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How can I detect if PM MCP is "Alive" ?

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Does anyone know how to detect if the Project Managenta MCP is "Alive" by using FSUIPC (Offset and size) ?

For all things Project Magenta you are best off visiting the PM website http://www.projectmagenta.com. In the documentation section you will find a complete list of PM offsets. I think PM uses the Build Number offsets to detect parts that are running -- 5402 for MCP, I think?



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Doc. only show only 2 value's on the same address and offset, but I'll give it a try.

Sorry, what do you mean by "only two values"? I don't know what you are reading which shows the number of "values", whatever that means?

The LENGTH I think is 2 bytes -- i.e. it is a 16-bit value, the build number of the MCP.EXE file, when it is running.


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Sorry, what do you mean by "only two values"? I don't know what you are reading which shows the number of "values", whatever that means?

The LENGTH I think is 2 bytes -- i.e. it is a 16-bit value, the build number of the MCP.EXE file, when it is running.

I red it wrong this morning I guess, I thought I saw MCP and CDU build number both at 5402 with the same offset.

Anyway, thanks again.

Vriendelijke groet (regards),


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