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About matthias_berlin

  • Birthday 02/16/1972

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  1. Dear Ladies and Gentleman, I have a Problem with the Penalty Points. I don´t know the reasons for penalty points. I get everytime 50 Points for waiting per Aircraft. I don´t know why. In my opinion I have to operate as safe as possible and if it is not safe to approve the pb I get penalty points. Did somebody find out how long the a/c would like to wait before I will be dinged ? Another time in KATL I observed that some aircraft are not on the Radar and did not call me but call for a go around. Sometimes I haven´t got a strip for this a/c. Maybe you know this behavior. I would like to know for which actions I get points and what are the reason for penalty Points. In Tower 2011 I get points if I work on a Airport without any Problem for different times I get different points. Is it here too ? A answer would be very appreciated. greetings Matthias
  2. Dear Ladies and Gentleman, at the Product minimum req. is written that you need for Tower 3D pro Windows 7 ultimate. As it is very expensive (Windows 7 u) the question wether I have to buy Windows 7 U ? Because I would only need it for Tower 3d Pro. Do the Program works on a Windows 7 in English US lanugage or does it not work with another Version of Windows 7 than the Ulitmate one. Some answer would be great. many greetings Matthias
  3. Hi Tom, I solved this Problem. I did it this way. I looked at the Connections which use the A136. It was all Codeshare flights from Continental. So I look for the IATA Code for Continental Express and it is "XE". So I changed all A136 to XE. Now everything is working fine here. Thank you for your help. greets, Matthias
  4. Good afternoon, The error is that the Airplanes from CLE,EWR,IAH and the Airplanes to CLE,EWR,IAH are not shown. But I found something out. It seems that the flights not shown and produced this error are flown by the Airline with the iata designator "A136". This Airline does not exists in the airlines.txt. I think that has to be the error. I can´t find the Airline with the designator of A136 because this seems to not exist. It could be that this flights are flown by JETLINK which is Continental Express. I can not find a IATA and ICAO Code for Continenal Express maybe somebody can help me with this Problem. best regards Matthias
  5. Dear Gentleman, I noticed a error via the game.log file. I played KATL. The game.log file said Unknow airport: CLE(IATA) ICAO not found! Unknow airport: EWR(IATA) ICAO not found! Unknow airport: EWR(IATA) ICAO not found! Unknow airport: IAH(IATA) ICAO not found! Unknow airport: IAH(IATA) ICAO not found! Unknow airport: IAH(IATA) ICAO not found! So I had a look at my airports.txt. The funny thing is, that this Airports exists in the airports.txt. So can I ignore this error messages or why did not find the game ths airports ? I post you the entries from my aiports.txt in this thread. CLE Cleveland(Intl) OH USA 41.25 N 81.51 W KCLE EWR Newark/New York(Liberty) NJ USA 40.41 N 74.10 W KEWR IAH Houston(G.Bush Intl) TX USA 29.59 N 95.20 W KIAH I searched this Problem via Google. Google found this problem but as the old forum is out you can´t have a look which solution was given. best regards, Matthias
  6. Dear Ladies and Gentleman, I am having fun on the New York Sector. It´s difficult to play New York due to the massive amount of Traffic which occurs.But it is not my point. I found out that KISP is not defined as Airport. There is not a Problem to add KISP as Airport via the Airspace editor. But the Problem occurs if I would like to add the Runways. i start the Airspace Editor and add the runways as described in the manual. After I save my work the runways does not save. Everytime I reopen my file the runways disapeared. I enter the Designator of the Runway, the elevation of the runway the coordinates, lenght and orientation in magnetic. But it does not save my work. Has somebody maybe a solution of this Problem ? Every help is very welcome. best wishes from Berlin (Germany) Matthias
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