as u can see the FSC with the current  AIRAC 1702 don't recognize T170 to GAPLA because don't have any T170 and KERAX has no airways whatsoever but according with Europa charts from navigraph the route about is correct meaning that the FSC has a wrong data according to those waypoints/INT. NOW my q is how can I edit those waypoints so I can add the correct airways for those INT myself. I'm sure this is happen with many INT from the data for the FSC 9.6.7.

    Any ideas?

  15. Hello!

    I think there is an issue with the navgraph or the program itself, I have the latest AIRAC 1606 provided by jeppesen but there is a few airways and intersection that aren't working for exempel KERAX int witch is the intersection for Frankfurt KERAX should have airways T152, T157 and T173 all those are Low airways, My route is from EKCH to EDDF and it should be this 

    NEXEN T503 GIMRU UT503 MIC T155 ALOSI T157 KERAX between ALOSI and KERAX there is no airway on the FSC. 

    Please! how can I add my self the airway on the FSC and correct this issue?

    Have a great day


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