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  1. crbascott's post in Low Arrival Density was marked as the answer   
    I see the same thing with Tracon - no matter the UTC or sector. It will take 30 minutes or so before the first arrival hand-off. If handling arrivals only, I just change the setting to 8X and wait until they show up. After the initial delay the arrival density seems fine.
  2. crbascott's post in Tracon 2012: KMIA Low Number of Arrivals with Config file was marked as the answer   
    I figured out the issue. I had to change the HILEY TWO (now HILEY SIX) arrival to start at MLB instead of OMN. Now the flights seem to follow the config file (i.e, use the HILEY SIX STAR). 
    When letting TRACON determine the route everything from the north seemed to use ANNEY ONE. ANNEY ONE begins at MLB so I thought I'd give it a shot.
    Not sure why this fixed things, but it did nonetheless. Anyone have a clue as to why?
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