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  1. Thankyou Pete for your time that seems to have fixed it. Regards Glenn
  2. I have an issue that has got me beat. When I load P3D V3 the joysticks that I have assigned and calibrated within FSUIPC 4.976 (I think, Jan 21 version anyhow) do not become "active". My work around is to go into FSUIPC, click on Axis Assignment, click on Joystick Calibration, click on Axis Assignment again and then exit out of FSUIPC and everything is working. When I first go into Axis Assignment, there is no input/output reading until I then click on Joystick Calibration and then return to Axis Assignment. My setup has worked fine previously but not any longer. I have all axis assignments set to direct FSUIPC Calibration, controllers are off in P3D and there are no assignments set in P3D itself. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have tried everything that I can think of. Regards Glenn
  3. Oh Pete you are a life saver. Thank you so much. Really appreciate your guidance. Regards Glenn.
  4. Hi Thomas Thanks for your reply. Back to the drawing board I guess. Regards Glenn
  5. I purchased a 64 button card from Leo Bodnar only to find out later about the 32 button limit with FSUIPC per device. I thought if I limit the total buttons to 32 spread across the whole card it would work okay but it looks like they all have to be allocated to buttons 1-32 as none of my buttons from 33-64 are working. I have soldered the card into a circuit board so it is not a simple process to reallocate each of the buttons. Is there a way to force the use of the buttons with numbers above 32 thought the ini file or similar? Regards Glenn
  6. Hi Lloyd If you assign the parking brake to a toggle switch and select "control to repeat while held" option in FSUIPC it will achieve what you are after. Regards Glenn
  7. It is the 2 second press Im after so with both of your advise I should be able to get this working. Thanks again Glenn
  8. Fantastic! Thank you very much for the guidance. Glenn.
  9. Hi Pete I have the Mindstar GNS530 software which I have set up with some hardware and am using FSUIPC to send the key presses. The CLR button on the unit has two functions. A momentary press clears the last entry, while a 2 second press returns the unit to the default navigation page. Mindstar provide a key press for both functions but I cannot work out for the life of me how to assign the one physical button to 2 different key presses. Is this at all possible please? Regards Glenn New Zealand
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