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Squak Box and Buttons

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I'm having a bit of a prob trying to program sometjhing and need a little help.

The way to change the radios is, press the tab key, the cursor focuses on the squalk box text box, then type .com1 123.0, then hit enter. The focus then returns to the FS

What I would like to do is, program a key that would press the tab and place .com1 into the text box. Then all I woul dhave to do is enter the freq, and hit enter

This might require two buttons, but I was wondering if it could be done with one button press



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The way to change the radios is, press the tab key, the cursor focuses on the squalk box text box, then type .com1 123.0, then hit enter. The focus then returns to the FS

How odd. Can't Squawkbox use the COM1 radio in FS? Or am I missing something here? It's a little depressing if you cannot use the radios already implemented -- I have a hardware radio stack, and many folks have GoFlight radios and the like. Can't they use these with Squawkbox?

What I would like to do is, program a key that would press the tab and place .com1 into the text box. Then all I woul dhave to do is enter the freq, and hit enter

This might require two buttons, but I was wondering if it could be done with one button press

You can have as many entries in the FSUIPC.INI for the one button as you like (well, up to the max limit for all entries). You can't do it in the FSUIPC options on-line. Please refer to the Advanced user's guide for FSUIPC. The button entries are processed in the numerical order of their entrties, i.e. 1=... is done before 2=... etc. All entries referring to a single button press will be performed every time the button it pressed.



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Pete, sorry if I wasn't very definitive, it was late when I wrote that.

Squak box works fine with 2004 and my CJ-1. I can manually change the radios, or use their DOT cammands.

However, the CJ-s radio stack is a bit small for us "Older" gentlemen. And, their knobs are a little close together for using the mouse to change frequency, causing some close space clicking to change the digits up or down to get the frequency.

Plus, I'm also a bit lazy, and don't have a seperate external radio stack.

What I want to accomplish is.

I want a yoke button push that will press the tab key, ((That will focus attention to SB'a Text window)) Then, paste ((.com1)) into the text box.

Then all I have to do is enter the frequency.

The way I see this working is, I push the yoke button, go to the keypad and enter the freq. , hit enter, and the radio should change.Simple and to the point This could be done without having to monitor what I'm doing, or pressing something else, which I've done. 'IF i miss that Tab button push, all sorts of things happen when you type . c.o.m.1 :)

I'm not familiar with your fsuipc, so I was asking for a pointer, and if it could be done in the button's section.

Merry Christmas from the Sunny Cayman Islands


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... I'm not familiar with your fsuipc, so I was asking for a pointer, and if it could be done in the button's section.

By editing the INI file, yes, probably. I say "probably" rather than "definitely" because I'm not sure if it will send TAB on its own -- it is used in FSUIPC as an extra shift key. But it should be okay -- by entering the TAB code in the INI, with "normal" shifts (i.e. value 8). All the codes, including TAB are listed in the advanced guide, so it shouldn't be difficult. You just need a series of lines in the [buttons] like


2= ditto

where the , identifies the button (eg. 0,1 for button 1 on the first joystick) and the "n" after the K is the Keycode -- one for TAB then one each in subsequent lines for the other keys you need.

If there has to be a delay between TAB and the rest, you may want to program the TAB on the Press (P), and the rest on the release (U).



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More info

Maybe this will help my request,

Squak Box will allow me to choose a key to toggle from fs focus to the SB focus. Their defalut is "Tab KEy" I changed it to be the (-) key on the num pad for convenience, The uipc would not let me use the tab key as a button press.

if you then type (.com1 123.0) into the text box, the com radio will change to that freq

Thus, I have one of the yoke buttons programmed in the uipc to do just that, and it works. I press the button, and the focus goes from FS to the SB window.

What SB now wants, is a text string .com1 or ,com2, ect

I normally type in the full command .com1 123,0, or any frequency and hit enter.

I guess what I'm asking is, how to sent the text along with the facus change with one button push.

Like I said eariler, the FS radis work fine, the SB command works fine. I'm just a bit lazy and was trying to automate the process.

I see where I can send commands in the upic, but no where I could send that text command along with the button push, or any text command.


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The uipc would not let me use the tab key as a button press.

As I said, I think it will work, but only editing the INI. In the on-line options the TAB will be taken as a shift, to multiply the number of key combos available.

I guess what I'm asking is, how to sent the text along with the facus change with one button push.

Have you not seen ANY of my replies in this thread? I started off saying how it could be done, and I elaborated on it. Have you looked at the document I mentioned at all?

I see where I can send commands in the upic, but no where I could send that text command along with the button push, or any text command.

There is NO FACILITY TO SEND TEXT STRINGS as such. You have to program it as a sequence of keypresses, as I keep saying. Please please please at least read my replies here. I feel I am completely wasting my time contributing to this thread! :-(



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Pete, sorry to annoy you. I am not a programmer. I have read and read and read your reply, but you are talking way over my head. I did read the tech manual as well, but it also is ver technical. I do not understand what"INF" file you are referring to, nor it's location.

I have whipped the "tab Key issue" I changed the SB selection to use the (number pad - "Minus" key) I think I understand where you are going with the code you are referring to.





I just have no idea where or how to do this. I'm not as well versed as you with the software, and vaguely familiar with the uipc at all. I also understand that you can not send text directly from the user side, and it will require some editing in your inf file.

I have 30 years in Television. Please remember and it would be like me sending you a note telling you to "Put a double A-53D box into the ADO 1000, with an alpha key under, and set the transition rate to a 15 frame wipe with a salvo pause. Use .50 for the clip and .83 for the clip, However, you can edit the GVG 200 emem file to change the rate or any of the other parameters!

Please send an example of what you are trying to convey, and please be a little more patient, and descriptive with us newbies that decided to pay for your software.

Good customer service will always yield better product sales



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I think I understand where you are going with the code you are referring to.

No code, just a list of keypresses.





No. "com" isn't a character. You need a c then an o then an m. Think of it as pressing keys on the keyboard. There isn't one called "com"!

This is NOT programming, it is simply a list of things you want the button to do! i.e. To press keys for you!

In each line you have to also tell it whether you want it on the Press "P" or release (U for Up), and you have to tell it the joystick and button number -- else how can it know?

None of this is anywhere near as hard as flying an aircraft and most certainly not nearly as hard as getting things right with Squawkbox and on-line ATC. If you are that clever you are most certainly easily clever enough to read a little bit and apply yourself.

Please send an example of what you are trying to convey

I already did. PLEASE read my messages. You have to do a little bit of work too!! I don't know your joystick number or button number. And the keycodes for all the keys on the keyboard are very clearly listed. There are also examples in the document.

This is not programming and many many folks before you, much less technically able than you, have managed it from the documentation I have written. I really don't see the point of writing documentation if I have to repeat it all here -- if I could have done it better I would have, and it has served folks well for several years!

If you have at least tried and have examples you can't make work, I can spot the errors for you, but I am NOT going to do it all for you.

and please be a little more patient, and descriptive with us newbies that decided to pay for your software. Good customer service will always yield better product sales

I have been very patient but you do not seem to even be bothered to read things and try things. You are obviously not an idiot, so why pretend to be? I support my programs as well or better than anyone, but I am not in a position to do everything for everybody. Please try to do a little bit for yourself!



BTW I will be off-line now till sometime next week.

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