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Everything posted by ammarmalhas

  1. +1 I am buying it of course.
  2. I remember that you can try to tick the Reverse box in the toe brake section of FSUIPC, seems your brakes are working in reverse (ON when not pressed). Hope this helps.
  3. Thank you both. You have been of help as always. I think I must have screwed things up by changing the subject and yes Pete I probably should have opened a new topic. I apologize for any dismay I may have caused either of you! If I need to add the "8" to each of the "Shifts", then why are they not simply added already? Pete, the "ALT" and "TAB" are different when being detected than when being assigned? Their values are interchanged? This is strange, is it not?
  4. Pete, I have changed the subject as I stated in the second line! I am just sending a keypress (combo) to FS, NOT TO WideFS or anywhere else! I did read the documentation and hence my precise question about the format to be used to send the ... key! In your 15 year old facility and manual, you say under the Button Programing and the "shifts" values that the "alt" and "tab" values are switched "[Note that the Tab and Alt keys are denoted by opposite bits here than when used for key programming. Apologies for this, which was a design oversight now too late to change]", BUT you never said which is the correct value for each of these? I AM NOT MISSING THE ... POINT. SEEMS YOU ARE! Please read what we right not what you think we do!
  5. Pete, If I may and just to make sure I am grasping this correctly, to add a button #7 on joystick #5 to send an ALT+ENTER key to the FSX/P3D window (only not to WideFS or to Windows) I would write the following in the FSUIPC4.ini file: [Buttons] ... KeyboardFocus=Yes; sends the keys to the FSX/P3D window 117=P5,7,K13,16 ; Send Alt+Enter when button 7 on joy 5 is pressed ... Is this correct? Do I chose arbitrary numbers for the <Entry number>?
  6. My reply above which i removed is no longer valid because as you said, I did read and I resolved my own inquiry before i saw your answer :-( Thank you for keeping up with us ;-)
  7. I read the Advanced user Guide Button Programming section which answered many of my questions :-)
  8. Thank u Sir. I will read thru WideFS docs.
  9. A very interesting request that I would like to know more about. I believe there are small utilities that you can run on the SIM PC which can transfer keyboard inputs to another PC connected on the same network, I am not sure if the focus should be on the desktop or if it would still work if the focus was on any window, which makes a huge difference to me (I need a Global keyboard press transmitted to the PCs). I have read something about it but I have not tried it yet. I am coming to that soon, I want a button on my main PC that will run macros on all three PCs. Doing it in FSUIPC (if there is a way) means FSX/P3D must be running and focus set on the SIM window, but I am also looking to run a 3-macro (3PC) when FSUIPC is not running (like several programs startup sequence) and focus set anywhere on the SIM PC.
  10. Dear Pete, As I wrote in this other topic "Pete, Despite me being one of those nasty people who criticized some of your writings or those of other moderators, I COMPLETELY agree with Don. YOU have been an extremely valuable contributor to our sim world. It will simply not be the same without what you have done and continue to do. No words could start to praise and thank you enough. PLEASE, if I am one of those who may have caused you some despair, PLEASE accept my deepest apologies for i have NEVER intended to undermine your excellent work or demean your contributions in any way. I, as most simmers out there, owe you a lot and respect you a lot and would hurt to see you "hang it up", PLEASE DO NOT. Your likes should never quit, not until God interferes ... and we all quit. I wish a long healthy and prosperous life. Kindly do accept my apology if I had been a cause of any grief to you. Bless you. Ammar" :-(
  11. Pete, Despite me being one of those nasty people who criticized some of your writings or those of other moderators, I COMPLETELY agree with Don. YOU have been an extremely valuable contributor to our sim world. It will simply not be the same without what you have done and continue to do. No words could start to praise and thank you enough. PLEASE, if I am one of those who may have caused you some despair, PLEASE accept my deepest apologies for i have NEVER intended to undermine your excellent work or demean your contributions in any way. I, as most simmers out there, owe you a lot and respect you a lot and would hurt to see you "hang it up", PLEASE DO NOT. Your likes should never quit, not until God interferes ... and we all quit. I wish a long healthy and prosperous life. Kindly do accept my apology if I had been a cause of any grief to you. Bless you. Ammar
  12. My name is my user name Mr Volker Brine. Second, no salutation is because my comment was not addressed to anyone specific! Third, my garbage is my opinion and I never insulted anyone especially you. I will refrain from addressing u as I should, out of courtesy to others. Fourth, if you think my text is meaningless why the heck did you react so offensively? I am shocked at the tolerance the "moderators" show when offensive and abusive attacks (as urs) are in their favor! I will not leave this forum despite you and your likes (Volker) ... I am expecting to be kicked out any moment, though. Seems I have commited the greatest of sins and voiced my concern!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Well I disagree. It is not just this topic here but it seems almost all your answers start (and continue to be) offensive or severly defensive! especislly you Mr. Peter, you seem to always harras people a d demean their questions by blaming them for not reading your holy bi le!!! I suggest you do not answer tbaose you think are lazy and do not read your holy words! You are selling a product and we are your customers and you owe us some respect!!!!
  14. With all due respect to all participants and moderators of this forum, BUT is it not enogh already that almost every answer posted here starts with "Did you read ..."? And is it not enough that you make us feel like small children at school who did not do their homework?! Kindly do show us the respect due to clients, whether they read manuals or not! If you are going to keep blaming us for not reading the manuals then just ignore our requests and go about your lives! Do not answer our "stupid ignorant" questions! Enough already!!! You can ban me from this whole site if you annot take criticism!
  15. Is MakeRwys.exe part of FSX or an add-on?
  16. Many thanks. :-) I will look into it but what I would rather have something that lowers the engine sounds only as what Pilot53 wants. ;-)
  17. So, can u pls share your app? Does your app lower the engine sounds only or all the "Environment" sounds? Do we need another PC for a sound source? Can't we use ProsimAudio or PMsound?
  18. I am ashamed to admit, on page 40 of the user guide, the answer is right there AND BOXED :oops: :oops: :oops: :cry: 23
  19. Thank u Pete, most helpful as usual. :-)
  20. Excuse my naive question; if I calibrate the tiller with FSUIPC, will the rudder responses be ineffective below 60knts? This is what I have as I do have a tiller. If I remove tiller calibration and calibrate tiller in FSX will I have both rudder and tiller steering effective during taxi? What is the correct setting? Should we be able to steer a 737 with rudders below 60?
  21. How can inchange my username?

  22. 49 Seems to be normal as rudders tend to work effectively as speed is increased. It is very hard to steer large aircrafts on the ground with rudders only, hence the use of front wheel tillers. Try to increase the sensitivety in FSUIPC; I forgot the button name but it is there next to the set buttons for each control you calibrate and it allows you to change the response of the axis (control), which you can set to cause large initial response with smaller movements. This will help you get larger effects on the ground. I am not sure how accurate this is compared to the real aircraft responses, maybe a real pilot can add his comments to benefit us all. :-)
  23. 43 I may be interfering here without much expertise, BUT, are you checking the lights from a Spot (outside) view or a Virtual Cockpit view? I know that 2-D Cockpit views do not show the landing or taxi lights. I also know the landing lights do not show on any default airplane in FSX (and probably P3D) in any view! I can see these lights on the Prosim737 Jetstream Model v2 in Virtual Cockpit and Spot views, not in the 2-D cockpit view! Just some thoughts. :smile: 52
  24. Well SIR, like almost 99.99% of MAC users (I mainly use MAC for my work and the PC only for my sim) I am used to programs being self-explanatory and easy to follow with similar logic and consistent flow throughout all programs from different vendors, HENCE I did not and do not make it a habit to READ documentations and hundreds of pages just to figure out how things are done in an application! Indeed in the FSUIPC documentation folder i find "FSUIPC Lua Library" and "FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins". NOW, I realize, after two years of installing FSUIPC, that the second file explains some things about what Lua is and how it works with FSUIPC. I had never bothered to read anything about Lua nor would I have done if you guys here had not mentioned it! Lua ...! Sounds like a license-read-me file thing! I will read it before I bother again!
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