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Everything posted by jordanal

  1. Well this time I did as you suggested, unassigned axis, disabled joystick and then removed the joysticks from the fs9.cfg file. So far the devices have stayed gone. As for the numerous times I have to hit the "ignore axis" button, this hasn't improved much. No, I'm not using raw mode. In the CH-Products calibartion utility, the raw numbers 0-255 look solid so I think it might be too sensitive in FSUIPC. Maybe something we can adjust ourselvs with an added option to the axis assignemtns tab? BTW, so far it appears that you can't add comments to the end of axis assignment. I tried to use the same commenting method used in the buttons and keys sections but FSUIPC wipes the axis comments clean after every save. Will this be added? v/r, AL
  2. Pete, So far the axis configuration facility in the FSUIPC 3.536 seems to work well. The axis seem more precise and I'm grateful to finally have an axis assigned as a gear lever on my CH Yoke. GOOD JOB! I am surprised how many times I have to hit "Ignore Axis" to start calibratinig another device but it does seem to work. Question about the removal of existing axis in the fs9.cfg file; I have the CH Products USB Yoke, ThrottleQuad, & Pedals along with a Logitech gamepad. As recommended, I deleted the devices.cfg file, removed the existing axis in my fs9.cfg file, and turned off (unchecked) "Enable Joystick." After configuring all three CH devices using "submit to FS," as I was shutting down for the evening last night when I noticed that there were a bunch of axis assignemnts in my fs9.cfg file again. Were these put back by FSUIPC because I was "submitting to FS" or did FS incorreclty pickup the devices again on its own accord? I quickly read the "updated doc" last night so if I missed an important point again as in my previous thread (LOL), just tell me to go back RTFM, LOL :) BTW, to fix the issue with the devices.cfg file whereby new axis are still picked up by FS, would having only a "GENERIC" section in the file with some eroneous assignments solve the problem? v/r, AL
  3. Yup, sure enough, the module I pulled down was from 12:07am. Re-downloading the zip again now. Thanks for the heads-up... v/r, AL
  4. LOL, OK Pete, fair enough and thanks for a timely reply. As soon as you mentioned the "combining" of sections for buttons and keys I realized where I went wrong in my logic and that I did read that info in the Advanced users doc (yes, I actually read the manual, LOL) I understand about the starting with one being too big of change, it just seemed odd at first when my buttons weren't matching my ini file settings. LOL, OK about axis-0, I'm gonna create labels for them starting with zero, LOL... :D
  5. Hi Pete, Thanks again for supporting FSim all these years. I just started setting up "Aircraft Specific" settings (w/shortaircraftnameOK enabled) in the ini file using FSUIPC 3.53 registered. As you can see ,I did one section for the PMDG 747 and 737 each using the joystickcalibration and buttons sections. The problem is, when I come back into the FSUIPC GUI, the joysticks tab properly indicates "aircraft specific" as being checked but the Buttons tab does not. Now, if I then check the "aircraft specific" box on the Buttons tab, the shortname does appear on the FSUIPC GUI title bar and buttons seem to be assigned, but for some reason "aircraft specific" settings are not on by default even though the section in the ini file seems to be properly recongnized. I hope I've explained this well enough, but if I haven't, let me know and I'll try to rephrase. Oh, one other thing; it would also be easier if the buttons assignments in the ini file started with one instead of zero. It took me a few minutes to realize that in order to identify my actual, physical buttons on the devices it was necessary to add 1 to the button assignemnts as listed in the ini. No joystick I've ever used has a button zero, :wink: Is it possible to change this sometime in the future? BTW, I can't wait 'till you have the aircraft specific axis assignemnts facitlity in FSUIPC, that'll be absolutly fabulous :) Pertinent ini sections as follows: ShortAircraftNameOk=Yes [JoystickCalibration.B737-] ExclThrottleSet=No SepRevsJetsOnly=No FlapsSetControl=0 ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=0 RudderTrimControl=0 CowlFlaps1Control=0 CowlFlaps2Control=0 CowlFlaps3Control=0 CowlFlaps4Control=0 Aileron=-16193,-582,444,16065 SlopeAileron=5 Elevator=-16193,-453,444,16065 SlopeElevator=5 Rudder=-16066,0,0,16192 SlopeRudder=5 LeftBrake=-16066,16192 SlopeLeftBrake=5 RightBrake=-16066,16192 SlopeRightBrake=5 Throttle1=-16256,-14321,-13418,16256 Throttle2=-16193,-14774,-14000,16192 Spoilers=-16193,16192 Flaps=-16129,16129 [buttons.B737-] 1=P4,1,K65,12 ;TAB+A, Yoke, B 2 2=P4,4,C66079,0 ;GEAR_UP, Yoke, B 5 3=P4,5,C66080,0 ;GEAR_DOWN, Yoke, B 6 4=P4,12,K82,9 ;Shft+R, Yoke, B 13 5=P4,15,C65789,0 ;SIM_RATE_INC, Yoke, B 16 6=P4,16,C65790,0 ;SIM_RATE_DECR, Yoke, B 17 7=P4,19,C65656,0 ;ZOOM_OUT, Yoke, B 20 8=P4,20,C65655,0 ;ZOOM_IN, Yoke, B 21 9=R1,0,K80,11 ;Ctrl+Shft+P, THQ, B 1 10=R1,1,K80,14 ;Ctrl+TAB+P, THQ, B 2 11=R1,2,K83,11 ;Ctrl+Shft+S, THQ, B 3 12=R1,3,K83,14 ;Ctrl+TAB+S, THQ, B 4 13=R1,4,K65,11 ;Ctrl+Shft+A, THQ, B 5 14=R1,5,K65,14 ;Ctrl+TAB+A, THQ, B 6 15=R1,6,K66,11 ;Ctrl+Shft+B, THQ, B 7 16=R1,7,K66,14 ;Ctrl+TAB+B, THQ, B 8 17=P1,8,K72,10 ;Ctrl+H, THQ, B 9 18=P1,9,K78,10 ;Ctrl+N, THQ, B 10 19=P1,10,C65751,0 ;LANDING_LIGHTS_TOGGLE, THQ, B 11 20=P1,11,C66240,0 ;TOGGLE_TAXI_LIGHTS, THQ, B 12 21=R1,12,K90,11 ;Ctrl+Shft+Z, THQ, B 13 22=R1,13,K90,14 ;Ctrl+TAB+Z, THQ, B 14 23=R1,14,K72,11 ;Ctrl+Shft+H, THQ, B 15 24=R1,15,K72,14 ;Ctrl+TAB+H, THQ, B 16 25=R1,16,K86,11 ;Ctrl+Shft+V, THQ, B 17 26=R1,17,K86,14 ;Ctrl+TAB+V, THQ, B 18 27=P1,18,K65,10 ;Ctrl+A, THQ, B 18 28=P1,19,K80,10 ;Ctrl+P, THQ, B 20 29=P1,20,K86,9 ;Shft+V, THQ, B 21 30=P1,21,K86,10 ;Ctrl+V, THQ, B 22 31=P1,22,C65560,0 ;STROBES_TOGGLE, THQ, B 23 [JoystickCalibration.747-400] ExclThrottleSet=No SepRevsJetsOnly=No FlapsSetControl=0 ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=0 RudderTrimControl=0 CowlFlaps1Control=0 CowlFlaps2Control=0 CowlFlaps3Control=0 CowlFlaps4Control=0 Aileron=-16193,-582,444,16065 SlopeAileron=5 Elevator=-16193,-453,444,16065 SlopeElevator=5 Rudder=-16066,0,0,16192 SlopeRudder=5 LeftBrake=-16066,16192 SlopeLeftBrake=5 RightBrake=-16066,16192 SlopeRightBrake=5 Throttle1=-16256,-14321,-13418,16256 Throttle2=-16193,-14774,-14000,16192 Throttle3=-16193,-14645,-13871,16192 Throttle4=-16256,-14708,-13934,16256 Spoilers=-16193,16192 Flaps=-16129,16129 [buttons.747-400] 1=P4,1,K65,12 ;TAB+A, Yoke, B 2 2=P4,4,C66079,0 ;GEAR_UP, Yoke, B 5 3=P4,5,C66080,0 ;GEAR_DOWN, Yoke, B 6 4=P4,12,K82,9 ;Shft+R, Yoke, B 13 5=P4,15,C65789,0 ;SIM_RATE_INC, Yoke, B 16 6=P4,16,C65790,0 ;SIM_RATE_DECR, Yoke, B 17 7=P4,19,C65656,0 ;ZOOM_OUT, Yoke, B 20 8=P4,20,C65655,0 ;ZOOM_IN, Yoke, B 21 9=R1,0,K80,11 ;Ctrl+Shft+P, THQ, B 1 10=R1,1,K80,14 ;Ctrl+TAB+P, THQ, B 2 11=R1,2,K83,11 ;Ctrl+Shft+S, THQ, B 3 12=R1,3,K83,14 ;Ctrl+TAB+S, THQ, B 4 13=R1,4,K65,11 ;Ctrl+Shft+A, THQ, B 5 14=R1,5,K65,14 ;Ctrl+TAB+A, THQ, B 6 15=R1,6,K66,11 ;Ctrl+Shft+B, THQ, B 7 16=R1,7,K66,14 ;Ctrl+TAB+B, THQ, B 8 17=P1,8,K72,10 ;Ctrl+H, THQ, B 9 18=P1,9,K78,10 ;Ctrl+N, THQ, B 10 19=P1,10,C65751,0 ;LANDING_LIGHTS_TOGGLE, THQ, B 11 20=P1,11,C66240,0 ;TOGGLE_TAXI_LIGHTS, THQ, B 12 21=R1,12,K90,11 ;Ctrl+Shft+Z, THQ, B 13 22=R1,13,K90,14 ;Ctrl+TAB+Z, THQ, B 14 23=R1,14,K72,11 ;Ctrl+Shft+H, THQ, B 15 24=R1,15,K72,14 ;Ctrl+TAB+H, THQ, B 16 25=R1,16,K86,11 ;Ctrl+Shft+V, THQ, B 17 26=R1,17,K86,14 ;Ctrl+TAB+V, THQ, B 18 27=P1,18,K65,10 ;Ctrl+A, THQ, B 18 28=P1,19,K80,10 ;Ctrl+P, THQ, B 20 29=P1,20,K86,9 ;Shft+V, THQ, B 21 30=P1,21,K86,10 ;Ctrl+V, THQ, B 22 31=P1,22,C65560,0 ;STROBES_TOGGLE, THQ, B 23
  6. I have been seeing the same problem, Landing-light on, RCv3 text off and vice-versa but I think I may have found a workaround for this problem. I re-displayed the Advdisp window ontop of the 738 2D-panel last night just before I took off from EGLL, (usually have the window "always hidden" as I use Text-Display across a WideFS connection). I then right clicked on the Advdisp window and selected "show multiple lines" and then re-hid the Advdisp window. Low-and-behold I got my RCv3 text back even with the landing-lights on. The only drawback seems to be the green-text window (usually used for AS2004 metar text updates) is now taller (5 or 6 empty lines) than it would normally be. This seemed to work flawlessly on a 8 hour flight from EGLL to OMDB last night. See if it works for you. FS9.1 PMDG 736/7/8/9 FSUIPC 3.44 WideFS 6.44 AdvDisp 2.131 AS2004.5 163 v/r, Al
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