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Getting GPS information

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I'm trying to get the GPS name string from FS, it says the length is 6 and the type is a string, however the program tends to hang and produce an error that asks me to send information to Microsoft. I'm programming in VB and it seems like I can only get numreric variables from FSUIPC but not strings.

Here's a code-sample:

If FSUIPC_Read(&H60A4, 6, VarPtr(Tmp), dwResult) Then

If FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) Then

ArrICAO = Tmp

End If

End If

Text1.Text = ArrICAO

This only produce a value around 20000, and not the ICAO which currently should be KPHX.

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If you are reading strings from FSUIPC you need to convert them into charecters from the ASCII table.

First grab the info until you you find the 0 byte. This will let you know that the string of bytes have ended.

Put them into an array.

Then you can loop through the array with MyByte = MyByte & Chr(YourByte(2))

Hope this helps,


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