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crash the plane :)

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I'm looking into a way how to crash a plane :)

I know it crashes when it hits the ground or when the aircraft stress is too much. But aircraft stress is rather unrealistic.

I already have an external program that interferes with FS2002 to make the helicopters a lot more realistic. And i wanted to program my own 'aircraft stress' routine.

ex: in a heli with a teetering rotor, if you push cyclic forward too fast, you have a low G situation, and the rotor seperates from the body. At that moment, my program must set a 'Crash-Flag' to FS2002.

The only problem is that there is no such variable that is writeable :(

I also found an undocumented variable in that 'crash variable range': 0838

I you write anything > 3 to it, flightsim resets the situation.

If there is no crashflag that is writeable, i guess i'll have to write a message myself to the screen, wait 5 seconds, and reset the situation.

But i'll miss the spotview that you have in a normal FS crash.

Kind Regards,


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