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Everything posted by lorenzoc3

  1. Hi Mr PETE, tks you suggestion , i gave a look to the 341E and do yoy think it is possible to use byte b+-0 untill b+-4 to activate HY pumps?? tks and regards lorenzo
  2. Hi Mr Pete,can you pls be so kind to let me know abot Hydraulic pump for 4 enbgines, emergency light and antiskid as i read alredy two times all the list ( the last dowunloaded from your site ) without success. many tks and regards lorenzo
  3. Hi Mr Pete, as usual you are on the right. without read your instructions and manual i cannot have the pretese to go head. now tks to you i found whta i need : the new offset lists for FsX - Tks for lesson. regards lorenzo
  4. Dear Pete, sorry if sometime i gave you some little trouble. but not always i have the time to read all the page of your manual. I know of course it should be compulsory for me. anyway i sow alredy may pages of your History and advanced guide, and i understand many items. Therefore i would like to ask you follwing question : first of all for your giudance, i use FSX for my consolle and the electronic cards from Open Cockpit ( the spanish ) ; their master has three programm which i suppose you well know. anyway their config.file works with your OFFSET list's which are inside their manual called IOCARD etc... I am programming a rotary swich with $0342 manual mixture control but the rotary do not give any answer; also the rudder trim and aileron trim 2EC0 and 2EBO with the rotary sw but no answer. this latter take closest ( FLOAT64 ) ans may be thei are not accepted from the config.file of Open Cockpit. I already employed your FSIUCP to programm many axes and buttom which not required led and i donot meet any difficult, tks to your manual for axes, buttom and sw assigned. tks aand regards Lorenzo
  5. Dear Pete, Tks your fast answer, which content has been duly noted, but we proceed by steep : OFFSET 337D in my OFFSET List's doesnt exist. I applied immediately your information on the configfile and switch is working activeting the "structural_ de_ ice - nice !!! but led is blinking i dont know way . Now i suspect that you have made a new offset list's and perhaps i have the hold one. can you confirm that. I have the offset came with IOCARD MANUAL (ANNEX IV) may be downloaded last year. 2nd steep : unfortunately i have to change this rotary switch to another option as i use the default aircraft, on the above virual flight consolle , unless you have other solution for me . in case pls suggest me the new solution. Tks 3rd steep you fantastic FSUICP i already read and study all your manual and documentation, ad i have two Joycard ( IOcard ) and i programmed over than 20 keyes with it and all axes of my peripheral . but i check again to find solution and in case i ask you help. many tks again and accept my best regards lorenzo
  6. Hi Mr Pete, the offsets list is a very good work. if you rmbr i am building a virtual flight consolle with electronic cards of IOCard and configuring it with your offsets- But i have three problem : first one with Anti ice offset - it seems that wing antiice doent exit - I read it line by line but nothing to do - second one it is about a rotary switch which i assigned function to change display aircraft from " rose Arck Map Plan " 3rd : with your fsiucp ( i have both copy registered for Fs9 and Fs10) when i try to axis ass it doesnt make the scan for the axis, it remains in axe R or z without to find others axis what do you think whas happens ??? can you pls show me the way ??? many tks and regards lorenzo
  7. Tks Mr Pete i Did ! with thsi occasion i would like to ask you whther you have alredy tested the Cards from Armostrong electronic and what do you think about that Tks regards lorenzo
  8. Good Day Mr Pete, can you help me pls??? i lost ther key for above object. can you send again to me the key?? as you can check i have both software for FSX and FS9 wich i lost many tks for your answer. regrads lorenzo p.s i attache a photo of my fly consolle
  9. ok Mr Pete i buy the new key for FSIUCP4 for FSX tks regards
  10. Dearv Sirs, sombody knows if this account is correct??? I don understand way i have to spend firther 14,28 Euro over the cost of the program. Therefore i discharged from Pete Site onlu FSIUCO4 quote 1 x PETE DOWSON - FSUIPC4 (update/discount) (2068) = EUR 28.56 Select Package Together with WIDEFS 1 x PETE DOWSON - FSUIPC4 (update/discount) (2068) = EUR 14.28 Select Package Single License Sub-Total: EUR 42.84 included Tax: EUR 6.84 Total: EUR 42.84 unquote many tks and regrads
  11. Dear Mr Thomas Richter many tks for your kind info. of course you can undestand that this news do not is a good news. Anyway as i am building my home cockpit with spanish's cards Open cockpit it is necessary for mi to buy it again as i changed FS2004 with FSX owing to the wing windows , left and right which give you the possibilities to open the side window on two additional monitor putting another grafic card inside comptr. so i have 4 monitor. One for cockpit ( i use all the default instrument in the panel ) one to open gps, pedestal etc.... and two for side wing. the consolle( with seven pannels) is just to avoid to use mouse and Keipad during fly. Rgards lorenzo
  12. Good day to everybodies; Anywoune from you knows if i have to buy again the registration Key on shifting from Fs2004 to FSX . it is possibile to use the same registration key ??? many tks and regrads lorenzo
  13. Mr Peter good Day i have no yet rcvd answer to my enquir to you abut Key of FSUICP - from fs2004 i am goingo to Fsx - have i to pay again the tregistration???? Many tks and regrads lorenzo
  14. Good afternoon Mr Pete, i have alredy FS Modules for 2004 and now i change with FSX. Have I to Pay again to have the key registration ??? tks for your answer regards lorenzo
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