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FS Path change

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I am running WideFs on 2 PC's, for PM.

Although the neccessary shares are on, the remote machines are having difficulty accessing the FS PC.

It looks like the reason for that is FSUIPC tells these apps. that FS dir is "D:\FS2004". This is partly correct, but now these remote PC's start looking locally for FS. In my opinion this should be the UNC name like: "\\Dell-p4\FS2004" (in my example). I am overlooking something here? Or can this setting be changed.

FSUIPC = 3.22 (registered)

WideFs = (registered)



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It looks like the reason for that is FSUIPC tells these apps. that FS dir is "D:\FS2004". This is partly correct, but now these remote PC's start looking locally for FS. In my opinion this should be the UNC name like: "\\Dell-p4\FS2004" (in my example). I am overlooking something here? Or can this setting be changed.

FSUIPC provides the UNC path if it can obtain it, otherwise (if it is not shared), it provides the local path. This is not optional. here is the definition of the offset I assume PM is using:

Path of the Flight Simulator installation, down to and including the FS main folder and a following \ character. If the PC is on a Network and the drive or path is shared, then the full UNC (universal naming convention) path is given. Examples are:

D:\FS2000\ (non-Network)

\\MyMainPC\drived\FS2000\ (Network, named PC and named shared drive))

If you check the FSUIPC LOG file you will find the path determined by FSUIPC and placed in the offset, logged as follows (this is from my PC). I'll show the context, a list of things shown initially:

    11297 System time = 17:12:10
    11297 \\NEWLEFT\N\FS9\
    11297 System time = 17:12:10, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z)
    20641 I:\My Documents\Flight Simulator Files\737 at Seattle.flt
    20766 AIRCRAFT\b737_400\Boeing737-400.air
    20766 Aircraft="Boeing 737-400"

The line "11297 \\NEWLEFT\N\FS9" gives the path, and here, as you can see, it is a UNC one.

Check this on your system. It it is not showing a UNC path it is because FSUIPC cannot derive this, and as far as I know the only possible reason for that is that it isn't shared.



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Thanks for your reply.

I checked the log file before I posted the original message and it showed the local path indeed.

Last night, after boot up, the UNC path is there instead, and everything is up and running.

It is probably one of these days...

Thanks, and I appreciate that you put some much effort in creating and maintaining such a nice product.


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