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  1. Thank you John, I will try it over the weekend and let you know if I have any joy 🙂 Once again thank you for you help. Rob
  2. Hi John, Thank you for the info, if the offer of a trial is still available then I will try and give it a go, not that I know much about LUA scripts. Thank you for your help 🙂 Rob
  3. Hi John It looks like they work like Axis according to the set guide for the throttle, if you look at page six they are RTY3 and RTY4 So I am not sure if that will work, any ideas? x56-hotas (1).pdf
  4. Hi John, Yes I would like that, I wont have my new HOTAs until Friday but will be tinkering over the weekend. So if its not to much trouble that would be very appreciated 🙂 Rob
  5. HI everyone, I am starting to get back into flying again, I was wondering if anyone can tell me if I can configure the rotary switches on the HOTAs Rhino to adjust the Speed, heading or radio frequence via FSUIPC. I am running P3Dv4.5 at the moment with a view of going to V5 at some point. Any advise is welcome Rob
  6. Big thumbs up for Kevin :)
  7. I have just tried as recommended here, I started with the file and process exclusions. Now I only have a small stutter during save phases! I then did the FSX file deletion and now my files are being deleted after the set amount and now I have just done the PMDG and that works fine. I just need to work out what file and extensions I need to do for the Aerosoft a320 and I should be sorted! I hope :) Thank you to you all for working on this and if anyone knows the extensions I need to add for the Bus then please could yo let me know :) Cheers Rob
  8. Hi Pete, I select yes and Steam just closes, it will not load any further, if I select no then it loads but with out FSUIPC. I have tried three times and tried twice more after a full shutdown and restart. This is what I had this morning, to over come it I had to roll back windows and put back my earlier version of FSUIPC then I could load normally. Just used the latest installer, I get the warning now and when I click yes it loads FSX with FSUIPC, it was the outdated installer that was the issue. Regards Rob
  9. Hi Pete, After I restarted FSX I got this error and it closed please find attached details. Regards Rob Error after sim restart.zip
  10. Hi Pete, Here is the file you requested, and to confirm that the listed deleted files still remain on my system and were not removed Regards Rob Pete 4.944f.zip
  11. Hi Pete, Sorry I think I'm trying to do to many things st once here :) So the latest installer I can download from your site install it and just insert my current registered version detail to unlock the full version, am I understanding you correctly? As for the post with FSUIPC not working with steam and path errors here is the link to the post :) http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?288129-FSUIPC-not-working-with-FSX-Steam Cheers Rob
  12. Hi Pete, Yes it's installed and I can see entries going in the log file, once I have finished the flight I will post the log for you. With regards to the latest release what sort of cost is involved in the latest release. Plus I have just seen a post regarding FSUIPC not working with Steam, I have the same path to file errors they had. I will upload the file soon. Rob
  13. Hi Pete, Right I have my system back to where everything works, i will copy that file over now. As for the installer I am currently using the one that I had the day I installed it which was 4.939t, does that make sense? Or am I looking at the wrong info for version number? Rob
  14. Morning Pete, I have downloaded that file and installed as per instructions, but now I get a warning that FSinsider as detected and issue with FSUIPC and just shuts FSX Steam. I can not do anything to correct that issue at the moment, I am having to restore my PC to a earlier position. I tried re-installing FSUIPC and the installer fails and just says that it has detected a different version of FSX and then just stops. Regards Rob
  15. Okay Pete I'll keep the current .dll in place, if I can help with further testing just shout :) Rob
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