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Everything posted by crwk78

  1. Another question Pete. What is the reason for FSUIPC Offset 2EA0 outputting P3D elevator trim in radians? (I think) I know what radians are but can't see the relevance of displaying trim value in these units. On my FSC 737 TQ the 2EA0 output appears to be -72 for full forward trim (0 on the TQ scale) and +234 for full aft trim (17 on the TQ scale). The output reads 0 when the trim is at 4 on the TQ scale. 234 radians would go around a circle just over 37 times, I can't see what the radians value represents! I'm trying to write a SIOC script which takes a trim value and moves the motorised yokes forward or aft accordingly, but until I know what the value output actually means, I'm struggling! Cheers! Charlie K
  2. Thanks Pete, never mind.
  3. The Google search brought me to a .pdf of the FSUIPC Manual for a previous version which (typically) I can no longer find, but I have managed to find you quoting it in the eighth post in the link below. Any chance of reintroducing it, assuming it ever existed...?
  4. Hi Pete, I was googling for a method of using FSUIPC to use a keystroke to change the information displayed on an AI traffic label in P3D. I have two sources of AI traffic (one is the default bgl flightplan method and the other is live traffic injection using PSXSeeconTraffic). They aren't used at the same time. To display the 'callsign' the former uses the airline and flightnumber and the latter uses the tail number. I would like to change the info with two different keys, rather than have to go into the menu system. I noticed that a previous version of FSUIPC allowed doing this, but I can't find any references in the latest version. Am I missing it or has it gone? Any chance of reintroducing it? [FS2004] Controls to switch AI Traffic labels on or off, or to change the label contents. For the latter you need to provide a parameter with the value specifying which items of data the labels should include. Calculate the parameter by adding together the values from this list: 1 Manufacturer 2 Model 4 Tail number 8 Altitude 16 Airspeed 32 Heading 64 Airline 128 Airline + Flight number 256 Route 512 Reference number 1024 Multiplayer name (?) Cheers, Charlie K
  5. Hi Roman, Thanks for your help. Can this be done over WideFS on a separate computer? Cheers, Charlie
  6. Hi Pete, I have a 210 degree 3 projector setup which means that I find it difficult to see a lot of the scrolling messages that appear on the main P3D screen. Examples are GSX messages to open / close doors, ATIS messages and various update messages (red text on green background). I can't see these without either having to get out of the cockpit and walk around to its side to see the top left of the screen or lean forward in the Capt seat and crank my neck up and left, which is difficult with the yoke in the way! Is it possible that FSUIPC could (assuming there isn't a feature already) display these across WideFS on to a separate display (ie my instructor station) in a similar way to how it displays the FPS and VAS with the vas monitor installed? I'm often wondering why GSX features aren't working only to find that there's a message across the top left of the screen that I'm unable to see! Could the same be done for the ATC window and GSX main window etc, use widefs to channel them to another PC? Cheers, Charlie K
  7. Hi Pete, Just thought I'd let you know that I installed 4.949 into a fresh P3D3.1 and FSUIPC did not appear in the Addons Menu for the first few (maybe 5 or 6) starts of P3D. It suddenly appeared up there on a later start and I don't think I made any changes in order for this to happen! Charlie K
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