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New WideFS version's problem........

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Hello, I installed new widefs and FSUIPC yesterday.

When I started FS everything was ok....Then I started Wideclient on my 2nd PC and it connected with no problems via TCPIP.

When I started ProjectMagenta software it was unable to get date from FS....I mean...in PM status it said: "FS active" but no data was retrieved from it!

Same for MCP and CDU.

Also, after like 2 mins wideclient crashed and shutted down.

Here it is wideserver log:

********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 6.45] *********

Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

Date (dmy): 24/01/05, Time 17:37:47.906: Server name is EDOCELICA

121906 Initialising TCP/IP server

121938 Initialising IPX/SPX server

122016 ServerNode=13330.61389.0.0.512

122016 *** WARNING! *** This ServerNode is probably incorrect! Running IPXROUTE to get list ...

122016 IPXROUTE config >"C:\FS2004\MODULES\WideServer.ipx"

124828The correct value is probably one of these:

124828 ServerNode=2816.35946.37097.0.0 ("Connessione alla rete loc 00000000")

124844 ServerNode=0.0.41000.21024.21313 ("NDISWANIPX")

135063 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3536)

135125 Connected to computer "EDO17982" running WideClient version 6.450 (skt=3536)

175219 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3580)

185735 Connected to computer "EDO17982" running WideClient version 6.450 (skt=3580)

219422 Closing down now ...

Memory managed: Offset records: 11 alloc, 11 free

Throughput maximum achieved: 0 frames/sec, 82 bytes/sec

Throughput average achieved for complete session: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

Average receive rate from "EDO17982": 0 frames/sec, 5 bytes/sec

********* Log file closed *********

Wideclient log was normal.

What could I do?



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Also, after like 2 mins wideclient crashed and shutted down.

Here it is wideserver log:


Wideclient log was normal.

Erthose two statements are not compatible. Show me this "normal" WideClient log please.

You say "after like 2 mins", but in fact WideServer was only active for 84 seconds. Are you sure you gave PM enough time to initialise itself before closing FS down as you did? I find that the PFD in particular takes at least that long before it is in real interaction with FS in any case.

When you say "crashed and shutted down", which do you actually mean? What sort of crash? How was it visible as a crash? How did it shut down then? I need to get a full picture.

Have you changed any of the WideClient or WideServer INI file parameters, apart from the ServerName or IPAddr in the client?

The changes in this version actually enable PM modules to connect more rapidly and reliably, so something seems very strange with you seeing the very opposite.



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I tried again right now.

As I start wideclient, it connects noramally. then I started PM GC and 3 seconds after have started it wideclient had an abnormal program termination (the usual winXP one), for information, at offset 000058de

Then I restarted it and tried with PM MCP and after few seconds it did the same....

I attached the wideserver log and the 2 wideclient logs

By the way the wideserver.ini and wideclient.ini are not modified.



********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 6.45] *********

Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

Date (dmy): 25/01/05, Time 16:31:18.203: Server name is EDOCELICA

98969 Initialising TCP/IP server

99016 Initialising IPX/SPX server

99094 ServerNode=13330.61389.0.0.512

99094 *** WARNING! *** This ServerNode is probably incorrect! Running IPXROUTE to get list ...

99094 IPXROUTE config >"C:\FS2004\MODULES\WideServer.ipx"

101344The correct value is probably one of these:

101344 ServerNode=2816.35946.37097.0.0 ("Connessione alla rete loc 00000000")

101344 ServerNode=0.0.62488.21024.21313 ("NDISWANIPX")

111969 Restarting service due to total lack of use

261688 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3736)

261797 Connected to computer "EDO17982" running WideClient version 6.450 (skt=3736)

301860 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3768)

317860 Connected to computer "EDO17982" running WideClient version 6.450 (skt=3768)

337750 Error 10054: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=3768)

366672 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3776)

366719 Connected to computer "EDO17982" running WideClient version 6.450 (skt=3776)

406891 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3804)

409406 Connected to computer "EDO17982" running WideClient version 6.450 (skt=3804)

447016 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3820)

447547 Connected to computer "EDO17982" running WideClient version 6.450 (skt=3820)

707172 Closing down now ...

Memory managed: Offset records: 81 alloc, 81 free

Throughput maximum achieved: 25 frames/sec, 902 bytes/sec

Throughput average achieved for complete session: 0 frames/sec, 7 bytes/sec

Average receive rate from "EDO17982": 0 frames/sec, 4 bytes/sec

********* Log file closed *********

WIDECLIENT 1st LOG till abnormal termination

********* WideClient Log [version 6.45] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 25/01/05, Time 16:35:37.342: Client name is EDO17982

691 Attempting to connect now

711 Connection made okay!

40799 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!

40809 Ready to try connection again

40859 Attempting to connect now

40889 Connection made okay!

62991 New Client Application: "pfd" (Id=2816)

WIDECLIENT 2nd LOG till abnormal termination

********* WideClient Log [version 6.45] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 25/01/05, Time 16:37:22.323: Client name is EDO17982

711 Attempting to connect now

741 Connection made okay!

15192 New Client Application: "MCP" (Id=2984)

40829 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!

40839 Ready to try connection again

40909 Attempting to connect now

40909 Connection made okay!

81006 Timed out response: connection assumed lost!

81017 Ready to try connection again

81067 Attempting to connect now

81067 Connection made okay!

341251 Connection closed by server!

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I tried again right now.

As I start wideclient, it connects noramally. then I started PM GC and 3 seconds after have started it wideclient had an abnormal program termination (the usual winXP one), for information, at offset 000058de

I need more information. That's very weird. It's rock solid here and is basically the 6.447 release tidued up and which has been running well on msany systems for a while.

I'll re-enable the error trapping and email you a test version of WideClient to run, please. I'll include some instructions for Logging too. You'll need to Zip up the log and send it by email attachment.



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