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Is icing modeled?

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In fs2002, there is no fsuipc offset that provides a boolean or something to detect icing. For setting Icing, look at the weather offsets provided in the "FSUIPC FOR PROGRAMMERS.DOC". But flightsim will only simulate icing in the right conditions.

I know, if you fly in Overcast (8/8) with SEVERE ICING, and set the temperatures below 0°C, then your indicated airspeed drops to zero, due to a frozen pitot tube. Setting the pitot heat back on, prevents this.

For my knowledge, there is no airframe icing that has any effect on the performance of the airplane/helicopter.

In real life, one has to increase power, to overcome the extra drag.

Maybe this is modeled in FS2004, i don't know.

Kind Regards,

Van Ertvelde Wim

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In real life, one has to increase power, to overcome the extra drag.

In real life, if the airframe has no de-ice equipment, one needs to increase power *AND* get the heck out of there as soon as possible.. Ice can build up really fast and it is deadly.

Unfortunately I am not sure either about icing on airframe parts and performance. :?


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