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BrianT last won the day on October 7 2022

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About BrianT

  • Birthday 12/06/1958

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  1. Hi John, FYI on the downloads page it says the version is still FSUIPC 7.4.18 the new 7.5 is what actually downloads though. regards Brian
  2. I've sent you a DM John
  3. thanks John
  4. I did yes, I've sent him a message with my UN, thanks for the advice
  5. Just checked John and while trying to clone the DB git is asking for a username for Pete's visualstudio.com so I guess it's not public as of yet
  6. Many thanks John I'll take look into it later today.
  7. Hi Pete, As I've just retired, I'm looking to fill my time getting back to learning C/C++. I've been an avid Flightsimer and user of both "FSUIPC" and "MakeRwys" for many years and wondered if you would be prepared to share the "MakeRwys" code with me. I understand from a previous post of yours that this must only be kept as freeware. I have the community version of Visual studio for Windows. I totally understand if you would rather this only went to an experienced Dev. kind regards Brian
  8. Other people have created runway files to use with it on flightsim.to which are free and you can import but it all seems a bit unnecessary to me when all the information is already there! I'm not sure why FS2Crew decided to create their own database when the one from Pete Dowson I believe does everything they need but hey ho.
  9. From the FS2Crew forum. Reminder: Do not try to import Dowson's MakeRunway database - MSFS Version - The AVSIM Community
  10. I've just downloaded it and it's 7.3.9 for me, you may want to try clearing the cache on your browser
  11. Just stumbled across this while puling my hair out trying to create the same file 😀 so I asked the question over on the Aivlasoft board and the reponse was "I'm afraid that Transition Altitudes are no longer accessible by third party programs as during the databuilding process they are retrieved from the ARINC dataset and - as being airport specific in many countries - included in the airport.bin file." So unless Pete has some more Magic up his sleeve I guess this is no longer an option.
  12. I think they're under "T" for toggle
  13. Looks like a good idea Charlie. I'd be interested if you decide to spread your wings as it were.
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