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Posts posted by abz

  1. Thank you Pete. Welcome back. Hope you had a relaxing trip visiting your son. To answer your question. No, I had not tried yet. But after your reply, I went ahead and installed the GoFlight program and got things working fairly well except for the rotary switches. They are now partly working. If I turn clockwise, say one notch, the response, for example on the IAS, is an increase in 1 knot. If I turn another another notch, no response. It is only every 2 notch turns that I get a single response.

    I quote you from a previous thread: "FSUIPC just sees the each dial on the RP48 as a set of 4 buttons -- fast left, slow left, slow right, fast right." What do you mean by this? How do I get the rotaries working so that the response is one for one? There must be something else I need to do that I missed.

    Thanks, Al

  2. Hi Pete: I have 2 GoFlight RP48 modules that I would like to use with FS2004 using FSUIPC and your Mouse Macros. I read the GoFlight paragraph in your manual but would like a little more information to get this started. First can this be done using Mouse Macros? If so, can you give me a little direction on how to proceed? I know how to program the macros using FSUIPC and my CH Throttle Quadrant and it works very well but wanted to add the 2 GoFlight RP48's that I have not used for some time. I like the idea of possibly using the rotary switches (and buttons) for various functions in the Flight1 ATR 72-500 plane. Thanks, Al

  3. Hi Pete. Working like a charm now. I was not looking under the Macro name. I found them all under ATR. Even made a few more after I got it working. Fantastic. This is a great utility to have for those mouse click functions that need to be done in flight and you just don't want to use the mouse but have too. Not any more.

    One final question at this time. Is there any reason to check off "plane specific" for these mouse macros? I would not think so but wanted to ask the expert.

    Thanks, Al

  4. Hi Pete: Thanks. Yes I have assigned buttons and keys many times, using FS assignments and your FSUIPC.

    However, I cannot find my assigned macro names in the drop down list when I select a particular

    button or switch "for FS control".

    The 3 names that I assigned to the macros I created are in the macro file in the modules folder but they are

    not in the drop down list. Sorry if I was not very clear on things.

    Everything worked well using the TAB key when I tested it out.

    Thanks, Al

  5. Pete: I am trying to set up a mouse macro and everything goes well until the very last step (page 36 of manual)

    At the end when I go back to FSUIPC Keys and Buttons, I click End Macro Making as stated. However,

    what is meant by "loaded into FSUIPCs Key and Buttons ready for use? How do I now assign a button to

    this mouse controlled function? I do see the macro file in the modules folder and the TAB key did work for the

    particular gauge I am controlling. I must be missing something. Very much looking forward to get this to work.

    Thanks, Al

  6. Thanks Pete. Yes I stand corrected. It is a "black screen", not CTD. I tried the windowed mode and it works perfectly. The PC is brand new and has the most up to date GPU drivers. It has the new Nvidia GTX 280 card and these are brand new drivers. Don't have any newer ones yet. Hopefully there will be updated drivers in the near future. Thanks again, Al

  7. Peter: I am still flying FS2004 with Wideview with registered versions of FSUIPC using Vista 32bit. I have 3 new client PCs. Two of the clients I had already installed FSUIPC and registered them. No problems. Just yesterday, I installed FS, Wideview and FSUIPC on the 3rd client PC and when I went to the drop down FS modules menu to register FSUIPC and clicked on FSUIPC, I got a black screen (CTD) that required a reboot. But another strange thing is when I went to the other 2 PCs to check the FSUIPC on them, the same thing happened when I clicked FSUIPC, both black screens that required a reboot. On one of the PCs I deleted all the FSUIPC entries in the modules folder and reinstalled the FSUIPC.dll file, but the same thing is happening. Any ideas on this problem? My server PC FSUIPC works fine. Thanks, Al

  8. First, I cannot find any IVAO or IVAP.dlls anywhere. Certainly not in modules folder.

    I uninstalled IVAp and installed again (latest version). Same problem.

    Now what I noted was that even after I closed IVAP while within FS, it still remained open in the task bar at the bottom. If I force close it using exit command and then close FS, everytrhing is fine. No FS.exe in the processes. IF I don't do this the IVAP stays in the task bar after I close FS and eventually (after 15 seconds or so) closes on its own. But still FS is in the processes.


  9. Pete: Your're absolutely right. I found it there in the processes.

    Interestingly, if I just open FS and then close it, there is no problem to reopen it. No error mesage. It is not in the processes.

    However, if I open FS and then open IVAP/IVAO (online flying network), after I close everything, the problem occurs that says I have duplicate copies of FSUIPC and it is still open in the processes.

    This never happened before; I have been using IVAP for some time. So with this information, what should I do to eliminate from happening again? Any thoughts?

    Thanks, Al

  10. Just recently, when I open FS2004, there is an error message that says I have duplicate copies of FSUIPC installed. It says to remove the duplicate copy in FS modules folder. FS closes. I check the modules folder and there is only one copy. I currently have a registered copy of 3.53. If I reboot the PC, FS opens fine the first time. If I close it and try to open again, I get the same error message again. What should I do?

    Thanks, Al

  11. I have been using FS NAV (with FS 2004) for the last week and everything has been working pretty well. Just learning some of the ins and outs. Today I tried to export my first flight plan which I have flown in FS Nav several times but everytime I ask it to export to FS 2004 and hit OK a message comes back and says "Flight Sim Export Failed". Can not get it to save. I tried to read all posts on exporting flight plans but could not find anything about this particular problem.

    Any advice on what to do here.

    Thanks, Al

  12. Thanks Chris for your helpful explanation. The funny thing is that I, for the most part, have used static weather in FS2004. And I do not see it happening all the time. When I load some planes the altimeter is one thing and with others it is different. When I hit the "B" key, everything does correct itself except for the difference in barometric pressure reading. And as far as I know I am not intentionally using real weather. This change seemed to have happened after I installed FS NAV. However, I will take a look at my weather settings tonight to see if something has changed.


  13. Fairly new to FS NAV. Something interesting that I just noticed today which I never saw before is incorrect airport elevation at my departue airport. Did not see this before installing FS NAV. Before, when I started at a particular airport, my altimeter always read the correct elevation of the airport with a pressure of 29.92. Now with FS NAV installed, I often see the altitude (on the altimeter) at startup not matching the airport elevation. If I hit the B key, it sets to the correct airport elevation but the pressure is different (no longer 29.92) than what it was before. I guess this must be related to FS NAV. Is this what is supposed to occur? Again I am relatively new to this great program.

    Thanks, Al

  14. New to FS Nav and have a question along this line. Besides climb speed change can you change vertical climb rate (ft/min)? I am flying the Cessna Conquest 441 which is not in FS Nav and would like to change its climb rate. I was using the Beech King Air in FS Nav and I would like to change its characteristics. Or do I have to go somewhere and adjust climb speed which in turn will change the climb rate?

    Thanks, Al

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