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About bobsk8

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. I had same problem,. this fixed it... Thanks..
  2. I inst alled the updated version, and did a couple of flights, and all is well. Thanks.
  3. *** Moved from main support forum to FSUIPC7 support sub-forum *** I just downloaded and installed version 7.4.18 into MSFS 2020 two days ago. Since then, the program has quit about 5 times. I use it to communicate with Flight SIm First Officer and all of a sudden that program stops working. I found out , that FSUIPC had quit working, and I had to restart it. This happened three times today, and I finally went to my backup drive and copied the previous version and and with the previous version, everything is stable. Only thing is I keep getting a message when I start FSUIPC that it needs an update.
  4. Disregard, I got it working.
  5. Where does that file go, I am having the same problem with PF3?
  6. OK. but it is working perfectly now, did 3 flights yesterday, zero problems.
  7. It works now... I redid everything from scratch. I installed older version into a fresh folder, updated it to latest version with a new download of the update file. I then replaced the exe in the updated version with the one you sent me, and now everything works. 😃
  8. Unfortunately , this didn't work at all. I installed the file, I booted up MSFS, and all my settings in Assistance went to easy, and everything was jumping all over on the screen, with loud clicking noises. I had to restart PC, go back to my old version of FSUIPC, and reset all the settings. Scared me for awhile till I got everything going again.
  9. This is a log file of the one that works. I sent two commands with 0 and two with X. Question, how do a assign a button release to key release.? FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.ini
  10. I use FSUIPC to just generate a keypress on my keyboard, the number 0 and the letter X. The ATC program is set to pick up those two keypresses. I was using 7.0.4 which still works perfectly. The files I am sending you are the updated FSUIPC where it does not work with the updated version. Hoping that is sufficient. FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.ini
  11. I have worked on this update all morning. I only have two things I use FSUIPC paid version for, When I press one joystick button, I want it to send a 0 ( zero) key to my PF3 ATC program. When I press the next joystick button I want it to send an X keypress. My former version of FSUIPC does this perfectly. The new version will not. I have a backup of the older version on a Macrium drive, and if I reinstall the older version everything works perfectly. I run the update of the latest version, and the 0 and X keypresses again are not transmitted to the ATC program, I have done this several times. I have even tried replacing the new ini file with the one that works, and still it doesn't work. I cannot figure out why this doesn't work InstallFSUIPC7.log
  12. I had the same problem. I think I may have unchecked Mobiflight. Will try later and see if it works this time.
  13. Guess I am just not very bright.
  14. Read that user guide several times, and didn't seem to find the answers to my question. Will look at it again tonight when I get home.
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