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Check if connection to FSUIPC is alive

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I´m using this script to check if the connection to FSUIPC is alive, but I may be it´s not the best one, please if someone can make it better, I will appreciate very much, because I getting timeout very offten with this script, and onestly I think that is this particulary offset or many this login. any way here is the code:

// fsuipc_error_msg()  is a function that I create to display the error msg.//
//I choose that offset randomly so may be that could be a problem too.//

    If FSUIPC_Read(&H264, 2, VarPtr(f), dwResult) Then

        If FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) Then

            fsuipc_error_msg(Str(dwResult) & "_1")
        End If
        fsuipc_error_msg(Str(dwResult) & "_2")
    End If

I hope that some one can help.



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I'm using this function in my FSCONV program. I call it every other minute, works fine!

The rationale is that if you're not able to get the Time from FSUIPC, it is no longer running.

BOOL stillAlive()


char chTime[3];

return (! ((!FSUIPC_Read(0x238, 3, chTime, &DwResult) || !



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