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Hi to all:

I want to know if was good for project magenta and wideFS be a swicht with 1GB/lan and off couse in all computers clients with network cards too!

We take advantage with this speed or not???



I want to know if was good for project magenta and wideFS be a swicht with 1GB/lan and off couse in all computers clients with network cards too!

We take advantage with this speed or not???

Well, it won't hurt and it is certainly worthwhile if it isn't costing a lot of money. Traffic over the network will only increase as things get more sophisticated, it will never lessen. But the load placed by WideFS alone is far from nearing the capacity of 100 mbps connections at present. Project Magenta and some other programs will add their own loads, with file type communications. Don't forget to use a switch rather than a hub if you can.

Another alternative which works well is Firewire, but you need two firewire sockets on each PC (well, apart from the end two), because you daisy chain them rather than star-shaped hub/switch them. A firewire network runs at 400 mbps, so it isn't as fast as gigabit.

I'd like to hear from anyone actually using gigabit. All my new computers seem to have gigabit Ethernet on the motherboard, but until they are all so equipped I wasn't thinking of changing. It isn't needed (yet ).




Got GigaBit here on my board... Hardly makes a dfference.

Being the network fundy that I am (What I'm actually good at :D), WideFS / FSUIPC doesn't even use 20kb/s (and I run FSRealTime, ASV, AISmooth, and a couple of other things via WideFS at the same time).

A modem will be fast enough for FSUIPC / WideFS on the current source. Yes, it obviously depends on the amounts of read/writes... But yeah.

I can honestly say I doubt that anything in the 'transport' layer will be a problem any time soon...




Being the network fundy that I am (What I'm actually good at :D), WideFS / FSUIPC doesn't even use 20kb/s (and I run FSRealTime, ASV, AISmooth, and a couple of other things via WideFS at the same time).

Even that sounds rather high for just those types of applications. I have nine PCs on my cockpit network running around 20-24 FSUIPC/WideFS applications, with the main ones being all the real-time instrument and control with Project Magenta. There you are talking at least 10 times your rate as an overall session average, with peaks a lot busier.

That's the problem with capacilty really. It's a bit like what happens in water pipes, or on motorways/freeways. The overall capcilty needs to be a lot more than the average usage, otherwise you get queueing and bottlenecks. even those wouldn't matter for most applications, but they do when your main flight instrumentation and autopilot control is routed through a jam! ;-)

BTW if you are using FSUIPC 3.52 (as you should be), trying reducing the AISmooth delay from the average default 50 mSecs to zero. If was only non-zero originially because of FSUIPC's limited queueing mechanism for AI control -- in 3.52 it's direct so there are no queues to overfill.



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