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  1. Or might be because I forgot to use UseSendInput=Yes at all! šŸ˜¬ Fixed!
  2. Hi, I am trying to get the keysend function over WideFS to work but no luck so far. I have the C key on the server set up to send parameter 1 when pressed and parameter 2 when released. On the client, this is set up so C is effectively held down for the duration it's pressed on the server. As it didn't seem to work, I set notepad as run1 and applied run1 to the keysend lines in wideclient.ini. I would expect C to type and continue to be typed on the client until the C key on the server is released, but still nothing. Screenshot attached, any ideas? Charlie K
  3. Hi Pete, hope you are well. On P3Dv4.5, Iā€™ve assigned the W key to ā€œToggle Water Rudderā€ in FSUIPC and am trying to monitor the Water Rudder statuses using the logging function of FSUIPC, offsets 2A78, 2A80 and 2A88 which are left rudder, right rudder and rudder handle position respectively. Tapping W doesnā€™t seem to be doing anything, the first two remain at 0 and the third is -16383? Where am I going wrong? Thanks Charlie K
  4. Thanks Paul, works fine now that I've added the Process () call.
  5. I pasted it in then deleted it as I couldn't put the cursor above the quote to type my message, then forgot to paste it back! Sorry, here it is:
  6. Hi, My code below works when I boot P3D and FSUIPC is detected as having connected (the label changes from default red to green). When I close P3D, the label remains green when I am expecting it to turn red again. Any ideas why this happens?
  7. Thanks John, very helpful. Your first suggestion worked. I also hadn't prefixed the filename with 'lua' in the [AUTO] section of fsuipc.ini. I think it'll work because I always start with traffic on, so it should always go off when I rotate, which is exactly what I need. PSXSeeconTraffic (through it's own settings) will turn its own AI on when I get airborne, so I should get a seamless switch, avoiding the live traffic when on the ground as it's not always very realistic and the default AI in the air for the same reason! 1008 with 0 might be a more robust option though. I'll look into your post above to see if I can adapt it to what I need. You have given me a good idea to use the gear up event (I'm assuming there is one) rather than the airborne one, as my pitch up attitude will mean I won't see the transition between AI modes. Many thanks again, Charlie
  8. Hi, I'm trying to write a LUA to turn off AI traffic when airborne. So far I have this which doesn't seem to be working. function trafficoff(offset, value) if value == 0 then ipc.control(1009) end event.offset("0336", "UB", "trafficoff") Any ideas where the problem is? CK
  9. Whatever you did has fixed it Pete. Many thanks.
  10. Hi Pete, Itā€™s a 2yr old high-end PC. The file is created / time updated within a second of running MakeRwys so I donā€™t think itā€™s a time thing. Try deleting the file and running MakeRwys. In my case, the file is recreated (within a second), but it isnā€™t used in the output. If I run MakeRwys immediately after, the file is updated (within a second), and it is used this time round, and indeed for every further attempt. If you have teamviewer, I can demonstrate this for you, or send a quick video. Charlie K
  11. LorbyScenery.cfg is referred to in the P3D3 and P3D4 Lorby Readme document as the file created by LorbySceneryExport.exe. As a result I had assumed this was the LorbySceneryExport equivalent of Addon organizer's MakeRwys_scenery.cfg. In a good example of confirmation bias I then misread the MakeRwys User Manual sentence which says: "MakeRunways will then automatically use either Lorby-Si program to create a file called MakeRwys_Scenery.cfg in your P3D3 or P3D4 folder." I thought manual omitted an 'or' part of the sentence and should have read "MakeRunways will then automatically use either Lorby-Si program to create a file called MakeRwys_Scenery.cfg , or LorbySceneryExport to create a file called LorbyScenery.cfg , in your P3D3 or P3D4 folder". I've now re-read the sentence and realised it makes perfect sense without an 'or' bit in it. Now I understand that LorbyScenery.cfg is created for no reason (at least related to MakeRunways), it makes things a little more simple so I can summarise, at least on my PC that: 1) MakeRwys needs to be run in Admin mode to create and read the MakeRwys_Scenery.cfg and 2) MakeRwys does not use MakeRwys_scenery.cfg if there is not a file of that name in the directory when MakeRwys is run. In other words, when running MakeRwys for the first time, it creates the MakeRwys_scenery.cfg, but does not use it. If you run MakeRwys again immediately afterwards, it will read the MakeRwys_scenery.cfg. That makes me wonder if, on subsequent runs, it is reading the MakeRwys_scenery.cfg already in the directory or the one it has just created.. Sorry for any confusion!
  12. Hi Pete, some feedback on 4.86, all files in zip copied to C:\Prepar3d v4, Windows 10 Pro. Latest Lorby Addon Organizer installed as per above. First of all, MakeRwys_scenery.cfg is being created again, only when I run MakeRwys in admin mode, so the above issues are no longer relevant. MakeRwys.exe in normal mode: No MakeRwys_scenery.cfg created, no running of LorbySceneryExport.exe so no creation of LorbyScenery.cfg either. MakeRwys reads default scenery.cfg. MakeRwys.exe in admin mode: MakeRwys_scenery.cfg is created, LorbySceneryExport.exe appears to run but no creation of LorbyScenery.cfg. MakeRwys still reads default scenery.cfg. Manually running LorbySceneryExport.exe and then MakeRwys.exe in admin mode: LorbyScenery.cfg created with LorbySceneryExport.exe. MakeRwys_scenery.cfg created. MakeRwys reads MakeRwys_scenery.cfg. I then moved the LorbyScenery.cfg file out of the folder and ran MakeRwys (admin). It still reads the MakeRwys_scenery.cfg. I then replaced the LorbyScenery.cfg, removed the MakeRwys_scenery.cfg and ran MakeRwys (admin). Despite creating a new MakeRwys_scenery.cfg, it read the default scenery.cfg. I then ran MakeRwys again without any further changes and it read the MakeRwys_scenery.cfg. Can you replicate this? Charlie K
  13. Cheers Pete, Iā€™ll try it later.
  14. I used the installer every time Iā€™ve installed it (about 5 times whilst troubleshooting today) both in normal and admin mode and always to the default path but that registry entry isnā€™t there. Strange. Can I just add it? The MakeRwys_scenery.cfg used to be there a while ago, I deleted it troubleshooting as MakeRwys wasnā€™t picking up addon scenery, thinking MakeRwys would just create a new one but it didnā€™t, so thatā€™s when I reinstalled Lorby, but with no success. Iā€™ll wait until the new versions come out and install afresh.
  15. Thanks for the info Pete. I'll get back to you on this when I'm next in the cockpit on Thursday.
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