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Posts posted by CBris

  1. Owww, keep your shirts on young'uns :mrgreen: This 'ere One-Eye don' have to like it to use it. Gawd... one word and they're off like firecrackers... (Or faster than a loose girl's whatnots...)

    I belong to the "Grumpy Ole Git" faction - don't forget. And remember - this is (only?) a subjective and personal feeling. I don't know how all the others really feel about it, but as a community, the "Emma Field" people should all be free to voice their feelings - even if they are misgivings. Too much of a change might not be a good thing for everyone...

    But like all things that change - some will stay, others will go and yet other new ones will come. But I will reserve my personal final judgement of course. Although - I really do hate to say this - I don't like it already but I respect that others already do. A "Two Storey" at a small base just isn't the small base feel for me. It implies "wealthier" tenants. Where's the "Uncle Elmer Feel" if you don't have to go round the backwoods to get something to drink? The place is starting to look like a Pac Northwest "Holiday Inn" ;)

    I am not saying Bill Spot hasn't done an exquisite job on the artwork and the 3D. I'm saying that it was the smallness of the original Emma that really attracted me (I am not even speaking of others). I'll bet you've even put Fritz out to pasture and added a paraffin supply for those noisy bunsen burners. Next thing we'll see will be hardened tarmac runways and taxiways and stretch limos in the yard and all them new-fangled runway light things along with radar and ATC and flight following... Where're One-Eye and Limp going to get up to their mischief now?

    Anyway - you young pups need agog at the bar. Someone's got to do the moaning and reminiscing of how things were in the good ole days! And 'sides, just coz things have been quiet, it don't mean we've gone away. Dang! Those guvmint types as closed us down don't know the half of it! I have been flying around in Bill and Phil's PacNW even if it don'´t work properly. At least the hideaways still provide safe landings for One-Eye.

    Oh... AGOG? A Grumpy Ole Git. Darned youngsters can't hold a thought for more'n ten minutes these days - always rushing off doin' other places, seein' other faces. Only things us oldens can't hold these days is probably a bladder, although I can hold me booze.

    Now... before you all grab your keyboards in rage, grab the salt cellar and take a big pinch of salt... and I shall probably work on the Emma Militia fleet some more. We can't be having too much of a high brow place to fly, after all.

  2. Personaly I think th NH-90 is a waste of an Idea. The reason being is because its practically a EH-101, but of newer technoligy. Its a cool looking helicopter, But we need something different. Nemeth has already got the ch-53 out. And fsxacceleration has got the Eh-101. EH is smaller but can serve as the same purpose. We need a helicopter that serves a different purpose, mabey another medical/corperate helicopter. Like as of right now the MD-900. A great looking helicopter with multi purpose roll playing. I wuold like to see the Bell-407 come into nemeth designs. They would do a great job on it.

    The NH90 is ancient tech - it was on the drawing boards in the early 80s and it's still a drawing board delivery with each one that leaves the works. OK, so it's fly by wire... that's not new. Nor is carbon fibre, nor is the mechanics of this chopper. The EH101 isn't even made by Eurocopter - it's a Westlands jobbie.

    I could say more, but having been an NH90 airworthiness certification engineer (even if only for a short time), well... you know the drill, if I tell you too much I have to shoot you.

    If you want new, then you have got to go Sikorsky and checout the X2 technology demonstrator... 250 kts and more?

  3. Hi Guys.

    The 120 is a great conversion to FSX - but I have to be critical. You've managed to reverse the texture on the lower centre console - the text is backwards. There is a clash with the passenger knees and the GPS display.

    To be blunt - it looks exactly the same as the FS9 version with a few goodies thrown in. I'd say you have simply re-compiled the old model. With such an opportunity you should have taken the chance to create better interior model textures and maps. Take a look at what I mean here:

    Having said all that - I bought it because it is a Nemeth and I like your choppers.





  4. Apart from the light effect files, I think you also forgot to include fresnel ramps. But all in all, you've done a useable job. I look forward to the patch with the slight fixes (files and auto rotates?) But otherwise thanks for mapping her so that we can simply crossover FS9 paints without flipping etc. All in all, I think I feel some paints coming on. Here's an old FS9 one I just converted - metallic black has something, does it not? Next to experiment with the alphas...





  5. We sell stuff other people have made... ;)

    You don't think we build Airbii do you? Good Lord no! It's all a big Meccano or Lego set. We buy bits, put them together (after a fashion) and sell them at a disgustingly massive profit. Er, no, perhaps I should say we let the airlines pay us to put the bits together :lol: :lol: :lol:

  6. I haven't heard of ANY shop in ANY industry that does 'quality control' on the products they sell, unless they MAKE them themselves.

    I regularly travelled to check the quality of various manufacturers of aircraft seats, galleys, lavvies, cargo bay equipment to check their quality before I even let their products onto my planes before I can let my colleagues sell these said planes on to an airline.

    It's called supply chain quality management,,,

    And yes, we know of in-service problems.

  7. Hi Farcnios,

    Hree’s a dylisxec lteetr form an old gmurpy reedar of yuor psot in the fourm…

    I tgohuht you mghit be irnteseetd in this rael wlord air rllay form Gmernay to Stuoh Arcifa. Prahpes for the nwes pgae or as a fruom ertny? Phrapes we can amocpancy the rael fylers in the sim?

    Oh – you may wlel hvae raed this wthoiut nintocig the tpyos? Tnartge tihng is, msot polepe can ataullcy raed tihs. If the fsirt and the lsat letetr are in the rgiht palecs and all the oehtr ltteers are terhe, tehn the barin deos the rset.

    But I had beettr wirte the URL clorrecty...


    Yes, I konw it is in greamn, and the elsnigh pegas are not all teehr... fugire it out I am srue.

  8. Well there is one net friend I miss from MIRC days (pre-ICQ). Dear Purple Rose, where are you? :wink:

    But Francois, your reminder about Jun Kazuma - now that I can understand. Very much. Just like Leon Louis' passing, there are indeed web friends whose passing leaves a hole in our lives, even though we never met.

  9. They say that breaking up is hard to do, but I know this isn't true...

    Oh... Please excuse the Neil Sedaka moment :lol: Let me change over to a One-Eye moment instead...

    One-eye was a lot younger there actually did exist a kind of virtual friendship between a certain group of motorists. If you owned an NSU Prinz in the sixties you always had a friend in any other NSU Prinz driver. If you saw one coming the other way, you'd flash your headlights at each other and if you broke down a fellow Prinz driver would stop.

    Sadly that kind of friendship no longer exists.

    Internet friendships can happen and there certainly are a few correspondents I would like to shake real hands with and there are those I have met up with too. Although I have discovered that some apparent Internet friendships turn out to be the same in real life - your "Chat Partner" turns out to be just as preoccupied with other things in the flesh as they often are on the net. They appear to be looking for their real world "BRB" buttons so that they can escape. But thats the trouble with a real world acquaintanceship - you can't just "BRB" and then disappear. You can't just say "I have to reboot, BBL."

    It's the lack of physical contact that makes it easy for us to lie to the other person.

    Pn the other hand - the Internet is an EXCELLLENT way to keep in touch with real friends. Webcams and microphones have been the biggest blessings on friendships. I can even pull the blind down over the camera if I am "Deshabillé" and still catch up with the news. That is more advantageous than having a friend arrive at the doorstep just after you've changed into sloppy joes and you don't have to keep the carpet hoovered or the dishes put away in the sink or washer...

    Making virtual friendships is often a matter of clicking a button on a website and "Adding a chat partner to your friends list"... I do have plenty of those, and to tell the truth, I really would like to meet most of them. But will they be friends after we have met?

    There is one big advantage too, in virtual friendships - you can remain virtually befriended even after you move to another city. I have moved three times in as many years and my Internet friendships are still there. Real world friendships can fade once you move away - and I have led a very nomadic life over the years that has not left much room for friendships.

    I guess it really does depend on how you nurture any friendship that will test its sturdiness.

  10. I just re-read your visit to the urologist mister D...

    PSA test again in January, so far benign, but the word on the (back) street (s) is that "...it's gotta go..." I don't really care as long as I can have a decent pee! But things are "cramping" a bit after reading your grump about the shufti-scope visit.

    Good cause for more grumpiness!

  11. I hope it isn't a case of losing interest - although I must confess that I could be. Sorry, but after all the hype and not seeing anything...

    ...and with all due respect to the current team - seeing them produce one new addon in the WA area after another (that's a subjective feel guys and by no means a personal snipe)

    ...it wouldn't surprise me that a few people are flagging.

    Wondering? Well I am affected by the Grumpy forum.

  12. That is so sad. I just found out over on Sim Outhouse.

    If he believed we will meet again, then surely we will. Over and over as we read and re-discover his contributions to our world of flight simulation we will remember him, and so he will live on amongst us for a while yet.

    Until we meet again Jun.

  13. And then there are the "Professionals" - take my kid brother for instance... quarter of a century working the "Dinosaurs" (mainframes) and talking strange arcane languagues like Cobol and PL1.

    Look at any PC of his and it's pure chaos. And he has worked on hotlines for real money. He's not only got unused stuff on his home computer, he's probably got stuff on it that he doesn't even know about. Wouldn't let him look after my PC for (brotherly) love nor money. And as for hard disc organisation... one look at his desktop is enough to give you the willies :lol:

    And at work, if anything goes wrong with my company PC I call the hotline because I have to. There's so many "paranoia" systems in place that I can't fix a problem myself without wrisking the wrath (er...) of my employers. And yet when I do get the hotline on the phone (after a long wait in the soundloop) they generally don't have a clue...

    My only advice is for a PC owner to learn the essentials and trust himself (or even herself). Once you have learnt what is needed, you will already know more than the man in the shop.

  14. Ah, so the website is coming? And what about the T-shirt or even the recipe book?

    I can see it all now... T-shirts depicting famous grumpy men in hats and in the recipe book...

    Stew and grumplings

    Apple grumble pie

    Hot cross buns

    Crème growlee


    There's even a place for Grumpy pilgrimages... Moana Lua on Hawaii ("Moana Lua" being the ancient grumple words for "Moans a lot")

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