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Flashing Slew Indicator

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I'm trying to drive MS Flight Sim '04 with FSUIPC, to use it as a visual for a simulation with its own flight model. I've been using Slew mode, and after matching the rate closely, it looks fairly good in full screen mode. However, I have this red flashing "SLEW" indicator in the lower right corner. Is there any way to get rid of it?

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I have this red flashing "SLEW" indicator in the lower right corner. Is there any way to get rid of it?

I think there are two ways to get rid of the assorted red messages on screen. One is by a patched version of one of the main FS DLLs, basically erasing the messages by replacing them with zeroes, but I think the other is just a parameter you can put into the FS9.CFG file.

I'm afraid that's all I actually know (I know there's a parameter but I cannot recall what it is). You might find it by checking the FS2004 FAQ, via the main page of this Forums site. Otherwise, ask in the FS2004 Forum. Someone there is bound to know.



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