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Hello Pete

I have a registered version of FSUIPC and am a long time user. I have just updated to fer 3.411 and have it in both FS2002 and 2004. Have no problems in 2002, all settings are fine and my CH Pro yoke and pedals calibrated nicely as usual. However in FS2004 with the new update for FS.

My spoiler and mixture axis will not calibrate in FSUIPC, Does not even work aparantly. on the calibration page the in/out numbers are zero and when operating the levers, they remain at zero. when clicking the reset button the set buttons show the full travel numbers for + and - but will not change when operating the levers.

I have checked the Options Control settings in FS2004 and the Axis's are all set correctly. I have done this numerous times in FS2002 with every version change of FSUIPC and have never had a problem calibrating the controls. I can't figure why my prop and mixture axis's are not being recognized in FS2004. I have the prop control set to operate the spoilers and the Mixture set for thrust reverse in FS2002 and have had for quite some time now and never a problem.

No matter what sequense I try in FS2004, The prop and Mixture controls just don't work.

any help would be greatly appreciated

Gary :cry:


Hello Pete

Well I got the levers to work by going into the FS9 config file and manually editing the Joystick Axis setting. Got them calibrated in FSUIPC and the Reversers work normally, However the spoiler axis dosen't seem to work like it does in FS2002. It calibrates normally and the calibration numbers are correct, However when using the lever in both the PMDG 737 and the RFP747 the spoilers extend abruptly when moving the prop lever and then the spoiler handle in the sim will jump around abruptly in it's direction of travel and the spoilers will not undeploy with the prop lever. IN FS2002 the prop lever will enable the spoilers to be extended and retracted gradually and will stow when the Prop lever is in the stowed position.

Any suggestions ??


  GWNorris said:

However when using the lever in both the PMDG 737 and the RFP747 the spoilers extend abruptly

I don't know about the RFP747, but certainly it seems you can't use an analogue spoiler axis with the PMDG 737NG series. Apparently they messed that up and never resolved it. There's a thread here somewhere about that and I think it's been discussed over in PMDG's forum with no resolution promised.

Test your FSUIPC settings in a default aircraft. If they work there, the results in other aircraft are subject to that aircraft's panel messing about with the axes. Be aware, however, that FS also has the habit of deplying full spoilers if you arm them on the ground. for a full test, check the operation in the air.



  • 10 months later...


If you are still monitoring this forum, can you let me know what edit you did in the FS9.cfg file to make the reversers work on the PMDG 737? I too, have been experiencing the same problems with the PMDG that you have, even up to this day, and I don't know what PMDG has done to repair them.

By the way, Pete, In case Gary isn't monitoring this forum anymore, can you help me with this? I just registered your FSUIPC (v3.50), and if nothing else, I'd like to get the reversers working when I bring the throttle levers back beyond idle detent.

  • 2 weeks later...

Apologies for the delay in my reply -- as announced in this Forum I've been away with no Internet access from 24th September until 12th October.

  Night Rider said:

By the way, Pete, In case Gary isn't monitoring this forum anymore, can you help me with this? I just registered your FSUIPC (v3.50), and if nothing else, I'd like to get the reversers working when I bring the throttle levers back beyond idle detent.

Map the single throttle to 4 throttles, then go to the 4 throttles page and calibrate throttle 1 there with a centre idle zone and a reverse minimum, as documented.



  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry I took so long to reply to your reply, Pete. Thanks very much for your response.

I had finally got it to work reliably. What I ended up doing is using the CH Throttle Quadrant Control Manager to see what "phantom" buttons were "pressed" when the throttle levers were retarded beyond the detent position. Those "buttons" were used to activate the reverse thrust by editing the device.cfg file and using your documented list of variable names corresponding to actions peformed in FS. to activate reversers 1 and 2. THEN, to eliminate the zero position chatter (uncertainty) in the throttle levers I used the Control Manager again to put in the dead zone (I found that a dead zone value of 7 works the best for me). After all that is when I used FSUIPC to map throttles 1 and 2 to use 3 and 4 engine jets.

I think that if CH had done a better job of documenting how to use their throttle quadrant (in fact, all of their controls that I've seen), I would have had a much easier time getting it to work correctly. The quality of their controls seems very high - it's a shame they don't make them easier to understand how to program.

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