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Buttons to change axis assignments?

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I am flying the lovely Aeroworx King Air, and I am using a CH flight yoke. The King Air is a twin engine aircraft and I use the three throttle levers for the usual throttle, pitch and fuel condition levelrs. The left and right engines are usually controlled simultaneously by the one lever, of course. In principle one can swap from controlling both engines to just engine 1 by using keyboard command "E 1"; to control only engine 2 we would use "E 2" and return to both using "E 1 2". (I know you know this...)

The problem is that this aircraft will damage the engines during a start if you introduce fuel too early, and it appears not possible to use the E+1 and E+2 switching without causing serious problems to the engines during start.

I can get arouns this y using the mouse to move the condition levers separately.

But an *elegant* solution would be

1 Program a button to make the middle lever become condition

lever for engine 1 and the rigt lever the cond lever for engine 2

2 NOw there are two fully independent axes and I can use them

to start the engines realistically

3 Once started, program another button to return the middle

lever 2 to be the pitch (for engines 1 & 2) and the right

lever to be the cond lever (for engines 1 & 2)

So....to all you FSUIPC experts.....is this possible?????

Many thanks!

John L

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I do not think it is possible the way you are asking. As far as I know FSUIPC does not assign any axis, it only lets you fine tune the calibrating of those already assigned.

I do not have a throttle but it seems if you hit E1 then you should be able to use the pitch lever to control engine 1 while you start. Once engine 1 is started hit E2 then use the lever for engine 2 start. Then hit E12 to control both engines, the only problem being now as soon as you move the lever both engines will sync to that setting. Next time I am at my Dad's I can experiment on his GoFlight throttle.


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thanks..I tried that...to no avail :-(

I hit E1 and start engine 1. Move the condition lever to 20% or so. All is

fine and dandy at this stage....

Then I hit E2. Now....does FS take the value of the fuel lever on engine 2 to be zero (as it was before hitting E2) or the current value on the lever, which is now governing engine2)? I don't know...but I know that whatever it does, it introduces fuel into the engine, and that does damage...

I even tried not switching from E1 to E2 until the starter had the appropriate value of N1 on the second engine...so that however FS worked, I should not be adding fuel to engine 2 until I hit E2. But that did not work either.

Hence my thoughts about *temporarily* using two separate levers...

The manufacturers at Aeroworx receommend NOT using the yoke at startup, and using the mouse to control the levers. Indeed, that works :-)

But its nice to use the levers....


Thanks for your suggestion....but it doesn't work :-/


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