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fs9 error

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Dear Peter,

I have found problem, maybe with new FSUIPC 3.22.

When I close FS, after closing standard fs9 Microsoft error appear: FS9 cannot closed send error. Some time appear also an FSUIPC error message: There is two FSUIPC installed Please delete one from modules folder, dont rename.

Thank you for help


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I have found problem, maybe with new FSUIPC 3.22.

When I close FS, after closing standard fs9 Microsoft error appear: FS9 cannot closed send error. Some time appear also an FSUIPC error message: There is two FSUIPC installed Please delete one from modules folder, dont rename.

Sorry, I cannot make sense of what you say. Can you be more explicit please?

There are no reported errors with 3.22 and it is in use on very many systems, so please double check you have things right.



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Dear Peter,

during flight with 3 PC and wideview an error appear.


There are duplicate copies of fsuipc installed. Please remove older copies, never simply rename modules, move them out of the modules folder.

I checked modules folder and I find only FSUIPC dll, ini, key, log.

I removed from modules folder and I install again Fsuipc3.22. NO change.

In the modules folder I found also FSUI.dll What is? Its related to FSUIPC?



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Dear Peter,

during flight with 3 PC and wideview an error appear.


There are duplicate copies of fsuipc installed. Please remove older copies, never simply rename modules, move them out of the modules folder.

During a flight?! :shock:

This message is only in part of FSUIPC initialisation code, code which is called when FS is first loaded and never ever seen again. It is a complete disaster if that code is being re-run.

For the message to appear during a flight, something is getting badly corrupted inside FS.

Is WidevieW the only other additional module or internal add-on you are using? Is it possible, as part of a process of elimination, to see if you don't get this problem when WidevieW is removed? Alternatively, possibly add-on aircraft? Try a default aircraft with default panel, just as a test?

I checked modules folder and I find only FSUIPC dll, ini, key, log.

Of course. If there were really a duplicate you would get this message during FS loading, not part way through a flight. Something is going wild inside FS and jumping into initialisation code. The problem now is to determine what component could be doing this.

One other thing you could try is removing both FSUIPC.DLL and the WidevieW DLL from the Modules folder, then copying them back in a different order. Since you don't know what order they are in now, try this twice, with different orders. The order in which the modules occur in the directory file affects the order in which FS loads them.

In the modules folder I found also FSUI.dll What is? Its related to FSUIPC?

No, not at all. I think FSUI stands for "FS User Interface". It is a standard part of Microsoft Flight Simulator.



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after many test I decide to reinstall fs. Problem disappear.

It seems then that there was some sort of corruption in your original installation.

What is the best order to install FSUIPC and Wideview?

I don't use WidevieW, so I'm not sure what its needs are -- but I suspect that if it uses FSUIPC (which I think it does) it may install a copy itself. If so, then obviously you will want to install the latest version of FSUIPC afterwards, to ensure it is up to date.

If it doesn't install FSUIPC, then instead it may complain that you don't have FSUIPC installed and ask you to install it, in which case obviously you'll need to do that first.

If neither problem arises I really can't see that it makes any difference which way you install these things.



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  • 1 year later...

Well, though this thread was created more than 1 year ago, U found one reason why this message can appear whilst loading FS:

I got the message and tried to delete FSUIPC.DLL. The system reported an "access denied" error and I took a look at the list of running processes and found a fs session that had no window! Probably the process closed all its windows during shutting down fs but did not properly terminate for some reason. So starting fs causes FSUIPC.DLL to check for another instance in memory which could really be found!

So - before reinstalling fs - take a look at your process list before you decide to reinstall:-)

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I took a look at the list of running processes and found a fs session that had no window! Probably the process closed all its windows during shutting down fs but did not properly terminate for some reason. So starting fs causes FSUIPC.DLL to check for another instance in memory which could really be found!

So - before reinstalling fs - take a look at your process list before you decide to reinstall:-)

Yes, I also found out that this can happen. It is usually because one of the add-in gauges or DLLs in your FS installation is hung (i.e. waiting for something which will now never happen). I think this can only occur with modules running with multiple threads. When FS closes it terminates all of its own threads tidily, but doesn't know about threads created by other add-in programs. And Windows cannot unload the process until everything has finished running in it!

One DLL once known to cause this was, I believe, ActiveCamera. It was fixed fairly quickly once discovered, however. I think it was related to differences between FS9.0 and the 9.1 update.

If you ever get this happening, check that all your add-in modules are up to date. As well as my own (which in fact only scantily use multiple threads and do apply forcible deletion of those if waiting for them doesn't help) look at FSNav, ActiveCamera, PMDG, Squawkbox3, etc.



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